Opening Address of Home Affairs - September 2023
Greetings everyone. The Cat is back and serving as Lead Gameside Advocate and Minister of Home Affairs once more! It's great to come back and contribute to the term's development. I can't wait to see what we can all accomplish together!
It all started last May, when the penultimate General Elections came to an end. Comfed was appointed MoHA, while the post of LGA with Fili ran empty for a longer time and was handed over to Dreadton, at the time Minister of Culture. In this initial term, which towards the end was very disruptive and brought many changes, Comfed also achieved quite a bit. Firstly, Comfed developed a tool for creating telegram lists based on Actitvity Logs Gameside. At the same time, he also achieved progress in Resource Review, wherein we examined and completely reworked several telegram templates.
And then we reached the middle of the term, where I got appointed as Minister of Home Affairs and later Lead Gameside Advocate. Looking back personally on my time, I must honestly say that HA is still struggling with major problems. Especially the Activity is problematic. HA in particular, with lists, soliciting, working with GAs, and integration, forms an incredibly important component for TNP to maintain! Therefore, it is imperative that we address these issues. And we must do so together!
First of all, there are a few things I need to do. Appoint deputies, put together a new GA team, and most importantly, pick up the dropped lines from the end of last term. After that it's on to the big point, inactivity. HA's work environment needs to be improved. A first approach is to replace the Telegram lists with better, more efficient, and more-bidding recruitment systems. Another approach is also to generally upscale the environment, especially by expanding and changing HA's own project, "The Eternal Adventure," to other ministry activities. Otherwise, it is also necessary to maintain basic tasks of the Ministry, like the Forum Mentorship and improve it if necessary. Resource Review is again a bigger issue. After the completion of the telegram templates from last term, it is now time to continue with the review, update and improvement of the Dispatches, especially the Handbook.
To start right off with the first item, I would like to introduce my deputies for this term.
@Cloud - I don't have to say that much, except that I would incredibly like to have you on my team again. You've been running the list system very consistently, and will continue to have that in your remit. However, I will also be asking you to contribute heavily to the potential other recruitment systems to be developed. That would be your task for once, even though general activity and participation is incredible important for Deputies.
@Halsoni - You have already proven yourself and established yourself in my leadership. As a task area you will again be assigned to Resource Review, in which you have already participated excessively in the past. I would like to see this contribution again this term!
@Nutmeg The Squirrel - You are a good minister and do very good work in HA as well! This is exactly the work and passion I want to see in the leadership now as well! You will mainly take care of the (almost daily) birthday wishes on the forum, and the potential reintroduction of the Welcome Wagon! These are small ares, but important ones, and obviously your opinion and participation in the other fields of HA are important as well!
I'll be looking for the Forum Mentors at the moment, and when the time comes, will re-hire Caius as Deputy Minister as well. Currently, there just aren't enough areas of responsibility and activity, for wide ranging appointments, so I ask you to be patient for a bit.
For all of you, I really want to hear your opinion, and together with you guide HA through this difficult phase. I am quite confident, because I know that I now have a competent and confident team that will overcome our burdens with passion and creativity. Don't forget to take your Oath!
And in advance this also applies to all Staffers. I would like to have a lively exchange with you, collect your opinions and ideas, implement them together and thereby also achieve a lot of progress. So don't be shy and talk to me about problems and ideas. Activity is our biggest problem, and that's why we have to fight against it! Further little steps from my side will follow, perhaps another Roll Call.
And of course, I have to talk about the Gameside Advocates as well. I changed and rebuilt them in a big way last term, fewer members, but a lot of activity, which of course needs to be expanded. Daily advertisments on the RMB, interactive engagement for the Gameside users and of course competence in answering questions and guiding them through our region, maintaining order and above all informing the RMB are big steps for the GAs.
Everything in the important sense of: The Gameside Advocates are first line of communication between the Nationstates Region and the executive government. GA's engage the regional message board community by directing them to the various opportunities within the game and the region, keeping the community informed of events and messages from the government, and keeps the government informed of trends and request from the gameside community. The GA's also keep the regional RolePlay Moderators and Communication Officers informed of any community rule violations.
So activity is incredible important for being GA, and I am going to make sure they are active and will stay it. I will daily check their behaviour on the RMB, their activity both offsite and gameside, and immediately go into a conversation if it lacks something. I am also not afraid of dismissing inactive Deputies!
And that's going to be the newest GA Team: @Marcus Antonius, @Sauron, @Neptune, @Nutmeg The Squirrel and @Oceania, as well as @Chipoli and @Ruben who I both formally appoint here now.
