Greeting, fellow North Pacificans. As the January General Election has begun and candidacy declarations opened, a bright new light has shined. As we may know, incumbent Speaker Wonderess has been not the my favorite. He was voted to succeed someone who was also pretty unfavorable. Wonderess has not been doing much mentoring for the Speaker's Staff to become future Speakers, instead, it is such an organization under the Speaker that sits there and do pretty much nothing. Under our former Speaker ABC, mentoring was also rare but we had a job to do since the beginning of the term. Wonderess on the other hand did not give our duties to do until just recently. One of his promises as Speaker would be:
The Digest was then cancelled by Wonderess once elected.Publish RA Digests monthly so that a significant amount of activity may be reported and so that the number of telegrams taking up the time of citizens may be minimized.
There has been many more things Wonderess has been criticized for but I am not here to criticize him. You are visiting this thread for a campaign thread.
Deputy Minister of Communications
- I learned how to be able to communicate with my fellow staffers. I worked with them as one team. I heard what they said had to be fixed and let my superiors and colleagues in the Ministry Leadership know. This shows that I am willing to hear my fellow North Pacificans demands.
- I learned more of the Regional Law while Deputy Attorney General and while I was trying to apply for the position. This shows I know the Regional Assembly Rules and that I know how this August works, I read the Constitution Article about the Regional Assembly, and other documents surrounding the Regional Assembly.
- I learned how to represent an entity aboard. Being the Speaker would be in my eyes, the ambassador from the Regional Assembly to the whole region. I would need to serve as it's Leader and represent it in the correct and honest way.
- I learned that being a Citizen is more than being able to vote. Being a Citizen in The North Pacific is one of the greatest honors you get in the Feeders, if not all of Nationstates. You would be eligible to become a Government Official, debate and vote in the Regional Assembly, and so much more! When you take that oath, it's not something you do just for citizenship, it is rather something showing you are eligible for so much in this region and that you would make sure not to break it's laws.
- I learned most things about the Regional Assembly. due to the Speaker's Staff, I was motivated to be more active in the Regional Assembly. I have voted in 24 votes.
Article 2. The Regional Assembly:1. Resident means any person with a nation in the region of The North Pacific.
2. The Regional Assembly will consist of all citizens.
3. Requirements for citizenship will be determined by law.
4. The Regional Assembly may enact, amend or repeal laws by a majority vote.
5. The Regional Assembly may remove a government official from office by a two-thirds majority vote.
6. The number of votes required to achieve quorum for any vote of the Regional Assembly except elections will be determined by law.
7. The Regional Assembly will elect a Speaker every four months by a majority vote.
8. The Speaker will administer the rules of the Regional Assembly. Where no rules exist, the Speaker may use their discretion.
9. Abstentions cast in the Regional Assembly will not be used to determine the result of any vote, but may be used for quorum and all other purposes.
10. The Speaker may appoint deputies to assist them in the execution of any of their powers and duties. Appointment of deputies may be regulated by law and the rules of the Regional Assembly.
- Section 1. States that Residents means any person with a nation in the region of The North Pacific. What it means that the player behide the residing nation in the Region shall be a Resident. The Speaker is to keep a log filled with Citizens and Residents.
- Section 2. States that the Regional Assembly will consist of all citizens. Not all Residents are Citizens. They must apply for Citizen with Residency within the region, not pose a Security threat, and must not be proxying. 2 of these are handled by two different people.
- Section 3. States that requirements for citizenship will be determined by law. This concurs with my above message. The Speaker may only reject a Citizenship application if the Administrator or Vice Delegate denies them the passing of their checks, or if they applicant's nation that is applying citizenship does not reside within the Region.
- Section 4. States that the Regional Assembly may enact, amend or repeal laws by a majority vote. All Citizens are Regional Assembly members as we know all know thus making Citizens be allow to cast a vote within a vote to enact, amend or repeal laws. A Majority vote is the most amount of votes casted for something. If the Ayes get a majority, the proposal passes and if Constitutional, must be signed by the Delegate. If the Nays get a majority, the proposal fails. In most cases it will require a large majority such as recalls of Government Officials with a 2/3 Majority.
- Section 5. States that the Regional Assembly may remove a government official from office by a two-thirds majority vote. This concurs with my messaging above. Government officials are Delegates, Vice Delegates, Security Councillors, Executive Officers (Ministers, Chief of Staffs, etc), Speakers, Deputy Speakers, Attorney Generals, Deputy Attorney Generals, Court Justices, and so on. We have not have one recently with the exception of the Recall of Vice Delegate Deropia.
- Section 6. States that the number of votes required to achieve quorum for any vote of the Regional Assembly except elections will be determined by law. Some cases where we would need to require to achieve quorum is in Government Recall votes.
- Section 7. States that the Regional Assembly will elect a Speaker every four months by a majority vote. When we say Regional Assembly, we could also refer it to as Citizens. Every 4 months (January, May, September) the Citizens of the region shall voice their vote on who they wish to be Speaker.
- Section 8. States that the Speaker will administer the rules of the Regional Assembly. Where no rules exist, the Speaker may use their discretion. The rules are the Regional Assembly Rules and Standing Procedures.
- Section 9. States that abstentions cast in the Regional Assembly will not be used to determine the result of any vote, but may be used for quorum and all other purposes. Abstentions votes are usually used in votes where you may don't know or you're neutral. If they reach the majority, nothing will happen however it may change the quorum of the vote.
- Section 10. States that the Speaker may appoint deputies to assist them in the execution of any of their powers and duties. Appointment of deputies may be regulated by law and the rules of the Regional Assembly. This Section officially makes Deputy Speakers Government Officials.
- I will open up applications for the Speaker Staffs and expand it. I and my Deputies shall help mentor the Staffers. I will make sure my Staffers get the training they need to become great Future Speakers.
- I will make the Speaker's Office/Speaker's Staff server officially public. The Speaker's Staff stall continue to discuss matters in a hidden part of the Server.
- I will have an event called "Speaker Question Time" where every Friday, I shall be asked questions by Citizens and Residents on whatever subject. Whenever it relates to the Regional Assembly or not. I will answer all of them and try to give the best answers. This will show i'm up for the job and show my Leadership. Deputy Speakers are Optional however they may also be scheduled around a certain time.
- Update the Standing Procedures to fix any wordings, add some more information, and add/remove Sections.
- I will use my activity to good use and be able to not delay Acceptations/Denials of Citizenship Applications and Schedules.
- Revive the Regional Assembly Digest and have one once every 3 weeks. You may contact the Speaker about subscribing to the Digest or Unsubscribing to the Digest. I plan to just send the Digest out to all Residents at first and see what they want to do. I will also add some useful links to get non Citizens to become Citizens.
- Give the Speaker Staff's duties/jobs to do. They will help contribute to this new RA Digest and continuation of Wonderess's project along with other information. They will also be mentored and to keep transparency in the Office, I will make sure we can have a public listing of the Staffers.
- Work with the Communications Ministry to help with the Regional Assembly Highlights, offer some Speaker Staffers to help write and edit for it.
- Let inactive Citizens know of their Citizenship overlapping soon and help encourage them to be more active in the Regional Assembly.
- Continue The Regional Assembly Voice to Excellence Program in a different form where it could be Voice Chat or Text.
So on January 6, 2019 to January 12, 2019, remember to vote Dino for Speaker. Feel free to leave questions here. It helps promote Transparency and show we're ready for what's next. Feel free to also show them support here. I do not mind non support. I want feedback on how to be a good Speaker and get your vote. You have your own Freedom of Speech, and I respect that.
Dispatch link.
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