OOC: The Rise of the National Sonacist Party

I'm going to continue to sit in my corner of the region and watch as you all go at each others throats and tear apart any lasting peace there was yet again...
And I'm going to sit here, not get Syrixia into this Rhuvanland business again, and have a tea with you while I watch other humans kill themselves, then turn my head away from the death to watch the latest episode of Cosmos.
Esplandia, you gonna find a way to save Amelia or... do I need to kick up this tune ad make plans? Also you coming along for the party?
Yes we've got this worked out. As of yet though everyone should act as if this situation is not public knowledge yet.
Wolf, have you actually declared war on Rhuvanland yet or are you just mobilizing?
Still mobilising, we won't declare war for a bit yet.

Syrixia, no pulling out a plot convenience from your backside.
I don't get what's so hard to understand
Yeraennus is simply acting to protect the PEOPLE, you know, the people who are getting screwed in this debacle. We have stated multiple times our willingness to fight the nazos and bring them down, but we're in Rhuvanland simply because the people were threatened with genocide or forced assimilation.

Also, Imperium started it with "All Rhuvish assets and citizens within Imperium and within August institutions are to be frozen, and arrested, respectively, for the crime of treason against the Pax Latina.

Failure to respond to our request within 24 hours will result in the seizure of Rhuvish assets, and the trial and imprisonment or extradition of Rhuvish citizens to members of the Pax Latina and other Imperium-aligned sovereign states." Which Rhuvanland responded in kind to. I'm not arguing in favor of these guys, but the Imperium are arguably n9 better in their actions during the crisis.
the trial and imprisonment or extradition of Rhuvish citizens

I should clarify that while the statement did not make the differentiation (an OOC mistake on my part, for which I apologise), one can assume moving forward that, ICly, it is now public knowledge that Rhuvish citizens are being given the choice to either be extradited to a consenting nation in the Pax Latina or Novrith Pact, where they may arrange their own transportation and residences, or to stay in Imperium and be tried through the criminal justice system. If no nations consent, when given full access to any pertinent criminal or other records, then the option is not available.

Effectively, the same conditions that I ICly outlined for citizens of Yeraennus in my latest post.
Might be my sleep deprivation speaking, but I think it's pretty interesting how Imperium is pursuing a 'celestial kingdom' sort of foreign policy, viewing itself as the first among equals or even as tributary overlords of the world. It would be interesting to see more internal workings of that policy because I'm very enthusiastic for Roman culture.
Might be my sleep deprivation speaking, but I think it's pretty interesting how Imperium is pursuing a 'celestial kingdom' sort of foreign policy, viewing itself as the first among equals or even as tributary overlords of the world. It would be interesting to see more internal workings of that policy because I'm very enthusiastic for Roman culture.
I am generally quite critical of most modern and traditional formulations of the theory of sovereignty, which is crucial to Imperium's foreign policy and religious practices. Sovereignty in Imperium is very much a (deliberate) parody of often overly extreme interpretations of sovereignty.

To refer to the Celestial Empire is probably an accurate description of how Imperium views its place in a world of sovereigns (although I am by no means a historian, and certainly not of Chinese history). Imperium is, effectively, my attempts at creating something that pretty much reflects the world I fear the most, and making it as bearable as possible. It has a secret police, but they only really have the power to target the government (which is mostly unelected anyway). National service is mandatory, but you can, as a conscript, serve in everything from the medical service to the foreign service to high school and university tutoring. Caesar is considered a manifestation of God, but as a mirror image - there is no Hell, because we are already in it, with a Devil to boot. And that religion is compulsory - even though one of the two publically-funded temples in the country is used as a private function hall for government officials, and the other is strictly multi-faith.