To conclude this, I want to thank a lot of people. Especially the Deputies of last term, Ruben, Caius and Cloud, as well as the entire team of Gameside Advocates. Also big thanks to Comfed, and congrats Kaschovia! Onto a good new term!
It all started last May, when the penultimate General Elections came to an end. Comfed was appointed MoHA, while the post of LGA with Fili ran empty for a longer time and was handed over to Dreadton, at the time Minister of Culture. In this initial term, which towards the end was very disruptive and brought many changes, Comfed also achieved quite a bit. Firstly, Comfed developed a tool for creating telegram lists based on Actitvity Logs Gameside. At the same time, he also achieved progress in Resource Review, wherein we examined and completely reworked several telegram templates.
And then we reached the middle of the term, where I got appointed as Minister of Home Affairs and later Lead Gameside Advocate. Looking back personally on my time, I must honestly say that HA is still struggling with major problems. Especially the Activity is problematic. HA in particular, with lists, soliciting, working with GAs, and integration, forms an incredibly important component for TNP to maintain! Therefore, it is imperative that we address these issues. And we must do so together!
First of all, there are a few things I need to do. Appoint deputies, put together a new GA team, and most importantly, pick up the dropped lines from the end of last term. After that it's on to the big point, inactivity. HA's work environment needs to be improved. A first approach is to replace the Telegram lists with better, more efficient, and more-bidding recruitment systems. Another approach is also to generally upscale the environment, especially by expanding and changing HA's own project, "The Eternal Adventure," to other ministry activities. Otherwise, it is also necessary to maintain basic tasks of the Ministry, like the Forum Mentorship and improve it if necessary. Resource Review is again a bigger issue. After the completion of the telegram templates from last term, it is now time to continue with the review, update and improvement of the Dispatches, especially the Handbook.
To start right off with the first item, I would like to introduce my deputies for this term.
@Cloud - I don't have to say that much, except that I would incredibly like to have you on my team again. You've been running the list system very consistently, and will continue to have that in your remit. However, I will also be asking you to contribute heavily to the potential other recruitment systems to be developed. That would be your task for once, even though general activity and participation is incredible important for Deputies.
@Halsoni - You have already proven yourself and established yourself in my leadership. As a task area you will again be assigned to Resource Review, in which you have already participated excessively in the past. I would like to see this contribution again this term!
@Nutmeg The Squirrel - You are a good minister and do very good work in HA as well! This is exactly the work and passion I want to see in the leadership now as well! You will mainly take care of the (almost daily) birthday wishes on the forum, and the potential reintroduction of the Welcome Wagon! These are small ares, but important ones, and obviously your opinion and participation in the other fields of HA are important as well!
I'll be looking for the Forum Mentors at the moment, and when the time comes, will re-hire Caius as Deputy Minister as well. Currently, there just aren't enough areas of responsibility and activity, for wide ranging appointments, so I ask you to be patient for a bit.
For all of you, I really want to hear your opinion, and together with you guide HA through this difficult phase. I am quite confident, because I know that I now have a competent and confident team that will overcome our burdens with passion and creativity. Don't forget to take your Oath!
And in advance this also applies to all Staffers. I would like to have a lively exchange with you, collect your opinions and ideas, implement them together and thereby also achieve a lot of progress. So don't be shy and talk to me about problems and ideas. Activity is our biggest problem, and that's why we have to fight against it! Further little steps from my side will follow, perhaps another Roll Call.
And of course, I have to talk about the Gameside Advocates as well. I changed and rebuilt them in a big way last term, fewer members, but a lot of activity, which of course needs to be expanded. Daily advertisments on the RMB, interactive engagement for the Gameside users and of course competence in answering questions and guiding them through our region, maintaining order and above all informing the RMB are big steps for the GAs.
Everything in the important sense of: The Gameside Advocates are first line of communication between the Nationstates Region and the executive government. GA's engage the regional message board community by directing them to the various opportunities within the game and the region, keeping the community informed of events and messages from the government, and keeps the government informed of trends and request from the gameside community. The GA's also keep the regional RolePlay Moderators and Communication Officers informed of any community rule violations.
So activity is incredible important for being GA, and I am going to make sure they are active and will stay it. I will daily check their behaviour on the RMB, their activity both offsite and gameside, and immediately go into a conversation if it lacks something. I am also not afraid of dismissing inactive Deputies!
And that's going to be the newest GA Team: @Marcus Antonius, @Sauron, @Neptune, @Nutmeg The Squirrel and @Oceania, as well as @Chipoli and @Ruben who I both formally appoint here now.
To conclude this, I want to thank a lot of people. Especially the Deputies of last term, Ruben, Caius and Cloud, as well as the entire team of Gameside Advocates. Also big thanks to Comfed, and congrats Kaschovia! Onto a good new term!
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