Admin Requests

A couple of RA applicants are waiting on security checks. As a favor, when admins check new applicants, could you post in that thread with the result? Even if I've already conditionally admitted, I like to see when their check is done so I can welcome them in a timely manner. Thanks!
May I be masked with the Chief Justice mask until such time as we've filled the other justice vacancies?

I'm trying to update this area:

and don't have permission to do add a reply.

EDIT: Please mask Gracius Maximus as Temporary Hearing Officer. I do not believe the 15 day requirement holds for temporary officers since this is not an elected position.
You have to be elected Chief Justice by the other Justices. Just because you're the last Justice remaining doesn't make you CJ.
I'm not assuming the office of Chief Justice, I'm trying to update the rulings area. I don't have the masking to do so. It would be a temporary thing in order to get things done. i didn't want to have a global mod do so.
I'm done GM and Hile's masking.

PunkD I can't see any different masking or permissions for the Chief Justice, unless I'm just totally blind, which is possible.
Crushing Our Enemies:
A couple of RA applicants are waiting on security checks. As a favor, when admins check new applicants, could you post in that thread with the result? Even if I've already conditionally admitted, I like to see when their check is done so I can welcome them in a timely manner. Thanks!
It is standard practice to post in the thread when a check is done, if you have conditionally approved it we will remask them and still post as such.

Security checks have been done. Sorry for the delay, plenty of admins around, few using CP.
Please see the linked topic in the original request. That topic was started by Hileville. Abbey replied to it at some point.

I do not have permission to reply to that topic. I believe that topic is the topic to post court rulings. I'd like to add some of the more recent rulings in that topic.

Can an admin please determine why I am unable to post their if Abbey and I had the same masking? The error message I receive is this.

You do not have permission to reply to a topic in this forum.
Error Code: 12004:2142228

Here's the link to the thread so you don't have to scroll up:
Replying to the last post isn't usually how decisions are added to the index, as that would already have broken the court decision index (and did, when that as the process) as that does not support multiple pages. You should already have edit powers, but I'll look into the posting permissions.
Yeah I think no new posts have been added since it was moved to the Court Archive from the Legal Documents section. Permissions changed.
Well then I'm the idiot for not knowing the process. If all I should be doing is editing abbey's posts, I'll do that.

thank you!
Cormac Stark has been appointed Deputy Minister for WA Affairs and needs the appropriate remasking and permissions.
My post was only about half full; you should have the appropriate permission to edit it. And I only posted when it was moved elsewhere so I could update as the latest post had hit the character limit.
Could someone please edit in the updated Security Council procedure on the Laws page? :)

Thank you.
I recall a few years back I was put in a special members group, the Citizens* because I wanted my Leet Dude badge, but I am unsure if I am able to see all the current fora available to the regular citizens member group because I have been away so long. I am fine with losing my badge if it means I can see everything.

This is mostly because I was looking for the RA sign-up thread and I can't find it anywhere.
It is with great sadness that I request that Scandigrad's deputy masking as well as his NPA masking, be removed.

While I also remember - Borndisaster needs deputy masking plus the moderator privs for NPA / Mod HQ too I guess.
Hello, I am the newly named ambassador from the United Kingdom. If it wouldn't be much trouble may I have MOD over the The United Kingdom Embassy, so that I may clean up necessary posts.

Thank You,

Done Kiwi.

Richard Alexander - what threads do you need help with? We don't usually give Ambassadors mod over their embassies as far as I know.