The Luscova Pact

"Shut the fuck up with this pointless back and forth one-liner bullshit, for the love of god. If you don't have something to contribute then please don't say it! I apologize for my language but this is absolutely useless. I would ask that the documents be presented, so we can look at them closer." Frigo stated
"How do we know these documents aren't doctored in any way?" Sharma chimed in. "We don't. Whether or not they are complete forgeries, doctored versions of existing documents, or legitimate ones, we have nothing but your word and for obvious reasons that is simply not enough, so let's not waste our time any further."
Albane looks to Sharma "That is a flimsy argument. You can say that about any evidence anyone ever produces these days. it is not a valid reason to disregard it. or do you have no faith in your Judiciary systems to be fair much less the Pacts? if you have so little faith that we can distinguish fraudulent documents from real ones, why are you even here? Surely a Syrixian representative has much better things to do. I agree with Frigo, lets get some experts in here, I want to see these documents. This isn't a kangaroo court, we base our accusations with real evidence, not faulty or the lack thereof." Albane sighed softly as he leaned back into his chair.
Signaling to his aide Menshev called his aide to his side again. Calling her closer he whispered something in her ear. Nodding she collected her things and a piece of paper given to her by Menshev and Making a quick exit from the chamber.
Sif Kjær rolled her eyes, and addressed Menshev.
"You have the gall to demand to know what you have done to make the Kingdom of Prydania distrust you? Where do I begin? First, your regime calls for our immediate destruction and the return of tyranny we fought for fifteen years to remove from our borders."
Her voice raised as she glared at him.

"You then run to an alliance of nations whose very existence is at odds with your murderous ideology and plead for acceptance because you started a fight you couldn't win. One would think crawling to a collection of monarchies and liberal democracies would perhaps temper your arrogance, but it didn't. You expect us to be your shield, your bulwark against the Imperium, and I am here to say that we. Will. Not. Be. You have disrespected the four million Prydanian dead at the hands of your ideological allies in our country, and by extension their living kin. You have insulted our country, our people, our government, and yet you expect our aid? Our promise of security? No."

"The people of Prydania were tortured, dispossessed, oppressed, and killed by a Syndicalist government for fifteen years. For a decade and a half my country bled and fought for liberty you would strip from us if you had the chance. If this body demands the Imperium's expulsion, so be it. But I will say that the attitudes of my government and my people are in lockstep with those of Herra Frigo and Predice. If Rayvostoka remains in this alliance then this alliance will be, in some way, supporting their war efforts. And that is intolerable to the Prydanian people. If the Imperium is removed and Rayvostoka is not then Prydania will withdraw from this Pact. We won't allow ourselves to be pawns of the same sorts of people who murdered and oppressed our country, nor will be lectured by anyone on the matter."
Commissioner Ascana finally sets down her stack of missives and communiques from the Foreign Directorate back home. A long exasperated sigh escapes her before finally retorting.

"They are in a death spiral. The sins continue to compound until there is simply no more room and it all falls apart. As far as the coalition is concerned for either to stay they both sit down and talk like adults with the members of this body as mediators, they will then come to an agreement with binding resolutions that the members of this body can enforce or they should both be sent out to sea adrift on a raft where they can strangle each other to death in solitude."
"We've already done that though. They already broke binding treatise, what would adding more possibly achieve?" Albane raised his voice. shakily rising to a stand leaning heavily on his cane.

