OOC: The Rise of the National Sonacist Party

I'm never in favor of genocide, nor terror-bombing of cities, but the people are implicit in the crimes committed here.
I'm never in favor of genocide, nor terror-bombing of cities, but the people are implicit in the crimes committed here.
That's pretty much the reaction of your government to everything though....
The people who elected the government into office?
The generally innocent German people elected Hitler into office, does that mean we should've committed genocide on them?
Well look at it this way, we've already offered to help the Opposition government hold off the Imperium if necessary after we get rid of the NAZOs

Right... put an opposition in power who lost in a landslide to the nazo's.. That'll go down well.
We are about to see how far I'm willing to go to block Rhuvish aid.
Who is sending them aid exactly? DU is sanctioning them into oblivion and Novrith is most likely going to back Imperium. I'd have thought Nebula would get on board with this plan, instead of some hippy democratic crusade that is destined to fail.

St George:
Also technically, the people didn't elect the Sonacists, they elected the Liberal Equality Party with almost 60% of the vote...
Didn't you know that in Rhuvanland, the party that gets hardly any votes wins the majority and forms Government. It is like America.
Apparently bringing in some police/humanitarian aid to prevent the Imperium from gunning down innocents is Rhuvish aid.

By the way Syrix, how we gonna get the crime war started here?
St George:
Also technically, the people didn't elect the Sonacists, they elected the Liberal Equality Party with almost 60% of the vote...
Yes, they did elect the Sonacists. That was how the story was supposed to go. I don't really know why I opened a poll. XD
The Sonacists fixing the elections is a much better story than your populace being dumb enough to vote in national socialists.
Well look at it this way, we've already offered to help the Opposition government hold off the Imperium if necessary after we get rid of the NAZOs

Right... put an opposition in power who lost in a landslide to the nazo's.. That'll go down well.
We are about to see how far I'm willing to go to block Rhuvish aid.
Who is sending them aid exactly? DU is sanctioning them into oblivion and Novrith is most likely going to back Imperium. I'd have thought Nebula would get on board with this plan, instead of some hippy democratic crusade that is destined to fail.

St George:
Also technically, the people didn't elect the Sonacists, they elected the Liberal Equality Party with almost 60% of the vote...
Didn't you know that in Rhuvanland, the party that gets hardly any votes wins the majority and forms Government. It is like America.
You missed off the bit about legit elections after three months, besides you really think the Sonacists would be allowed to reform under alliance watch?
Supporting Imperium is a pretty dumb precedent; right now your country might have the power to single-handedly defend its sovereign independence, but later you'll be wishing you had at least paid lip service to the whole charade of national sovereignty when you're looking for allies to help defend your political existence...
They weren't elected though. You held an election and Liberty party or whatever it was called one.

And what you linked isn't what you're doing in Rhuvanland, in the slightest. What the Rhuvanland regime is pretty much dead on National Socialist. The Rhuvish regime isn't any of the things that National Sonacism defines itself as.
I still find it somewhat Intriguing that of the two military-focused powers involved the Democratic Union is supporting the one thats pretty much said "This is ours now." Rather than the one that will coordinate with both a post-war interim and the subsequent legitimately elected government. (ideally with elections taking place after three months.)

St George:
They weren't elected though. You held an election and Liberty party or whatever it was called one.
Yes they were. It's not my fault everyone who took the poll voted for another party. The story was supposed to have the NSP win by election.
I still find it somewhat Intriguing that of the two military-focused powers involved the Democratic Union is supporting the one thats pretty much said "This is ours now." Rather than the one that will coordinate with both a post-war interim and the subsequent legitimately elected government. (ideally with elections taking place after three months.)

Probably has something to do with the fact that the DU is an entirely discredited entity that can't get shit done...

ICly at least.
St George:
I still find it somewhat Intriguing that of the two military-focused powers involved the Democratic Union is supporting the one thats pretty much said "This is ours now." Rather than the one that will coordinate with both a post-war interim and the subsequent legitimately elected government. (ideally with elections taking place after three months.)

Probably has something to do with the fact that the DU is an entirely discredited entity that can't get shit done...

ICly at least.
Yet they still agree that Genocide against the Rhuvish is a good course of action!

I mean... genocide by the National Socialists or genocide by Caesar.... at least Caesar has a swag cape.
St George:
I still find it somewhat Intriguing that of the two military-focused powers involved the Democratic Union is supporting the one thats pretty much said "This is ours now." Rather than the one that will coordinate with both a post-war interim and the subsequent legitimately elected government. (ideally with elections taking place after three months.)

Probably has something to do with the fact that the DU is an entirely discredited entity that can't get shit done...

ICly at least.
Would still prefer DU over the NPTO.
Or having the Nazo's get tossed out on their arses, subjected to Instant Execution a Fair Trial and no one is genocided! That's my favorite kind of win!
St George:
I still find it somewhat Intriguing that of the two military-focused powers involved the Democratic Union is supporting the one thats pretty much said "This is ours now." Rather than the one that will coordinate with both a post-war interim and the subsequent legitimately elected government. (ideally with elections taking place after three months.)

Probably has something to do with the fact that the DU is an entirely discredited entity that can't get shit done...

