The Great War: OOC

Not really. Nebula, Ryccia and I have decided to use his riots as a proxy war.
Not really. Nebula, Ryccia and I have decided to use his riots as a proxy war.
Woudl love to see a drawing or something of the Cronaal Wall that Syrixia is describing, with it being so long and large it could be a regional 'wonder' which is symbolic for the wrong reasons.
I'm guessing that this is a combination of the Berlin Wall and the Demilitarized Zone separating North and South Korea, although mainly leaning towards the Berlin Wall.
Why are you guys doing this? There's no IC basis for this yet... officially, aren't you two all about the reunification of Cronaal? There hasn't been any civil war between the two states (Korea) or demographic chaos caused by political tensions and blockades (Berlin).
It's obvious North and South are going to be highly different ideologies with entirely different laws, issues could arouse if the citizens were allowed to mix without any border control.
I can see it now...

"Mr. Emperator! Tear down this wall!", said Governor Nowe waving a Cronaal flag.
Ugh, but nothing has happened yet. We haven't seen the beautiful delicacy of tensions that led up to the RL Cold War in the 50s. We don't even have our first real proxy war yet (unless/until Syrixia decides to commit to Ryccia). Right now y'all just jumped into the whole 'cold war' scenario. :

Btw, do we all have nuclear weapons?
Ugh, but nothing has happened yet. We haven't seen the beautiful delicacy of tensions that led up to the RL Cold War in the 50s. We don't even have our first real proxy war yet (unless/until Syrixia decides to commit to Ryccia). Right now y'all just jumped into the whole 'cold war' scenario. :

Btw, do we all have nuclear weapons?
Cronaal did
We just detonated our first plutonium bomb and are building up enriched uranium stockpiles. In addition, we've begun efforts to produce and procure deuterium and tritium.
Ugh, but nothing has happened yet. We haven't seen the beautiful delicacy of tensions that led up to the RL Cold War in the 50s. We don't even have our first real proxy war yet (unless/until Syrixia decides to commit to Ryccia). Right now y'all just jumped into the whole 'cold war' scenario. :

Btw, do we all have nuclear weapons?
Cronaal did
Ugh, but nothing has happened yet. We haven't seen the beautiful delicacy of tensions that led up to the RL Cold War in the 50s. We don't even have our first real proxy war yet (unless/until Syrixia decides to commit to Ryccia). Right now y'all just jumped into the whole 'cold war' scenario. :

Btw, do we all have nuclear weapons?
Cronaal did
Well it was kind of used.
On our capital city
And now me and Syrixia are gonna magic up random money and go build a new capital in a mountain because lel
Wolfsea has nukes but favours orbital heliocannons due to their accuracy while maintaining shock and awe value, seing a beam of light suddenly vaporise a building or part of one has a certain memorability to it.
Ugh, but nothing has happened yet. We haven't seen the beautiful delicacy of tensions that led up to the RL Cold War in the 50s. We don't even have our first real proxy war yet (unless/until Syrixia decides to commit to Ryccia). Right now y'all just jumped into the whole 'cold war' scenario. :

Btw, do we all have nuclear weapons?
Of course I'll be committing to Ryccia.

And yes, Syrixia has a colossal nuclear arsenal, but no one knows about it.

Except one nation.
Ugh, but nothing has happened yet. We haven't seen the beautiful delicacy of tensions that led up to the RL Cold War in the 50s. We don't even have our first real proxy war yet (unless/until Syrixia decides to commit to Ryccia). Right now y'all just jumped into the whole 'cold war' scenario. :

Btw, do we all have nuclear weapons?
Of course I'll be committing to Ryccia.

And yes, Syrixia has a colossal nuclear arsenal, but no one knows about it.

Except one nation.
Ugh, but nothing has happened yet. We haven't seen the beautiful delicacy of tensions that led up to the RL Cold War in the 50s. We don't even have our first real proxy war yet (unless/until Syrixia decides to commit to Ryccia). Right now y'all just jumped into the whole 'cold war' scenario. :

Btw, do we all have nuclear weapons?
Cronaal did
Well it was kind of used.
On our capital city
And now me and Syrixia are gonna magic up random money and go build a new capital in a mountain because lel

See what I mean? We just magic up everything
Ugh, but nothing has happened yet. We haven't seen the beautiful delicacy of tensions that led up to the RL Cold War in the 50s. We don't even have our first real proxy war yet (unless/until Syrixia decides to commit to Ryccia). Right now y'all just jumped into the whole 'cold war' scenario. :

Btw, do we all have nuclear weapons?
Of course I'll be committing to Ryccia.

And yes, Syrixia has a colossal nuclear arsenal, but no one knows about it.

Except one nation.
You can't possible have a "colossal" nuclear arsenal and have nobody know about it. Nukes take tests, tests make noise.

