
Granted, but the plane is prone to fuel problems leading to explosion

I wish that my wishes could be granted without any negatives and that they are so logical that the universe continues normally and absolutely nothing distasteful happens
Granted, but they get so confused that the universe blows up and you die while everyone else lives somehow

I wish for a plane not prone to fuel problems
Granted, nothing bad happens but if you do make it big then you will have to give me 10% of your yearly profits.

I wish to learn how to fly a plane.
Granted, it contains a lethal dose of cyanide.

I wish I knew what 9,646,921 x 4333.9 was without using a calculator.
Granted, nothing bad happens because that would be awesome.

I wish for the same thing aka I wish I knew what 9,646,921 x 4333.9 was without using a calculator.
Granted, you get that ability, but the sudden stream of knowledge blasting through your brain makes you incapable of thinking independently and you think way too much.

I wish I could see what the future holds.
Granted, you turn into a cat and get run over by a car 9 times and die

I wish for a trillion wishes
Granted, it is poisoned with the dark forces of your enemies. They fill your soul and that of your friends and family like a parasite, sucking you of all life and pleasure, until you're left but a shadow of a man, imprisoned in his own insanity.

I wish for a sunny weekend!
You get one but it is searing hot and causes a drought, so you start wishing it would rain!

I wish I was the first man on Mars...
Granted, but the icing is infused with plutonium.

I wish I could eat chocolate.
Granted. The weekend lasts forever and you spend the rest of eternity procrastinating.

I wish for chocolate elbows.
Granted. you go for a swim during your holiday and melt away due to the extra chemicals added in the pool.

I wish for free internet
Granted, the plane crashes into the ocean on the way there and you die

I wish for a lot of money
Granted but it's counterfeit and you get arrested.

I wish you didn't know Batman or Superman's secret identities.
Granted I accidentally kidnap Bruce Wayne and the Joker takes over the world.

I wish for aliens to invade and take away most people
Granted, it happens and nothing bad happens because I want to see him log onto the forums.

I wish Zazumo will get ejected from the region
Granted, but s/he rejoins it on meritorious actions in the NPA.

I wish summer were here.