"I advocated for the admission of both states despite my own personal misgivings because it is what my Empress wanted, and it is what I owed her. Her Grace thought these issues could be worked out but clearly, they cannot. Saudivici and Rayvostoka have not only embarrassed me, but they have embarrassed my Empress and they have made a mockery of this chamber with this bullshit! If they want to kill each other, they can do it outside not in here. if their countries want to return each other to the dark ages they will do it with no association to the Pact and they will do it with no support from the Commonwealth. we will fully embargo both countries."
"The People's Republic agrees with the assertion of Commissioner Ascana, this matter should be mediated and settled peacefully as is the purpose of this pact. And to you Ambassador Kjær, we are not the Syndicalists of your homeland, and although we may be different in terms of ideology we are a people of faith just as you are and we value the lives of all people as is why we were appalled by the treatment of people of faith during the Syndicalist Regime. But I must emphasize we are not your enemy nor have we ever been your enemy." Menshev took a long drink of his soda. "Mr. Secretary, it was not our intention to make a mocker of you or your head of state but we still must insist you support us in coming to a reasonable and peaceful resolution to this situation." Menshev moved his microphone closer to his mouth. "I am sure that if the Imperium could see reason they would cease their aggressive speech and sit down to discuss calmly the state of our relationship which mind you has been tedious since the inception of my nation when the Island of Kylylo was first colonized by the Arcanstotskans." Menshev leaned back into his chair exhausted.
Looking around the room Mason noted the oppressive atmosphere and felt the need to say his piece "What a mess... It does seem like the room is about to boil over i'd say. Perhaps it was optimistic to assume Rayvostoka would completely change itself in such a short amount of time without any flareups, especially when so many member nations are fundamentally opposed to or have been harmed by Communism. On the other hand, the Imperium's aggressive stance doesn't seem to sit too well with a couple of the people here either. It might be for the best if the membership of Rayvostoka and the Imperium are reconsidered. It does at least seem evident, in my eyes, that Rayvostoka's membership is in a much worse position out of the two nations."
"If I may," Sharma briefly cut in, "I'd like to echo First Secretary Albane's statements - these two nations have spoken in terms such as civilization, order, peace, moderation - and yet they have both acted completely and utterly to the contrary. Not only is their expulsion in order but I would both stand in solidarity with the First Secretary and further his original proposal in stating that a Pactwide embargo on both states may be in order; or targeted sanctions on key political and military leadership figured at the very least. For our part, we will enact a full embargo alongside our Norsian allies."
"Ladies and Gentlemen as you can see here are documents of Rayvostskan origin, they are documenting Imperial citizens under captivity in Rayvostoska and their brainwashing. We have begun an increase in arms as of recently in response to this threat, our neighbor has been kidnapping our civilians."

Mr.Flavian shows documents with the Rayvostoskan seal and signature from the General secretaries office.

"Next here are images from their Gulags, as you can see there is a distinct drop in their size, however there is an increase in the next image. These are towns that are classified as "re-education" facilities by their government as looking to the first piece of evidence. Images on the ground from our spies also show that these cases are consistent with on the ground realities. The people of the Imperium are being taken by Rayvostoska, we can not allow this to continue. If anyone would like to contest the legitimacy then please ask an expert."

The representative from the Imperium flipped through his documents.

"I would also ask the representative from Syrixia to stop taking until the full story is out."
"You just stated it and my position remains unchanged until we can verify the authenticity of these allegations." Sharma responded. "Though it goes without saying that Rayvostoka should be expelled, if the majority of the members of this Pact are not comfortable with expelling the Imperium at this time as some of their colleagues are, then we should suspend them until the Secretariat and any experts it hires concludes the investigation. We've done the same with Aydin; there is precedent to such an action; though, the Empire remains steadfast in its full support for Suavidici expulsion."
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Sif grunted under her breath.

"Herra Menshev, the Syndicalists did more than kill people of faith. They killed, dispossessed, and imprisoned a number of people. Such as the farmers of my country, whose livelihoods were ripped away from them by collectivized farming. Those collectivized farms were prison camps in all but name, such as the ones that exist in your country. Do not lie to me and tell me you are not the same as the people who terrorized my country, because from all appearances you are. Yes, you feel bad for the people of faith whom the Syndicalist regime murdered, but you peddle in the same class warfare ideology that wrecked havoc on my country, its future, and its people. The people of Prydania will not allow us to be used as pawns, defending you. Your regime reflects the horrors inflicted upon our people, and we cannot and will not support you in any conflict. If your goal is to force this pact to come to your aid, and this pact agrees, then I must again say we will leave. Enough Prydanians have died at the hands of a left wing dictatorship. We won't send more to Auroria to die for the same tyranny."
"Perhaps if the Old Monarchy hadn't seized those islands from the Imperium all those many years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess today..." Utyuzhin mumbled beneath his breath, away from the microphone. He chuckled a little. "The beauty of hindsight is a thing to behold..."

Now he leaned in closer so that he might actually be heard, looking to Menshev. "Rayvostoka," he began. "Vowed to unleash the whirlwinds of communist revolution across Eras in the name of class warfare. Your government, Mr. Menshev, promised to instigate the fires of revolution to burn away the supposed capitalist-monarchist-traditionalist global tyranny. And when the Imperium Suavidici, quite understandably, felt threatened by this message, your government came crying and pleading to the Luscova Pact for protection. It's important to remember, now as ever, not to bite off more than you can chew. That's what Rayvostoka did; you did not come to the Luscova Pact for peace, nor intergovernmental friendship and cooperation. You and your government came here to escape the consequences of your actions and rhetoric. Then you even proceed to insult the Kingdom of Prydania by downplaying the tyranny against which Prydanians struggled for almost twenty years."

