The Great War: OOC

So you know that somebody was flying a U-2 above the combat zone, and that Hiskjriaana has a U-2 up somewhere . Maybe Hiskjriaana is flying a training exercise and the U-2 belongs to someone else. Assuming that the U-2 is Hiskjriaana's is your government jumping to conclusions.
Maybe, but the U2 is not a common aircraft; in our world only one country made them and only three flew them. It wouldn't be hard to find out who else had them and who wasn't flying them by similar processes.

Face it, this is the 21st century, not the cold war. Secrets are hard to keep. There are cameras in millions of pockets, thousands of satellites. Information is shared globally in the blink of an eye. Secret flights don't exist anymore.
So you know that somebody was flying a U-2 above the combat zone, and that Hiskjriaana has a U-2 up somewhere . Maybe Hiskjriaana is flying a training exercise and the U-2 belongs to someone else. Assuming that the U-2 is Hiskjriaana's is your government jumping to conclusions.
Maybe, but the U2 is not a common aircraft; in our world only one country made them and only three flew them. It wouldn't be hard to find out who else had them and who wasn't flying them by similar processes.

Face it, this is the 21st century, not the cold war. Secrets are hard to keep. There are cameras in millions of pockets, thousands of satellites. Information is shared globally in the blink of an eye. Secret flights don't exist anymore.
You still must RP as if you have some doubt though, because the evidence is shaky.
Syrixia: I have a claim on the map, and it should be coming through shortly because nobody else claimed it. And I know that Hiskjriaana is neutral, but if my claim gets accepted I'll be literally right next to Nebula (not planned), which might warrant a bit of knowing what's going on.
Agreed. We're nowhere near anybody and we are keeping tabs on this thing.
So you know that somebody was flying a U-2 above the combat zone, and that Hiskjriaana has a U-2 up somewhere . Maybe Hiskjriaana is flying a training exercise and the U-2 belongs to someone else. Assuming that the U-2 is Hiskjriaana's is your government jumping to conclusions.
Maybe, but the U2 is not a common aircraft; in our world only one country made them and only three flew them. It wouldn't be hard to find out who else had them and who wasn't flying them by similar processes.

Face it, this is the 21st century, not the cold war. Secrets are hard to keep. There are cameras in millions of pockets, thousands of satellites. Information is shared globally in the blink of an eye. Secret flights don't exist anymore.
You still must RP as if you have some doubt though, because the evidence is shaky.
We're not trying to start anything with you; we're just giving you a little extra attention right now. Even the possibility it was your plane warrants that.
Maybe, but the U2 is not a common aircraft; in our world only one country made them and only three flew them. It wouldn't be hard to find out who else had them and who wasn't flying them by similar processes.
I'd like to point out a few things: TNP isn't Earth. Each nation, for balance, has about the same overall power as the other nations. Therefore, it isn't hard to imagine that, with all the nations in TNP and NS, that many nations would have U2s.
Maybe, but the U2 is not a common aircraft; in our world only one country made them and only three flew them. It wouldn't be hard to find out who else had them and who wasn't flying them by similar processes.
I'd like to point out a few things: TNP isn't Earth. Each nation, for balance, has about the same overall power as the other nations. Therefore, it isn't hard to imagine that, with all the nations in TNP and NS, that many nations would have U2s.
That's true enough; but I am figuring that most nations, being evenly matched, would prefer to build and field their own aircraft rather than rely on that of a potential rival, or even enemy. That's going to lead to distinctive airframes and operation characteristics.

