OOC: The Rise of the National Sonacist Party

The pentante is the good guys Not the Nazos that are the most powerful currently. Guslantis, Myself, Nebula, Wolfsea, and IA.

Also, Project GUNGNIR has been revealed. :evil:
Count me in.
The pentante is the good guys Not the Nazos that are the most powerful currently. Guslantis, Myself, Nebula, Wolfsea, and IA.

Also, Project GUNGNIR has been revealed. :evil:
Count me in. The Empire has a weapon that can put the world offline at its behest.
The pentante is the good guys Not the Nazos that are the most powerful currently. Guslantis, Myself, Nebula, Wolfsea, and IA.

Also, Project GUNGNIR has been revealed. :evil:
Count me in. The Empire has a weapon that can put the world offline at its behest.
More than a few problems with that post, Kannex. 1) These Yeraenn warships sit at the edge of their practical range, or 110 miles off-shore. I'd like to know both how, why, and when those U-boats got there conveniently right before the firing of Project GUNGNIR. 2) Unless Rhuvish u-boats are essentially invisible to sonar/whatever detection methods a technologically advanced navy uses, there's no way they weren't spotted and ripped to shreds. 3) You and Syrixia seem to have problems with people other than Kannex and Syrixia solving this in an appropriate manner, or at least just me. Do you?
No, I'm totally cool with it. Why would you say I wasn't?
More than a few problems with that post, Kannex. 1) These Yeraenn warships sit at the edge of their practical range, or 110 miles off-shore. I'd like to know both how, why, and when those U-boats got there conveniently right before the firing of Project GUNGNIR. 2) Unless Rhuvish u-boats are essentially invisible to sonar/whatever detection methods a technologically advanced navy uses, there's no way they weren't spotted and ripped to shreds. 3) You and Syrixia seem to have problems with people other than Kannex and Syrixia solving this in an appropriate manner, or at least just me. Do you?
Nothing in your post indicates that they're 110 miles off-shore. At any rate, submarines are designed to avoid detection, whereas surface warships are not. The u-boots are not conveniently there; they are patrolling their waters.

As for number 3, it's just you. I have no intentions of Kannex coming in to "save the day." It's just I have no intention of making this easy for you or any of the "good guys." We'd have a crappy story otherwise.
Rhuvanland still holds its waters; I don't see how Wolvesh special forces can simply sneak in and cause havoc without reaction. The Wolvesh do not have naval supremacy in the area yet. That post is invalid.
Yes, but you incorrectly assumed something without asking the person yourself. You even got the number of warships wrong.
Yes, but you incorrectly assumed something without asking the person yourself. You even got the number of warships wrong.
I didn't get the number of warships wrong. The Rhuvish u-boots simply found seven instead of eight.
Also, Syrixia can't post for the day.
He can. He's just on post moderation. So his posts go through, they just need a moderator to approve them.
except we have been putting forces in Trinster
Attacking the northern border is viable; however, it would not be realistic to have the Wolvesh attack the coast without any resistance. To have the Wolvesh cross over the bulk of Rhuvish territory to attack Rhuvish ports makes no sense; they'd be detected and shot down. On the other hand, it would be significantly more difficult for the Wolvesh to attack from sea when the Argents do not hold naval supremacy yet. Wolvesh cannot yet do that. You're missing a few posts in between that point and right now.

EDIT: The Germans never really achieved naval supremacy in that region. Normandy was made simpler for the Allies because of that.
Hence the limpet mines and canoes. Which, again, actually happened.
What is problematic is not the commando raid, but the subsequent occupation of the town. A few operatives can sneak in; but for a warship and an expeditionary force to directly attack a town is out of the question. Wolfsea doesn't have naval supremacy in that region and the Rhuvish will easily beat back any landing attempt.
Hence the limpet mines and canoes. Which, again, actually happened.
What is problematic is not the commando raid, but the subsequent occupation of the town. A few operatives can sneak in; but for a warship and an expeditionary force to directly attack a town is out of the question. Wolfsea doesn't have naval supremacy in that region and the Rhuvish will easily beat back any landing attempt.
Scratch that; I realized you meant Trinster. Carry on.
I have an idea for how Trinster could put a substantial contrebution to the war effort, and have put some logic into it, however the idea might be pusshing the MT boundry a bit, so i would like some feedback before i do post it.
The idea is that the current air force is just a fake, to lure the Rhuvish into a false sense of security, and is actually a generation out of date, and that the newest force is a drone group run by EVA.
Would this be suitable for MT (I try to make Trinster quite advanced for MT usually, but i may be going to far)
I have an idea for how Trinster could put a substantial contrebution to the war effort, and have put some logic into it, however the idea might be pusshing the MT boundry a bit, so i would like some feedback before i do post it.
The idea is that the current air force is just a fake, to lure the Rhuvish into a false sense of security, and is actually a generation out of date, and that the newest force is a drone group run by EVA.
Would this be suitable for MT (I try to make Trinster quite advanced for MT usually, but i may be going to far)
Go for it.