"As per the Frigo Compromise reached a year ago, Rayvostoka had four years to set up and prepare for free and fair democratic elections. One year down, three to go, and from what I can tell there have been no preparations made. Your government still blacklists and imprisons all those who speak out against the ruling communist government. Freedom of speech, expression, the press... these are all vital requirements for a planned, peaceful transition towards free democracy. Trust me and my government when I say this, Mr. Menshev: you cannot flip to democracy in a matter of days. It takes a lot of time. Time your government looks to be wasting. Rayvostoka is stalling."

"As for the matter of the Imperium Suavidici," Utyuzhin continued. "While the Second Arcanstotskan Republic wholly and completely condemns the fact that these military exercises appear to be aimed at training Imperial troops for an invasion of Rayvostoka, I do not believe that the Imperium is completely unjustified in its hostility towards Rayvostoka if the Suavidici ambassador's claims are to be believed. Let us bring in experts to look at the documents and evidence produced. If such evidence is proven to be fabricated, Arcanstotska will stand with the rest of the pact in expelling the Imperium Suavidici from the Luscova Pact and enacting punitive embargoes. If such evidence is proven to be true, and if Rayvostoka has indeed been found guilty of all that the Imperium has accused it of, then Arcanstotska will abstain from an expulsion vote for the Imperium and continue to trade. But Arcanstotska's stance in favor of expelling and enacting embargoes against Rayvostoka is guaranteed."
Running back into the hall, Menshev's aide quickly made her way to his side handing him a thick yellow packet, stamped with the seal of the MCPR*.

“Thank you, Anya.” Menshev said nodding his head to his aide and watched as she returned to her seat. Turning to his microphone Menshev spoke. “This packet contains the documents pertaining to the facility in question, which have been given to my aide directly from the MCPR*” He showed off the stamped seal on the front. “The documents inside this packet are all the official party affiliated documents from the former facility in Kylyo and the new town of Kylyo.” Menshev pulled out the documents and sorted through them pulling out one document in particular. The General Secretary’s direct order for the closure and restructuring of the facility into a new town as per the new policy of forgiveness to the Blue insurgents and their allies.” Menshev shuffled through more papers and pulled another document. “This separate document details a list of facilities marked as special schooling, these facilities are currently being labeled as re-education are in fact specialized education facilities that assist students in training for a career in the communist party. The program is partially run by the Orthodox Church of Rayvostoka and is completely voluntary. Any accusations otherwise are simply false.” Menshev placed a few of the documents back into the packet.

MCPR- Messianist Communist Party of Rayvostoka
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"You're telling us that you're building trade schools, but why would trade schools need to be secluded like these are? Why aren't they adjacent or within a population center where they could do more good for the communities they are tied to? Why not keep the school there and build the town around it? And doesn't what you're saying kind of just add credibility to the suspicions against you? I do believe you just indirectly admitted to the 're-education' of former insurgents. And everything is 'voluntary' under the pain of torture and death. when you have a gun to your head it is better to comply. Mr. Menshev, I was part of the syndicalist revolution in the eighties, I've paid my dues, I've seen my fair share of shit, it smells like a fucking zoo in here."
Ascana slams her papers down and barks out.

"Enough both of you. You both have a never ending quest to be right and it will lead to destruction of both of you. And while that would be the most enjoyable thing for the rest of us to watch it us not in the spirit of this body of nations. As such i have a final offer from my state. Ilia is one of the largest democratic states with a freely elected social democratic government as such we are willing to float this offer. Rayvostoka contracts the Coalition to help organize and oversee elections on the condiction that both sides agree to let Ilia act as an intermediary between the two sides. We are a free democratic nation that the imperium can see as fair and as a government that Rayvostoka can see as non-hostile."
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"That would be acceptable, the democratic process is highly valued within Rayvostoka and we would be happy to put that on display to the members of this chamber." Menshev took a sip of his soda.
Sif shook her head.
"We've seen what governments of your sort offer, Herra Menshev. You cannot lie to us about these so-called 'trade schools.' Nor can you sit here and claim you are not our enemy when, just a few months ago, you advocated for the return of tyranny to my country. Your forced labour and political re-education camps, which what these are, are a blight on this pact and its values."

Sheol paused a moment and then continued.

