The Great War: OOC

No, but we can pretend there is. It'd be small, so it wouldn't be charted on the map. That'd be perfect strategywise for Nebula.
I think with the rise of the Future RP it would be best that we go with Nebula's plan. Plus, it would establish peace in TNP, and allow us to grow our nations in other ways.
I started the thread. Here's how the Cuban Missile Crisis IRL worked, so we could use this as an example.

It isn't remotely exciting if you make it sound like that. You forgot to mention that the Cuban Missile Crisis, foremost, could have led to a catastrophic nuclear world war. Also, the U.S.S.R. placed missiles in Cuba to counteract American missiles stationed in Turkey. The U.S.S.R. planned to announce these missiles, but the U.S. spy planes found them first. What at first could've been a major propaganda weapon and deterrent by the Soviets became a matter of American outrage, because it looked as if the Soviets were trying to 'sneak in' missiles into the Western Hemisphere aggressively instead of defensively placing deterrents. And also, most notably, I think, there was significant military pressure from the Pentagon to invade Cuba and blow up the place back to the Stone Age. This would have triggered a Soviet response, yes, but American generals opined this would be better than letting the communists attack first. The only thing that stopped this possibility was JFK's insistence that diplomacy be tried first. And it was revealed decades later that Fidel Castro was indeed in favor of attacking the U.S. first, in spite of Soviet objections.

But so far, the cold war in here hasn't even gotten that much action yet anyway.

Frankly, imitating RL history is alright, but make it so it actually works as an RP. I think you should change up the story and not imitate RL history too closely. Maybe this could be a mini-war...
It isn't remotely exciting if you make it sound like that. You forgot to mention that the Cuban Missile Crisis, foremost, could have led to a catastrophic nuclear world war. Also, the U.S.S.R. placed missiles in Cuba to counteract American missiles stationed in Turkey. The U.S.S.R. planned to announce these missiles, but the U.S. spy planes found them first. What at first could've been a major propaganda weapon and deterrent by the Soviets became a matter of American outrage, because it looked as if the Soviets were trying to 'sneak in' missiles into the Western Hemisphere aggressively instead of defensively placing deterrents. And also, most notably, I think, there was significant military pressure from the Pentagon to invade Cuba and blow up the place back to the Stone Age. This would have triggered a Soviet response, yes, but American generals opined this would be better than letting the communists attack first. The only thing that stopped this possibility was JFK's insistence that diplomacy be tried first. And it was revealed decades later that Fidel Castro was indeed in favor of attacking the U.S. first, in spite of Soviet objections.

But so far, the cold war in here hasn't even gotten that much action yet anyway.

Frankly, imitating RL history is alright, but make it so it actually works as an RP. I think you should change up the story and not imitate RL history too closely. Maybe this could be a mini-war...
I have an idea for who can be that Turkey.

Since Shei Ren is insignificant enough that you wouldn't find it useful to blockade, maybe I could escalate by cutting off RPI's outer islands?

Also, don't forget Major Anderson's U-2 getting shot down, or the Soviet submarine that almost got sunk by depth charges, or the fact that the Russians couldn't actually hit the US without the missiles in Cuba.

Since Shei Ren is insignificant enough that you wouldn't find it useful to blockade, maybe I could escalate by cutting off RPI's outer islands?

Also, don't forget Major Anderson's U-2 getting shot down, or the Soviet submarine that almost got sunk by depth charges, or the fact that the Russians couldn't actually hit the US without the missiles in Cuba.
No no no, I'm referring to the Xentheridan exclave of Andromedazite. Xentherida is a Helmebaine member so it's really members helping members. I PMd him about it.
...but wouldn't the best way to handle missiles in Andromedazite be to station missiles in Florrantia, meaning that I once again have the upper hand?
Not really, because you already have missiles in Shei Ren, and Syrixia itself would be operating the missile site in Andromedazite.
Then I'd just place MORE missiles in Andromedazite as a response, and it would just continue to escalate until one nation launches and the world ends.

So let's not do the Florrantia thing.
Or perhaps, if Xen doesn't respond, I could just "accidentally find an island" in between RPI and Nebula. :P
I don't know the specifics, but I think geologists (or whoever monitors this stuff) can tell a natural earthquake from an unnatural one. Europeans knew almost immediately after the Tsar Bomba was tested.
hence the guy at the back yelling "Ya Lyin' Get!"
Here's an idea... maybe a more original story, without having to push RL 'roles' onto RPers? :P I mean, yes, this is 'role'-playing, but we can do with a more original story. No need to copy the Cuban Missile Crisis page-for-page.

How about a Cronaalian civil war? You haven't explained why the Cronaal situation is so tense and polarized. Ideological differences just doesn't cut it; you need a proxy war there to capture even a slight piece of RL Cold War tension and excitement.

Or maybe a Nebulan invasion of a third-world country leads to Nebulan economic turndown. I mean, Rhuvish and Kannexan forces already bled the Nebulan navy dry in the Rhuvanland invasion; they wouldn't be able to face more punishment. Or maybe, for once, it's Syrixia's turn to get beat up.
I was planning to do a situation similar to Nebula invading a third world country as a sort of Vietnam War, that Syrixia would lose, just like Murica lost the Vietnam War. Only problem is, who would that country be?
OH MY GOD THAT'S BRILLIANT. But that means that Pelhafor would have to win independence under a socialist or communist regime, as that's what happened to Vietnam.
I'm thinking something along those lines, but the thing is, there already was a communist insurgency in Pelhafor during the 1970s. I don't really see communism or socialism driving back up again to a full-blown insurgency in the present day.