Btw Kannex, write and edit whatever you want, so long as the commando raid happens and we decimate the Rhuvish air force, make their victory a pyrrhic one. I'm too tired atm thanks to family crap that's left me pretty pissed off. Also the Wolvesh do not cower.
I have an idea for how Trinster could put a substantial contrebution to the war effort, and have put some logic into it, however the idea might be pusshing the MT boundry a bit, so i would like some feedback before i do post it.
The idea is that the current air force is just a fake, to lure the Rhuvish into a false sense of security, and is actually a generation out of date, and that the newest force is a drone group run by EVA.
Would this be suitable for MT (I try to make Trinster quite advanced for MT usually, but i may be going to far)
Go for it.

Btw Kannex, write and edit whatever you want, so long as the commando raid happens and we decimate the Rhuvish air force, make their victory a pyrrhic one. I'm too tired atm thanks to family crap that's left me pretty pissed off. Also the Wolvesh do not cower.
Wait until you see the Syrixian Imperial Army. There's a reason we had so many colonies back in the old days. :P
In fact the NPTO will need to get back on its feet to help with the negotiations between Alliance and Imperium.

Anyway I'll be back as soon as, still having to sort out my sister and her bum of a boyfriend.
In fact the NPTO will need to get back on its feet to help with the negotiations between Alliance and Imperium.
I was thinking Shei Ren could host the negotiations. They don't give a flying crap about everything. Perfect neutral ground.
In fact the NPTO will need to get back on its feet to help with the negotiations between Alliance and Imperium.
I was thinking Shei Ren could host the negotiations. They don't give a flying crap about everything. Perfect neutral ground.
tbf they are also one of the least known nations in the world too.

I'd suggest SDKY as they are a neutral nation.
In fact the NPTO will need to get back on its feet to help with the negotiations between Alliance and Imperium.
I was thinking Shei Ren could host the negotiations. They don't give a flying crap about everything. Perfect neutral ground.
tbf they are also one of the least known nations in the world too.

I'd suggest SDKY as they are a neutral nation.
Imperium is hostile towards SDKY.
The Grim Reaper:
In fact the NPTO will need to get back on its feet to help with the negotiations between Alliance and Imperium.
I was thinking Shei Ren could host the negotiations. They don't give a flying crap about everything. Perfect neutral ground.
tbf they are also one of the least known nations in the world too.

I'd suggest SDKY as they are a neutral nation.
Imperium is hostile towards SDKY.
Imperium will have to put on their big girl panties and come to the table then :P

Of course, McMasterdonia is willing to host. We suggest the lands between Intelligentsia and Cape El as a suitable meeting point.
The smouldering ruins of the Syrixian capital might also be a good meeting place.

I mean what? Nothing. >_>
St George:
The smouldering ruins of the Syrixian capital might also be a good meeting place.
If you think a crazy radical tribe-thingy can defeat the Empire, you are sorely mistaken. Regardless of how good an RPer you are, (you are a very good RPer) you just signed a death warrant.

In the interest of mercy I'll wait for now. I wanna see what the Naizerris can do, if anything.
This is MT (right now to 5/10 years in the future). Extensive tests have already been conducted regarding Railguns, and trials at sea begin 2016, and my country is IMO the militaristic foil to SDKY in terms oftechnology. Railguns have problems that I did address that explain why I don't just spam them. :P

EDIT: "Haha Railguns whiffed" lolwut. These things which were aimed directly at previously on 8 separate ships each with state of the art tech. You're really opposed to me winning ANYTHING.
There's no saying what's 5-10 years into the future. Extensive tests have been done on railguns but that's no guarantee they will be deployable any time soon. There's concern about the material, which needs to be able to withstand much heat. There is no guarantee at all of the accuracy of projectiles or projectile guidance. I believe railguns should be considered in the similar vein as kinetic bombardment.
I find it really ironic that the Syrixian prime minister demonizes Rhuvanland as an 'empire' when his own country actually is an empire...