Also keeping it a secret completely negates the entire benefit of having them as a deterrent. Which is probably the greater benefit to having them against actually using them.
Ugh, but nothing has happened yet. We haven't seen the beautiful delicacy of tensions that led up to the RL Cold War in the 50s. We don't even have our first real proxy war yet (unless/until Syrixia decides to commit to Ryccia). Right now y'all just jumped into the whole 'cold war' scenario. :

Btw, do we all have nuclear weapons?
Of course I'll be committing to Ryccia.

And yes, Syrixia has a colossal nuclear arsenal, but no one knows about it.

Except one nation.
You can't possible have a "colossal" nuclear arsenal and have nobody know about it. Nukes take tests, tests make noise.

Also keeping it a secret completely negates the entire benefit of having them as a deterrent. Which is probably the greater benefit to having them against actually using them.
Ugh, but nothing has happened yet. We haven't seen the beautiful delicacy of tensions that led up to the RL Cold War in the 50s. We don't even have our first real proxy war yet (unless/until Syrixia decides to commit to Ryccia). Right now y'all just jumped into the whole 'cold war' scenario. :

Btw, do we all have nuclear weapons?
Of course I'll be committing to Ryccia.

And yes, Syrixia has a colossal nuclear arsenal, but no one knows about it.

Except one nation.
You can't possible have a "colossal" nuclear arsenal and have nobody know about it. Nukes take tests, tests make noise.

Also keeping it a secret completely negates the entire benefit of having them as a deterrent. Which is probably the greater benefit to having them against actually using them.
Alright, so say everyone does know about it. But we haven't tested them yet, since we haven't needed them yet. Now would be a good time to test them.

Also, in terms of nuclear weapons possession, I think it'd be rather unrealistic for a nation to have the amount of nuclear weapons of, say, the US or Russia. So if you want to define "colossal", base it off the Syrixian stockpile, somewhere in between France and China.
Testing them is part of the development process. Test are designed to discover if the model of your design actually works.
Ugh, but nothing has happened yet. We haven't seen the beautiful delicacy of tensions that led up to the RL Cold War in the 50s. We don't even have our first real proxy war yet (unless/until Syrixia decides to commit to Ryccia). Right now y'all just jumped into the whole 'cold war' scenario. :

Btw, do we all have nuclear weapons?
Of course I'll be committing to Ryccia.

And yes, Syrixia has a colossal nuclear arsenal, but no one knows about it.

Except one nation.
You can't possible have a "colossal" nuclear arsenal and have nobody know about it. Nukes take tests, tests make noise.

Also keeping it a secret completely negates the entire benefit of having them as a deterrent. Which is probably the greater benefit to having them against actually using them.
Ooh! Ooh!
What about underground tests? those can have an admittedly-uncnvining plausible deniability... maybe "an earthquake happened just as Nursson's microwave exploded while heating a hot pocket" or something? (folloed immediately by cries of "You lyin' get!")
I don't know the specifics, but I think geologists (or whoever monitors this stuff) can tell a natural earthquake from an unnatural one. Europeans knew almost immediately after the Tsar Bomba was tested.
I don't know the specifics, but I think geologists (or whoever monitors this stuff) can tell a natural earthquake from an unnatural one. Europeans knew almost immediately after the Tsar Bomba was tested.
That and the fact that windows were breaking in Finland. :)

But really, how do you think we found out about North Korea's three nuke tests?
I don't know the specifics, but I think geologists (or whoever monitors this stuff) can tell a natural earthquake from an unnatural one. Europeans knew almost immediately after the Tsar Bomba was tested.
That and the fact that windows were breaking in Finland. :)

But really, how do you think we found out about North Korea's three nuke tests?
Gee, that must be how they created the vaccine for ebola and SARS.
Here's how I'll end it:
After the failed coup, the Emperator is losing confidence fast. Things are getting bad, people are calling for his recall. So he steps down and a more agreeable guy turns around the Nebulan foreign affairs program.
But I think there will have to be a Putin...
Here's how I'll end it:
After the failed coup, the Emperator is losing confidence fast. Things are getting bad, people are calling for his recall. So he steps down and a more agreeable guy turns around the Nebulan foreign affairs program.
But I think there will have to be a Putin...
Plox no Putin. That would just continue tensions. We should have REAL peace.

Also, does anyone think that the huge success of the Future RP is slowly burying the Cold War story arc? What should we do about this?
There is no way of knowing how long the future thing will go. I say let's try to get things moved through with the Great War--- we need a Cuban missile crisis, then we can wrap it up slowly.
You should make the OP to the Missile Crisis thread, giving a background on it, etc. I'd suggest putting the missiles on a small, unclaimed island near Syrixia, as Syrixia is kinda the "US" of this Cold War. I recommend it to be near Abujei, the Orlando of Syrixia; but you can choose.