Admin Requests

What is the difference?

You are quoting a post from 2012 which was several dozen law changes and a few operational changes in the past. Please take time to note the age of the post you are quoting. Please keep this thread to admin request only.
@Rom lost citizenship and therefore cannot hold the office of Minister of Defense. Please unmask them and remove from the government spreadsheet.
Dear Admins, following @Loh's resignation as a Gameside Advocate, can you please remove his masking here on the Forums?

His @GA role on Discord as well, please!

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Dear Admins, sorry it's me again.

I would also like to have @AA-12 (NBU)'s Gameside Advocate masking removed, after not meeting my requirements. Also they don't seem to have the GA role on Discord, so that is less work :p

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Dear admins, a few requests.

Could you please remove the Gameside Advocate masking from @Icekrieg, @Tape, @Ayuzh and @Treekidistan, thank you. Also on Discord, please.

At the same time, I also made @Nutmeg The Squirrel and @Cloud new Gameside Advocates. Following their appointment here can they please get the Gameside Advocate masking here and on the Discord as well?

Thank you very much!
Dear Admins, sorry it's me again.

I would also like to have @AA-12 (NBU)'s Gameside Advocate masking removed, after not meeting my requirements. Also they don't seem to have the GA role on Discord, so that is less work :p

Per this can they get Foreign Envoy masking?

The MoFA generally has management permissions over the foreign envoy group. This appears to have been missed in your initial masking but was just rectified. Apologies for the inconvenience.