The Great War: OOC

I'm also looking to marry off a Princess as well
Is this the young one that is still unborn? If so, our Queen is pregnant with the next Prince of Guslantis. I haven't decided whether to make him heir to the Guslant throne, but if he is, he may be king.
I'm also looking to marry off a Princess as well
Is this the young one that is still unborn? If so, our Queen is pregnant with the next Prince of Guslantis. I haven't decided whether to make him heir to the Guslant throne, but if he is, he may be king.

No, this one is about 17, I think.

This is Sebt's youngest sister Zara but Sebt will probably be looking for future husbands for his daughter as well.
Exactly but now we have the opportunity to get closer to other nations, plus a marriage would be good for morale.
Exactly but now we have the opportunity to get closer to other nations, plus a marriage would be good for morale.
Well, we have Marcus Charles, the eighteen year-old brother of Duchess Leah Charles. He's not royalty, but is of noble status with the Charles family.

Also, add Sean Hilley, (Crown) Prince of Guslantis, Baron of Pigletville (age 0) to the list of the Khan's daughter's suitors.
Exactly but now we have the opportunity to get closer to other nations, plus a marriage would be good for morale.
Well, we have Marcus Charles, the eighteen year-old brother of Duchess Leah Charles. He's not royalty, but is of noble status with the Charles family.

Also, add Sean Hilley, (Crown) Prince of Guslantis, Baron of Pigletville (age 0) to the list of the Khan's daughter's suitors.
Great, I'll be adding it as a separate RP later
If only I was a constitutional monarchy :(
Look on the bright side, Nursson's worst enemy got what was coming for her: Link
Why don't they just recall Debra XD
The Ministry of Entertainment and the Ministry of Draconic Affairs are part of the lower Cabinet, as they are funded and operated by external forces within Guslantis. The MoDA is run by the Sunft clan, while the MoE is run by the Miragean School of Arts.
There's an unclaimed island to the west of Cronaal. Use that.

Also, here's what I dreamed up for how the remainder of the RP will work:

1. Refusal of Nebula to give up their occupation zone, Cronaal is divided between North and South, Nebulan Puppet and Free respectively

2. Iron Curtain speech courtesy of Alfred Nursson

3. The Cronaal War (Ends in a veritable "white armistice")

4. Failed coup against the Emperator by disgruntled Nebulan citizens

5. North Cronaal Revolution, Cronaal is united

6. Revolution, Collapse and Subsequent Less-Evil Reform of Nebula

So let's break it down. We'll start with No. 1. Let's do some negotiations to unite the occupation zones into a new Cronaal, under a republic. Nebula can refuse to give up their occupation zone and after some land trades we have north and south. Sound good, y'all?
Alright, let's do it. Go ahead and issue the proclamation, then we'll do the Iron Curtain speech, and I'll give Cronaal the North Cronaal/South Cronaal claim to submit to the map people. If this RP lasts long enough then the North/South Cronaal thing will last at least one to two updates :D
Since Plembobria is neutral, I think we should moderate the negotiations.
As the Confederation is also neutral in this conflict, we do not mind sending a negotiating team from Kalti to make sure that everything goes smoothly. That and to make sure that Nebula behaves and doesn't accidently start World War III...
So, just to clarify, the occupation zones are Nebula, Syrixia, Rhuvanland, and Wolfsea/Guslantis?
Wolfsea actually did the attacking and Guslantis was neutral so I find it more apropos to give it to Wolfsea, but who cares? We're about to start negotiations.
Since Plembobria is neutral, I think we should moderate the negotiations.
Sounds good. Nebula can refuse to give up his zone during the negotiations. And Nebula won't start WWIII. I refer you to numbers 5 and 6.
Give me some time. I'll have something up in a few hours. The leaders of the countries involved should attend a conference at a royal retreat in Plembobria.
That's Rhuvanland, Wolfsea, Syrixia, Nebula, Kannex, and maybe Guslantis.

...and Chester Kray.
And then the Nebulan representative gets offended and just walks out.

Also, I'm thinking that if this is gonna go cold war, I'm gonna have to test a few nukes, if that's all right with everybody?
Unless Nebula starts WWIII, then yes...
I think you missed out a word at the end of your sentence; "again".
And then the Nebulan representative gets offended and just walks out.

Also, I'm thinking that if this is gonna go cold war, I'm gonna have to test a few nukes, if that's all right with everybody?

If we're doing nuke tests, I'm interested. However, this is MT, and we all know that our nukes work, unless we're testing them solely for intimidation. Or, alternatively, one of us could develop a more powerful type of bomb, and the rest of us catch on with an arms race.
*smiles as smugly as a six-year-old girl who's about to make the winning mark in an argument*

All right then, as long as you can prove to us using your vast knowledge of subatomic physics to prove that it works.

While you're working on that, I'll be over here building uranium bombs, plutonium bombs, boosted fission bombs, hydrogen bombs, cobalt bombs, and neutron bombs.

Anyway, if you can make a hydrogen bomb, you have everything you need to make a nuclear weapon that could blow the hell out of a significant area.
Syrixia already has various types of bombs, including all of the ones on that list. However, nuclear and neutron bombs are our specialty.

PS: No one knows we have any of these bombs.
Syrixia already has various types of bombs, including all of the ones on that list. However, nuclear and neutron bombs are our specialty.

PS: No one knows we have any of these bombs.

Have you got anything resembling the Tsar Bomba?
We have the Pameiro Powerbomb. Pameiro is "Premier" in Syrixian, so basically this is the Bomb of All Bombs.

And it hasn't been tested, nor will it ever be. It's packed with a whopping 60 megatons but the problem is if we use it Syrixia will literally drown in condemnations.
Also there's this thing called not being reckless. :lol:
Since the Great War obviously happens after the Second Pigletville Ball (no one wants a dead Diana at the ball) there are some givens that need to be established. The chandelier at the end falls, and though aimed to crush Hilley, Akerman jumps in and saves him, resulting in his legs getting crushed instead. Therefore, King Hilley is now in a wheelchair.
Wait...wouldn't that make Akerman stuck in a wheelchair? Or was that just a typo?
Wait...wouldn't that make Akerman stuck in a wheelchair? Or was that just a typo?
She saves him from death, not from injury. She isn't fast enough to pull him out of the chandelier's range, resulting in his legs getting caught.