I grew up in Singapore, and quite a lot of my RL political beliefs were formed in opposition to Lee Kwan Yew's (then-PM of Singapore). In turn, LKY's views were informed by a very conservative view of fairly typically Confucian ideals. Confucianism, of course, was influenced by (and has influenced) the formation of Chinese political philosophy, including the Celestial Kingdom you referred to. There are a couple of direct implants from Singapore into Imperium - particularly in our Senate, which uses an appointed seats system under the guise of 'representing minorities'. And for that matter, a lot of the background surrounding the position of Caesar is avowedly cribbed from the Mandate of Heaven, albeit indirectly via its permeation into Confucianism and modern Asian politics. For instance, I mentioned in passing on IRC to Plembobria (and I think Bootsie was there) of how it is possible for Caesar to lose our equivalent the Mandate of Heaven - Caesar's death at the hands of a revolution, or a war, is a sign that he was unworthy to be Emperor. Hence, it is legal and legitimate for a civil war to depose Caesar, as long as his successor is a valid heir to the throne (i.e. a direct descendant or close family member). This last part doesn't exist in the Mandate of Heaven - it is an addition that is informed by the Germanic HRE, controlled by Austria's von Habsburgs for most of its existence (again, I'm not a particularly savvy historian - more a political science buff).

This is actually a major point regarding why Imperium is so firmly aligned towards Floresque, Nierr, Alainn (NPC), and New Intelligensia - they gained their own Divine Mandate through battle, and forever revoked Imperium's over their territory. As a result, Imperium's claim over them is not through their Divine Mandate - the religious significance of the position of Caesar - but through the religious significance of the person of Caesar, as a virtual demi-God (Pharaonic and Catholic influences here, and similarities to the Celestial Empire again). Caesar is honour-bound, as the divine arbiter of War, to ensure that those nations can exercise their divine mandate in Peace - the two concepts are interlinked and flow from each other, with the division having come into place at the dawn of human civilization, but are diametrically opposed.

And as someone who grew up in Singapore, the idea of an Emperor who believed in the divine mandate to rule over this community of sovereigns we now believe in was something that was all too real to me, imagined or not. LKY did not use the term 'divine', and nor do many of the squabbling nations that take his place on the international stage. But the invented idea of customary law - of norms that are somehow set in stone, when they did not exist just years ago - and of the self-regulation of the community of sovereigns, is something that causes me grief. And that means I love to write about Imperium taking those things on, and making them seem alien.
Something that gives me great botherations about this whole debacle is the fact that I have no say in the DU, seeing as I'm not Democratic. The problem is, I have a plan regarding the government in my nation, and suddenly switching to democracy would ruin that plan.
oooooooooooooooooooooh when the DU reprimands Sebt he is going to, in person and covered in burns, wounds and blood (little of which is his own), give them a good tongue lashing speech. XD get your popcorn kids, it's gonna be fun.
oooooooooooooooooooooh when the DU reprimands Sebt he is going to, in person and covered in burns, wounds and blood (little of which is his own), give them a good tongue lashing speech. XD get your popcorn kids, it's gonna be fun.
Com at me ill rek u skoob 1v1 fite bich u wna go rip kim jong wolfsea 2015-2016
oooooooooooooooooooooh when the DU reprimands Sebt he is going to, in person and covered in burns, wounds and blood (little of which is his own), give them a good tongue lashing speech. XD get your popcorn kids, it's gonna be fun.
Com at me ill rek u skoob 1v1 fite bich u wna go rip kim jong wolfsea 2015-2016

(is probably the look sebt would have on his face lol)

but nah, it'll just be a reason-you-suck speech followed by a mic drop.
I will tell you only this- the Rhuvish are fed up. You leave them alone and they will elect the Nazos again and again. If they can't be elected, the Rhuvish will revolt. Public support for Ulrich in the nation is absurdly high. The anger of an oppressed people has long grown and been fed.

First came the assassination of the Rhuvish monarch and his family in 1933 and its replacement by an oligarchic government headed by 10 councilors and their Speaker. Then came the 2008 economic crisis that Amitabh Bhargava tried to use to play the eastern imperialist game and "revive the Imperial glory".

Rhuvanland was divided between those who submitted to Bhargava's hegemony and those who refused. Then it was forcefully reunited, with a democracy shoved at them. As if the Rhuvish were ready for that! Of course, Bhargava wound up being assassinated, and his lust for military strength ended.

However the damage was already done and now the anger of an opressed people has resulted in the rise of Ulrich. Now that they've been ruined by imperialism, war, and the meddling of the East, they look to a cunning leader, one who says he'll bring their nation back from destruction, and perhaps beat the East at its own imperialist game.

The Empire will have this happen no longer. The East continues to get richer and vies for power while the world is ravaged by war and evil, and they care only for themselves. The Empire sympathizes with the West and with the Imperium Augustum.