Here's some background for my assertion:
Maybe, but the U2 is not a common aircraft; in our world only one country made them and only three flew them. It wouldn't be hard to find out who else had them and who wasn't flying them by similar processes.
I'd like to point out a few things: TNP isn't Earth. Each nation, for balance, has about the same overall power as the other nations. Therefore, it isn't hard to imagine that, with all the nations in TNP and NS, that many nations would have U2s.
Well I wouldn't say that. Each nation has their own expertise. For example, Syrixia has a colossal military and is a tourist hotspot with numerous bits of scenery. Darcania has ancient dragons, serene flat fields and hilly grasslands. ...and Rhuvanland is basically the fruit capital of the world.
Well I wouldn't say that. Each nation has their own expertise. For example, Syrixia has a colossal military and is a tourist hotspot with numerous bits of scenery. Darcania has ancient dragons, serene flat fields and hilly grasslands. ...and Rhuvanland is basically the fruit capital of the world.
Yes, which is why I said overall power. As in, one nation might be an economic powerhouse, another might have troops out the whazoo, and another might have officials gifted in diplomacy; but none of them have such power that they can overpower another nation without clever tactics.
Again, not true. Some nations are just better than others. Take Rhuvanland, for example, and then pit it against, say, Ceretis, for example. Ceretis is practically better in nearly all respects. It's a large nation with powerful cultural and economic influence, as well as more wealth; while Rhuvanland is a small nation that has much less influence and not as much but still less wealth. And no, those are not the ONLY categories, just the ones I'm using as examples.
Again, not true. Some nations are just better than others. Take Rhuvanland, for example, and then pit it against, say, Ceretis, for example. Ceretis is practically better in nearly all respects. It's a large nation with powerful cultural and economic influence, as well as more wealth; while Rhuvanland is a small nation that has much less influence and not as much but still less wealth. And no, those are not the ONLY categories, just the ones I'm using as examples.
Rhuvanland, as I understand it, is a puppet of two users, Syrixia and Kannex. (Not the IC nations, the OOC people.) So it makes sense that it's not as powerful overall. If, however, main nations, like Syrixia, Darcania, Ceretis, Cascadia, etc. had extreme power imbalances, RP would not be interesting since the less powerful nation would just be rolled over with no chance of using their strengths to their advantage.
I am having a difficult time understanding why any of this is happening other than that people want to bomb each other for reasons.
Some nation which Syrixia represents and Nebula were having an argument over an army base.

now we're trying to have a world war because lel

basically it.
There's more, much more than just that; and I'm doing a paragraph on it.

Hold on.
The following paragraph is a summary of the conflict so far.

We'll start with the Nebulan invasion of Syrixia. This was how Nebula came onto the international scale. Socialist partisans in Syrixia began to riot as they wanted the separation of Parliament from a unified assembly into an assembly of political parties. Eventually these socialists hatched a deal with Nebula, an expansionist (and socialist) nation in the northeast of TNP, to launch a joint attack agianst Syrixia and create a socialist Nebulan puppet state there. Eventually Syrixia agreed to split Parliament into political parties and the socialists subsequently signed a treaty with the Syrixian government, turning on Nebula. Nebula and Syrixia, from that day forth, were sworn enemies. However, the conflict did not stop there. It reignited in Rhuvanland, a small nation near Trinster. Rhuvanland was under incompetent leadership which put the country in economic Hell. Syrixia offered to give it economic assistance in exchange for it becoming a protectorate. Rhuvanland accepted however groups of conservatives in the western parts of the country did not, and the country was split into the Free Republic of West Rhuvanland and the Protectorate of East Rhuvanland. While East Rhuvanland prospered, West Rhuvanland was mired in a war as Nebula, always looking to expand, tried to install a socialist puppet state there. Eventually East Rhuvanland and Syrixia, as well as West Rhuvish forces, helped to repel the Nebulans, and the Nebulans then focused on another area; the small, governmentless strip of land Nebula dubbed "Galacta". Some Galactans, however, were not content, and after Galacta was fully integrated and annexed into Nebulan territory, these people founded the Galactan Liberation Front and began to rebel for the cause of creating an independent Galactan state. The Nebulan government declared the GLF a terrorist group. Meanwhile, in Rhuvanland, the East had finally reached its economic quota for reunification, and with the promise of helping the West continue its recovery by the East in mind, Rhuvanland was reunified after a conference between Syrixia and Kannex, the latter of whom helped West Rhuvanland, though did not make it a protectorate as Syrixia did the East, which also received more economic aid due to their protectorate status. The newly unified Federal Republic of Rhuvanland condemned Nebula for its repeated fits of expansionism and imperialism, and began financing the GLF. In response, the Nebulans condemned Rhuvanland for funding what they called a terrorist group, and threw up a blockade on Rhuvanland's coasts. During this time, there was a brief period of peace in Rhuvanland as all eyes were once again on Syrixia. The leader of the Church of Syrixia had been murdered and there was also a failed attempt on the life of the Prime Minister, Alfred Nursson. This was done by an extremist organization called the Order of the Loyal, that refused to accept the united Rhuvanland and wanted total separation of the conservatives from the liberals, which included a lack of relations. Eventually, troops from Syrixia and its ally Ceretis infiltrated the Order's HQ and disbanded it, but not before the Order kidnapped and killed the Cronaal Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eden Hall. To make matters worse, Rhuvanland eventually issued an ultimatum saying that they would mobilize if the blockade was not removed and Nebula worked towards peace. Nebula did not want to work towards peace and did not remove the blockade, and after the murdering by blockade ships of the crew of an innocent Rhuvish trading boat that did not care for the blockade, Rhuvanland mobilized. Nebula, soon after, declared war. As Rhuvanland was a member of the Helmebaine Alliance, fellow members Trinster and Kannex declared war. Syrixia also entered the war, but indirectly, only supplying arms and vehicles among other things, as it was the occupier of NPTO's Deputy Chair, and did not want to set the image of a warring nation in a peace organization. Meanwhile, in Cronaal, uprisings killed many as people were discontent with the murder of Eden Hall by the Order in Syrixian territory, and that Syrixia should have responded quicker. Syrixia apologized and eventually passed an act upping the ante on Syrixian security, but it wasn't enough. While the Cronaal government first sided with Syrixia, it eventually turned on Syrixia, albeit indirectly. The Queen of Cronaal, Diana II, grew insane and even tortured the Syrixian ambassador to Cronaal. She then declared war on both Nebula and Rhuvanland, and sent a fleet to Rhuvanland to wreak havoc and kill, with no other aims than that. Kannexan and Rhuvish forces forced the Nebulans out of Rhuvanland and they moved to the Kannexan protectorate of Pelhafor, which was already mired in civil unrest and was on the brink of revolution. Fighting is currently ongoing there, however Syrixia's Parliament recently authorized direct action against the Cronaal fleet sent to Rhuvanland, as they and their allies believe it is a rogue fleet due to Cronaal's membership in the Helmebaine Alliance. As it stands, Cronaal is about to unveil its true colors, however Cronaal has writers' block and will do that later, perhaps tomorrow.