"Further, Prydania considers the Imperium a vital trade partner in Auroria. And we will not end such a mutually beneficial relationship over this matter."
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"Your claims of so-called re-education camps are not supported by the facts of the matter which are that these schools just simply trade schools that I must emphasize are completely voluntary. Not to mention the fact that mandatory labor has been almost completely phased out except in a few designated prisons. The People's republic understands Prydanian interests in Auroria and I would hope would like to see a climate of peaceful cooperation as a nation that has seen the horrors of war you would want to do your best to stop that from happening to others." Menshev leaned forward. "I understand your nation's trauma is intense but do not let the past actions of evil men to blind you or make you cynical of the good deeds and intentions of others."
"I like Miss Ascana's proposal quite a bit, Ilia could do a lot of good overseeing the process in Rayvostoka. On the other hand if the Pact would rather just suspend or eject Rayvostoka, Mondari wouldn't be too hard against that either at this point. For the issue of the Imperium, my nation is in the same boat as Prydania. They are an incredibly important ally in Auroria, both economically and militarily. Mondari wouldn't support their full expulsion, nor would we support sanctions on them, as the Syrixian representative proposed earlier. If the Pact votes to sanction the Imperium, Mondari would not participate in the sanctions."
"My claims are based on the experiences I've seen with my own two eyes in my own country, from men like you. And do not tell me of my people's trauma when you would see it forced upon us again. After you had already dismissed it."

Sif leaned back as she continued.

"Your claims of peace and good deeds amount to hollow words, considering you were threatening the world with revolution before crawling to this Pact. You were admitted on the condition that you turn from that path, but you have refused. And now your continued blood feud with your neighbour threatens this alliance with War. So do not lecture me on your supposed desire for peace."
"Our blood feud extends from their consistent attempts to not only strangle us but eliminate us from existence." Menshev paused to cough, taking another sip he pressed closer to his mic. "We would love to peacefully coexist with our neighbor despite our differences, we even went so far as to renounce the revolution but still they seem to want to settle scores. Our nation does not want war, nor do we feel that war would be a beneficial thing to either of us. So I must implore you to assist us in at least maintaining peace while we sort things out on our end."
Looking to Ascana, Frigo had a grin on his face. “Do not make me laugh. You still want to trust a communist dictatorship to reform, with your help or without? Absolutely hilarious. We all know very well why this offer is coming." Frigo lit a cigar and popped it between his lips. "Your foreign director is... sympathetic to the Rayvostokan Government, as a communist himself. You get your orders from a Communist-led Department. Rayvostoka can never and will never, at least in Predice, and I know Prydania as well, be trusted to reform. It is that simple." Turning his head towards Menshev slightly, he continued: "Turning to Rayvostoka, their representative to this esteemed alliance has also not exactly helped in matters, so callously and ignorantly dismissing the millions of lives lost not only in Predice but also in Prydania as 'not their form of communism,' and when information about his government's crimes comes out, he dismisses everything and ignores it. It is time to put a stop to this, by ejecting a country which was never supposed to be here."
Shooting Frigo a glare from across the room. "And if you know so much about the "Communist Director" you should at least know that the Communist League of Ilia that he has lead for nearly three decades now has been a faithful and peaceful members of Ilian Politics for over a century. I have a great deal of respect for that man and I am not even a member of his party. If you wish to besmirch his name you must also put into context that one of the most patriotic believer in the Ilian Way, having grabbed a rifle to defend our way of life at the age of 14 when the fascist landed on our shores. I dare you to find a time where the Communist League of Ilia has EVER endorsed violence as a means of change or has vocalized support for authoritarianism in any form. Either way the offer still stands not from the Director of my ministry but by the Premier of the Senate himself."
"I motion to begin a vote on the issue. to expel Rayvostoka and Saudivici from this pact, or to send representatives to oversee democratization in Rayvostoka and ensure progress is actually made.' If no progress is made in five months, Her Majesties government will levy full diplomatic and economic sanctions, and cease recognition of Rayvostoka as a sovereign state."
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Sharma promptly added. "I second the motion. The Empire will make the same commitment."
"The People's Republic supports this effort," Menshev called over Anya, and from a black, moderately large purse produced another dark red can of Menshev's soda. Taking it in hand, Menshev nosily opened the can and took a long and deep sip.
"The Imperium would also agree to the terms set out by the representative from representative Ascana."

