The Great War: OOC

External instigation only goes so far. Pelhafor's communist situation has already been pacified; I don't see it happening again.

Maybe I could do something about that religious conflict, but initially it will be very low-intensity.
There's such a thing as Christian communism, and some Irish terrorists have declared themselves socialist before. I'm familiar with communism but I'm not very familiar with the Christian strand of it, so not sure how I'll RP that.
And if I hold a metaphorical knife to Xen's throat with missiles in Florrantia?
Plus, we'd put more missiles in Andromezadite. And aim our "defensive" nuclear missiles at Nebula. Of course, this would be a dip in our relations, but after the crisis and cold war, we could patch them up again.
Well, in order to get that nice, tense, knife edge feeling, why don't I blockade Andromedazite? You have my solemn promise that I won't start a nuclear war.
So, we have the Missile Crisis largely out of the way. Here's a checklist. As you can see, we're halfway through the story arc. How are we gonna transition to Pelhafor, and how will Syrixia lose?

Great War [X]

Splitting of Cronaal (East/West Germany) [X]

Nuclear Tests [X]

Ryccian War (Korea) [X]

Shei Ren Missile Crisis (Cuban Missile Crisis) [X]

Pelhafor War [ ]

Reunification of Cronaal [ ]

Malachit Steps Down [ ]

Some Sort of International Festival or Something? [ ]
Nebulan AFI begins inciting rebellion in Pelhafor.

Also, you're forgetting, after the international festival, peace for a while (a month or two RL), and if no new bad guys show up, then Nebu-Putin takes office.
I might make Chester resist the reuinifcation of Cronaal.

or, y'know, kill him. both works
Maybe there's a small war where North Cronaal tries to attack South Cronaal, and then the people of North Cronaal are angry, so they rebel, and the wall is torn down, and Cronaal is in chaos for a while and a bunch of people die?

Sorry about the run-on sentence.
I might make Chester resist the reuinifcation of Cronaal.

or, y'know, kill him. both works
Maybe there's a small war where North Cronaal tries to attack South Cronaal, and then the people of North Cronaal are angry, so they rebel, and the wall is torn down, and Cronaal is in chaos for a while and a bunch of people die?

Sorry about the run-on sentence.
I think Cronaal should be unified peacefully so we can use a peaceful end to easier transition to other RPs in the future, and end the story arc on a high note.

Also plox no Poutine. A Nebulan Putin will just resume tensions. It's already what's happening IRL.
I might make Chester resist the reuinifcation of Cronaal.

or, y'know, kill him. both works
Maybe there's a small war where North Cronaal tries to attack South Cronaal, and then the people of North Cronaal are angry, so they rebel, and the wall is torn down, and Cronaal is in chaos for a while and a bunch of people die?

Sorry about the run-on sentence.
I think Cronaal should be unified peacefully so we can use a peaceful end to easier transition to other RPs in the future, and end the story arc on a high note.

Also plox no Poutine. A Nebulan Putin will just resume tensions. It's already what's happening IRL.
I agree with Nebula, this RP Saga is really boring at the moment.
He was talking about Pelhafor in the Great War. I'm talking the Pelhafor War. How are we going to start it? Maybe you can send a diplomatic message to Pelhafor or something pledging help to the rebels? Idk. You decide XD

EDIT: Oh wait, now it's starting.
You know I like to do democracy realistically. During the Kannexan election thread I was ready to RP a government under the opposition Democratic Party, but fortunately the pollers voted the Liberal Party back in office, so I didn't need to change my characters.

So yeah, you'd better vote.
I'm on vacation starting this Friday and for eight days after that. I'll be able to post, but not much.
So glad all Wolfsea has to worry about is Panfighting, marriage, two royal babies and a partridge in a pear tree
Yes, considering I have full intent to unleash Helmebaine on the Merconian aggressors. (But I'm waiting for now.)
Yes, considering I have full intent to unleash the wrath of Helmebaine on the Merconian aggressors. (But I'm waiting for now.)
Ugh, helmebaine is literally your personal fight squad.

EDIT: NPTO Proposal time.
I wouldn't call it a fight squad. I have to propose the damn thing first. XD

Also yes, plox NPTO. Plox plox.
I wouldn't call it a fight squad. I have to propose the damn thing first. XD

Also yes, plox NPTO. Plox plox.
cant post in the voting chambers, no PROPOSAL: Condemn the Helmebaine Alliance.
So you're saying you WANT to become a Merconian protectorate? We'd have to abandon the whole story arc! Cronaal wouldn't be reunited!
So you're saying you WANT to become a Merconian protectorate? We'd have to abandon the whole story arc! Cronaal wouldn't be reunited!
no, im just bothered by the warmongering of the helmebaine, it's literally all it's done this whole time
What you call warmongering I call saving your country's skin! I want to help repel the foreign aggressors and keep my treaty ally independent and sovereign, of which it has the right to be!
What you call warmongering I call saving your country's skin! I want to help repel the foreign aggressors and keep my treaty ally independent and sovereign, of which it has the right to be!
this is ooc.
If it was IC I would've used "we" instead of "I" to indicate my country was talking.
I know you want to help and I'll let you if you do it in more than one page but please note that literally every single action in the Helmebaine has been war. Senseless war.
What you define as senseless war I define as defending our treaty allies. Nebula started the War and they were on the offensive.

And yes, I will gladly help you. Once the news reaches the international community I will bring this before NPTO and Helmebaine.