ICly at least.
Would still prefer DU over the NPTO.
Sure, but like saying you'd prefer a Chinese burn over a nipple cripple.
Or having the Nazo's get tossed out on their arses, subjected to Instant Execution a Fair Trial and no one is genocided! That's my favorite kind of win!
The Rhuvish have frequently shown that they are incapable of governing themselves. Caesar's benevolent hand would a firm guide to a better state.
St George:
Or having the Nazo's get tossed out on their arses, subjected to Instant Execution a Fair Trial and no one is genocided! That's my favorite kind of win!
The Rhuvish have frequently shown that they are incapable of governing themselves. Caesar's benevolent hand would a firm guide to a better state.
Maybe, but for the safety of all independent nations it cannot be allowed...
ICly Nierr has little to no interest in the safety of other nations. It would see the Rhuvish as a pest and Caesar as an appropriate pesticide.
St George:
Or having the Nazo's get tossed out on their arses, subjected to Instant Execution a Fair Trial and no one is genocided! That's my favorite kind of win!
The Rhuvish have frequently shown that they are incapable of governing themselves. Caesar's benevolent hand would a firm guide to a better state.
Yes, but they are using imperialistic tactics on a previously autonomous country they have no (AFAIK) ties to, culturally or historically to create a GDP machine, and have made statements that pretty explicitly threaten Genocide of the Rhuvish people, no matter how innocent they are, and are supported simply because they're not the Nazis in this situation.

My suggestion? Get a joint government presided over by delegates from their closest related countries (say 5 for convience), such as Kannex, Syrixia, Esplandia and/or Tajis, and possibly an NPTO or DU representative that is chosen in an oligarchical format, without the input of the people. No innocents are killed, Rhuvanland has a (hopefully) strong and (hopefully) stable government, and imperialism isn't promoted! Bada-bing-bada-boom.
From the Imperium? Unlikely as it is a member of the Pax Latium and many Nierrans have served in the Imperium's foreign legion.

In general? Nierr fears for the safety of the planet with all the instability states such as Rhuvanland cause.
Well we could always divide Rhuvan again into the yummy Alliance-protected half (Us) and the Imperial Province. Also technically the alliance is just Wolfsea, Guslantis and hopefully Trinster, not the NPTO.
St George:
Or having the Nazo's get tossed out on their arses, subjected to Instant Execution a Fair Trial and no one is genocided! That's my favorite kind of win!
The Rhuvish have frequently shown that they are incapable of governing themselves. Caesar's benevolent hand would a firm guide to a better state.
Yes, but they are using imperialistic tactics on a previously autonomous country they have no (AFAIK) ties to, culturally or historically to create a GDP machine, and have made statements that pretty explicitly threaten Genocide of the Rhuvish people, no matter how innocent they are, and are supported simply because they're not the Nazis in this situation.

My suggestion? Get a joint government presided over by delegates from their closest related countries (say 5 for convience), such as Kannex, Syrixia, Esplandia and/or Tajis, and possibly an NPTO or DU representative that is chosen in an oligarchical format, without the input of the people. No innocents are killed, Rhuvanland has a (hopefully) strong and (hopefully) stable government, and imperialism isn't promoted! Bada-bing-bada-boom.
You would swap imperialism for incompetence. The Syrixians have already been shown to be ineffectual and a force for instability. Kannex is a state that has suffered from the current government so it is possible it would seek to deal out acts of revenge, Tajis is an international irrelevancy (who even are they?) and both the NPTO and DU would be unacceptable due to being about as useful as the League of Nations.
Well we could always divide Rhuvan again into the yummy Alliance-protected half (Us) and the Imperial Province. Also technically the alliance is just Wolfsea, Guslantis and hopefully Trinster, not the NPTO.
Pulling a post-WW2 Germany does not seem like the best move here. Yeraennus is in support of protecting the people's civil freedoms and right to life, not necessarily their political freedoms, and would not enjoy dividing the nation in half to settle squabbling over who gets who and forcing families and friends apart.
St George:
St George:
Or having the Nazo's get tossed out on their arses, subjected to Instant Execution a Fair Trial and no one is genocided! That's my favorite kind of win!
The Rhuvish have frequently shown that they are incapable of governing themselves. Caesar's benevolent hand would a firm guide to a better state.
Yes, but they are using imperialistic tactics on a previously autonomous country they have no (AFAIK) ties to, culturally or historically to create a GDP machine, and have made statements that pretty explicitly threaten Genocide of the Rhuvish people, no matter how innocent they are, and are supported simply because they're not the Nazis in this situation.

My suggestion? Get a joint government presided over by delegates from their closest related countries (say 5 for convience), such as Kannex, Syrixia, Esplandia and/or Tajis, and possibly an NPTO or DU representative that is chosen in an oligarchical format, without the input of the people. No innocents are killed, Rhuvanland has a (hopefully) strong and (hopefully) stable government, and imperialism isn't promoted! Bada-bing-bada-boom.
You would swap imperialism for incompetence. The Syrixians have already been shown to be ineffectual and a force for instability. Kannex is a state that has suffered from the current government so it is possible it would seek to deal out acts of revenge, Tajis is an international irrelevancy (who even are they?) and both the NPTO and DU would be unacceptable due to being about as useful as the League of Nations.
Funny, because for all the anti-Kannexan vitriol the Nazos have poured, Kannex hasn't been harmed that much. Kannexan investors simply withdraw all their money and support from the Nazo state; no Kannexans were harmed (that we know of) as they left Rhuvanland. Kannex absorbed fleeing Rhuvish talent.
Awfully sexual, these terms...

'going in'
'pulling out'

George Carlin was right when he said there was a whole dick-pride thing to it.

Anyways, guerrilla warfare or what?
Awfully sexual, these terms...

'going in'
'pulling out'

George Carlin was right when he said there was a whole dick-pride thing to it.

Anyways, guerrilla warfare or what?
Well, there is going to be Guerrilla-ish warfare going on the K'ter Family and the PDT deciding to butt heads.

Still trying to decide how I want to RP knowledge of the K'ter family and whether or not to Anglicize the name so it's less connected to Sphan, since I've decided I want it to be not really public knowledge that he has anything to do with them.
I'm going to continue to sit in my corner of the region and watch as you all go at each others throats and tear apart any lasting peace there was yet again...