"However, we would like to speak to this body and say that we can not trust Palmyra. We are convinced they can and will not change. They hide behind lies and deceit, their brainwashing has created a class of people who are beyond loyal. If you need an expert for our documents then call one in. But I do not think that these people can reform. If we can add one demand, we would like all Suadivici to be retuned home. Or their bodies returned so that their families can do their burial rights, or see loved ones again."

"Thank you."

Mr. Flavian sat down and refused to look in the direction of Menshev.
"The People's Republic does not know of what the Suadivici ambassador is speaking about, as we have stated we do not have any Suadivici that are not natives born in the People's Republic. And the People's Republic will not just hand over people of the Republic." Menshev leaned back into his chair.
Anko Bakker sipped his coffee as he waited for the noise in the council chambers to die down, it had been mostly shouting and loud voices for the last few hours, he wondered briefly if anyone had thrown punches yet. He felt a sharp pain in his left leg and then had to remind himself that he didn't have one anymore, that the nerves stopped at the stump. He had lost his left leg some 30 years ago during a Gottian shelling, a parting gift from a dying regime that he had helped to kill. He still used the same cumbersome, ill-fitting prosthetic that the Goyanean doctors had issued him with all those years ago, it was uncomfortable but that was alright, he didn't want to become comfortable with the past.

The crappy prosthetic helped remind him of the suffering the Frisian people had gone through, of the long struggle that had preceded liberation, it was a memento from those dark days that ensured the memory of those who had sacrificed and suffered never faded. Pain be damned, he would bear it in solidarity with the long-dead and the still suffering. That wasn't why he was in Craviter however, indeed he was here purely on business, the Luscova Pact needed a neutral expert to give an unbiased assessment of sensitive documents, and Anko was quietly the best there was.

He was able to spot forgeries often with little more than a cursory scan of the pages, Years of forging documents for Shaddaists and other victims of the Himdach regime had sharpened his skills to a razor edge, a forger knew his own better than any other. A further twenty years in serious fraud back in Frisia had cemented his legend further, Anko Bakker was the man to call when you wanted to catch a lie on paper. The pact was paying him well for his services too, he didn't need the money of course but he loved the challenge, and it helped pay for the endless Christmas lists his grandchildren sent each year.

The documents in question were seemingly inconsequential, lists with countless names printed on them, they were in a Szlavic script common in Rayvostoka and Craviter, one that Anko was vaguely familiar with. He wasn't fluent but he didn't need to be, the paper told a story human words could not, he checked the page for all the tell-tale signs of applied pressure, letter proportions, doctoring, and even the classic amateur pen lift and shakey writing. The comparison with the resources he already had was conclusive, it was the real deal. Curiously he noticed that the words "Re-education" and "Closure" kept appearing, he didn't really care why of course, he was just here to verify it was authentic and all signs pointed to a yes.

He scratched his snow-white painter's mustache and pondered his next move, a benefit of being an independent contractor was that he had no stake either way in the results of his inquiry, go in, talk for a few minutes, get paid, and go home. It was easy money and it looked good on a resume, plus it was a far more stimulating hobby than walking his wife's poodles back in Ameland, he hated poodles to his core. He gathered up the papers and carefully replaced them back into the manilla folder. A man in a black suit appeared nervously and raised a hand to get his attention.

"Heer Bakker?" the man asked shyly, he couldn't have been more than 23

"Are they ready for me son?" he said gently

"Yes, the council will hear your report now" The man replied more confidently

He nodded and gulped down the last of his coffee, he checked his pocket watch, if he got in and gave his report now he could be back at the hotel in time for dinner. He rose from the chair, folder tucked under his arm, and was led toward the great doors to the pacts council chamber. They opened and he strode in, it was a brightly lit quad with countless banners arranged around a central podium. The council was made up of figures from almost every corner of Eras, some looked at him nonchalantly, others glared and the occasional person smiled with curious amusement.

"Well let's hear what the expert has to say regarding these documents," a large man in a bearskin cloak said casually, he had his boots up on the desk and an expression that suggested he'd had quite enough of this session.

Anko reached the Podium and laid out his documents on the projector slide, he cleared his throat as he leaned into the microphone and then, trying to sound as official as he could, began his report.