Moral notions of national sovereignty end when those who have it abuse it and elect blatantly evil people to run their nation. Would you have the Nazos stay in power all for national sovereignty, or is Kalti going to be practical?

*Mic drop*

[me] swagwalks outta da haus
Strange how the DU members are forgetting Wolfsea's contributions to stop Vega and liberate Guslantis when Plembobria was overseeing that particular operation... and their attempts to get Helmebaine and Faibuaizu to work together to try to bring a swift resolution to the Cronaali crisis and their subsequent siding against Nebula when Cronaal was divided up after the great war, supporting the democratic south. Or how our attempts to negotiate a non-aggression pact with the DU and it's members was utterly ignored (was one of my first topics BTW). Would be handy if these things were, I don't know, brought up at some point during my railroading.


Or is there actually going to be a payoff here where Wolfsea exposes the DU as utterly corrupt with a selective memory/hidden agenda?
Or is there actually going to be a payoff here where Wolfsea exposes the DU as utterly corrupt with a selective memory/hidden agenda?
No, because Plemby is most likely going to debunk the whole thing in a Tyrion Lannister-style one liner.
Or is there actually going to be a payoff here where Wolfsea exposes the DU as utterly corrupt with a selective memory/hidden agenda?
No, because Plemby is most likely going to debunk the whole thing in a Paul Keating-style one liner.
Fixed that for ya
So who wants to support the K'ter Family Mafia some International Restricted Market Business ventures that are totally legitimate and not a cover for Yeraenn Mafia operations?
Or is there actually going to be a payoff here where Wolfsea exposes the DU as utterly corrupt with a selective memory/hidden agenda?
No, because Plemby is most likely going to debunk the whole thing in a Paul Keating-style one liner.
Fixed that for ya
Actually, Tyrion and Paul have quite a lot in common. Both of them reside on a nation taking up most if not all of a continent and both of them are heavily involved in the politics of that nation.


Paul Keating oneliners: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-11-12/the-collected-insults-of-paul-keating/5071412
Tyrion Lannister oneliners: http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2014/04/tyrion-lannister-best-game-of-thrones-quotes/
To be honest Sebt would actually appreciate that sort of wit, to him the DU are pretty much just going to war via proxy (the Imperium) rather than being upfront about the whole thing. To him they're essentially wanting to get rid of the Nazos without getting their own hands dirty and spouting Hypocrisy out the porthole while doing so. Basically they've set things up so they can claim a victory without actually earning it, just like all politicians do, as I said, I'm lining up some choice words (and actions if necessary, which would see Sera become Khan) but rest assured the DU reps will remember it for a very long time.
My declaration of war does not mean military action has begun against Rhuvanland- we continue to await Wolvesh action.
Nebs so long as your fleet is in position we are almost ready to go.

Yeraennus, if you can cause as much disruption to their defences as possible that would be a major help, just remember the Imperial Ravens are there so if you see a bunch of dudes in SpecOps outfits and plague-doctor style masks don't shoot them.
We stand ready. Our fleet is in position, our missile silos are on alert, and our bombers in Shei Ren and Port Florrantia are prepared to scramble at a moment's notice.
From now on all of my posts will have a link to a YouTube video with the appropriate music for the events of the post
Yeraennus just screwed itself over.

So bad.

There are 44000 Yeraenn military troops in Rhuvanland currently, and another 76 divisions waiting over in Yeraennus itself. This isn't including K'ter Family operatives. I should be fine.
Yeraennus just screwed itself over.

So bad.

There are 44000 Yeraenn military troops in Rhuvanland currently, and another 76 divisions waiting over in Yeraennus itself. This isn't including K'ter Family operatives. I should be fine.
44,000?! How many soldiers does your military have in total?!
Yeraennus just screwed itself over.

So bad.

There are 44000 Yeraenn military troops in Rhuvanland currently, and another 76 divisions waiting over in Yeraennus itself. This isn't including K'ter Family operatives. I should be fine.
44,000?! How many soldiers does your military have in total?!
Two percent active body of 44 million people (rough population of Yeraennus) is 880000 people. Two percent active body isn't even that much compared to RL, to be honest.