Could I please be masked as Election Commissioner? (Confirmation and oath.) Thanks!
Done.Could I please be masked as Election Commissioner? (Confirmation and oath.) Thanks!
DoneCould I please get the necessary roles as Minister of World Assembly Affairs, per this appointment and oath?
Queroquan Request :
My birth year is wrong. I want to change my birth year. Please change my birth year to 2010.
Done, I will get with you soon to review who has access to related areas@AraFuttio should be given the Deputy Minister role, and Moderator powers over the WAA subforum and joinable group, as per this appointment and oath.
Done, I will get with you soon to review who has access to related areas
Something seems messed up with my perms. Not sure what happened here, but I seem to have been removed from Ministry of Foreign Affairs joinable group Is this (referring to my removal from the joinable group) an admin error, or was it intentionally done by someone?
Anyways I continue to maintain the mange rights over the MoFA joinable group (as well as the Foreign Envoys ones), which I probably shouldn't have.
I am assuming you are trying to join the Culture joinable group. If you requested joining then you will need to contact the Minister of CultureHey! I accidently click on leave without knowing about it and I left the cultural group. Then, I reapplied for Culture executive staff. Then @Halsoni told that he/she has done the thing which I wanted. But, when I visit the "Joinable Group" page, I saw that I haven't joined, but I have already clicked on the request button. Also, I can't repeatedly ask for it. So, please do something.
Passes.Admin check on @Marianne-Britannia please
Done.Hello together, can @Neptune please be masked as a Gameside Advocate here on the Forums and on Discord as well? Thanks, it's following his appointment here![]()
Please mask Lord Dominator as THO per their oath:
Oaths of Office
I, Bobberino, do hereby solemnly swear that during my term as Minister of Communications, I will uphold the ideals of Democracy, Freedom, and Justice of The Region of The North Pacific. I will use the powers and rights granted to me through The North Pacific Constitution and Legal Code in
Done.Admins I am sure you’re waiting to update a bunch of people in the near future, but as we have a new Vice Delegate I would appreciate my Court permissions being returned so I can resume my work there. Thank you!
Nutmeg has been fixed, i do not know what that row links to or what it will break if i remove it. that will need to be checked by a overseerI notice NutmegTheSquirrel has been entered into the field for WA Affairs on the government page, yet he was appointed Minister of Culture. The WA Affairs appointee Magecastle is yet to post his oath. Also, would it be possible to remove the extra 'vacant' row at the bottom of the table? I assume it was used previously for the Minister of Cards.
I have done so now.The WA Affairs appointee Magecastle is yet to post his oath.
Done.Apologies for the double post, but could all WAA Deputies appointed here be masked accordingly?
Done.Hello dear Admins,
can @Chipoli and @Halsoni (Ruben) please be masked as Gameside Advocates here and on Discord? Thanks.
Here is their appointment and here are their oaths
Done.I need my deputies per my statement to have the proper forum permissions to manage the FA group and moderate the FA ministry channels.
We certainly can make that happen. Your ministry already has quite a few subforums. Are they all being used or did you want to repurpose one of them?I will also need some clarification on viewing permissions, because I want to make a subforum visible to the deputies, but not all deputies in the executive, I want just the FA deputies to be able to see them. Can we figure out how to make that happen?