"Representatives of the Luscova pact, upon close examination of these documents, taking into account relevant forging techniques and comparing these copies against the official standards of documentation present in Rayvostoka I must conclude that these are genuine and authentic documents that were produced by Rayvostokan officials" He explained calmly

The council soon filled with discussion, he suspected his news was going to cause more than a few arguments, he didn't care, a few more minutes and he could go back to his hotel and tuck into steak and brandy.
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"Good, so we know that these documents are valid from the Departments of Rayvostoka's government. however, there is more evidence I and I believe this chamber would like verified. The evidence that Mr. Flavian has brought into this chamber. I want you, to the best of your ability, to discern whether or not they are fabrications. If they are authentic then that is quite damning against Rayvostoka. Sharma was very dismissive of them and didn't even care to verify if they are real or not. I am Norsian, I am more thorough, even when it does not suit my narratives."
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Anko reached for his spectacles as the attendant passed him the next set of documents, they were well worn and had clearly been reviewed multiple times judging by the creases on the paper. He scanned up and down the documents, taking note of the pressure on the paper, the size of the typeface, details on the seal, and perhaps most importantly the level of detail on the signatures. It all checked out, yet again the documents were genuine. Anko had doctored likely millions of official documents during the bad old days, he could forge passports and state documentation in his sleep, there was no such sign of that here.

He pondered briefly how long his mistress had been waiting, dinner was looking increasingly distant given the number of documents they had requested he verify, he sincerely hoped the other envoys wouldn't drag this out too long. He sighed and set his glasses down, noting that all eyes were resting upon him, the chamber seemed to be holding its collective breath. He took one last look at the seals, genuine right down to the little verification digits, he noted that the words "Re-education" and "Closure" again seemed to crop up with unusual frequency. These aurorian's were into some ugly stuff, no matter mind, verify the documents and get back to the hotel, the epicurean pleasures of life were worth the tedium of politics.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, upon inspection I must confirm once again that the documents presented by representative Flavian are indeed genuine, they show no sign of doctoring, alteration, or unusual elements," He said calmly as rubbed his spectacles with a cloth and placed them back into his coat

He wondered briefly if his wife was still awake, he would have much to tell her of this strange work, the two might have been locked into a dispassionate marriage for the sake of appearance and family, but they had found intellectual satisfaction in one another's company, damned poodles and all, he wondered what she would make of this chaotic assembly of kings and emperors. He took a sip of water and then folded his hands, waiting patiently for the assembly to comment on his findings, he hoped his lady friend would wait just a little longer.
The Democratic Kingdom of Lesta requests membership of The Luscova Pact, though our nation is a much more stable nation is over all doing very well, we still wish more development as the scars of the great civil war still run deep even after 58 years ago.
"Thank you, Mr. Anko, your services are appreciated. Please don't let us take away any more of your time." Albane looked through the chamber and its silence for a moment. "Very well, if no one has anything to say, the vote shall begin and let the results be what they may. I'm sure we're all getting eager for sleep, and we have more matters ahead of us tomorrow. namely, the passing of the First secretary torch, and the matter of the Kingdom of Lesta's membership."


1. Shall the Luscova Pact adopt the Ascana Compromise? [Aye | Nay | Abstain]

If the Ascana Compromise is not adopted, shall the Luscova Pact...
2. Expel Suadivici from the Luscova Pact? [Aye | Nay | Abstain]
3. Expel Rayvostoka from the Luscova Pact? [Aye | Nay | Abstain]

Nation Name: Norsia

1. Shall the Luscova Pact adopt the Ascana Compromise? [Aye]

If the Ascana Compromise is not adopted, shall the Luscova Pact...
2. Expel Suadivici from the Luscova Pact? [Nay]
3. Expel Rayvostoka from the Luscova Pact? [Aye]
Nation Name: Mintoria

1. Shall the Luscova Pact adopt the Ascana Compromise? [Nay]

If the Ascana Compromise is not adopted, shall the Luscova Pact...
2. Expel Suadivici from the Luscova Pact? [Nay]
3. Expel Rayvostoka from the Luscova Pact? [Aye]
Nation Name: Rayvostoka

1. Shall the Luscova Pact adopt the Ascana Compromise? [Aye]

If the Ascana Compromise is not adopted, shall the Luscova Pact...
2. Expel Suadivici from the Luscova Pact? [Aye]
3. Expel Rayvostoka from the Luscova Pact? |Nay|
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“Enough compromises. We had one before and it did not work. Predice votes as follows:”

Nation Name: Most Serene State of Predice

1. Shall the Luscova Pact adopt the Ascana Compromise? [Nay]

If the Ascana Compromise is not adopted, shall the Luscova Pact...
2. Expel Suadivici from the Luscova Pact? [Aye]
3. Expel Rayvostoka from the Luscova Pact? [Aye]