Phew, that was perhaps my longest post on this forum. Anyways, any questions?
It looks cooler in a big paragraph.
No, no it doesn't.

Kerouac did it and got away with it, but he was still kind of an asshole for doing it. I like you, bro, but you are no Kerouac.
Here, try this.

We'll start with the Nebulan invasion of Syrixia. This was how Nebula came onto the international scale. Socialist partisans in Syrixia began to riot as they wanted the separation of Parliament from a unified assembly into an assembly of political parties. Eventually these socialists hatched a deal with Nebula, an expansionist (and socialist) nation in the northeast of TNP, to launch a joint attack agianst Syrixia and create a socialist Nebulan puppet state there. Eventually Syrixia agreed to split Parliament into political parties and the socialists subsequently signed a treaty with the Syrixian government, turning on Nebula. Nebula and Syrixia, from that day forth, were sworn enemies.

However, the conflict did not stop there. It reignited in Rhuvanland, a small nation near Trinster. Rhuvanland was under incompetent leadership which put the country in economic Hell. Syrixia offered to give it economic assistance in exchange for it becoming a protectorate. Rhuvanland accepted however groups of conservatives in the western parts of the country did not, and the country was split into the Free Republic of West Rhuvanland and the Protectorate of East Rhuvanland. While East Rhuvanland prospered, West Rhuvanland was mired in a war as Nebula, always looking to expand, tried to install a socialist puppet state there. Eventually East Rhuvanland and Syrixia, as well as West Rhuvish forces, helped to repel the Nebulans, and the Nebulans then focused on another area; the small, governmentless strip of land Nebula dubbed "Galacta".

Some Galactans, however, were not content, and after Galacta was fully integrated and annexed into Nebulan territory, these people founded the Galactan Liberation Front and began to rebel for the cause of creating an independent Galactan state. The Nebulan government declared the GLF a terrorist group. Meanwhile, in Rhuvanland, the East had finally reached its economic quota for reunification, and with the promise of helping the West continue its recovery by the East in mind, Rhuvanland was reunified after a conference between Syrixia and Kannex, the latter of whom helped West Rhuvanland, though did not make it a protectorate as Syrixia did the East, which also received more economic aid due to their protectorate status. The newly unified Federal Republic of Rhuvanland condemned Nebula for its repeated fits of expansionism and imperialism, and began financing the GLF.

In response, the Nebulans condemned Rhuvanland for funding what they called a terrorist group, and threw up a blockade on Rhuvanland's coasts. During this time, there was a brief period of peace in Rhuvanland as all eyes were once again on Syrixia. The leader of the Church of Syrixia had been murdered and there was also a failed attempt on the life of the Prime Minister, Alfred Nursson. This was done by an extremist organization called the Order of the Loyal, that refused to accept the united Rhuvanland and wanted total separation of the conservatives from the liberals, which included a lack of relations. Eventually, troops from Syrixia and its ally Ceretis infiltrated the Order's HQ and disbanded it, but not before the Order kidnapped and killed the Cronaal Minister of Foreign Affairs, Eden Hall.

To make matters worse, Rhuvanland eventually issued an ultimatum saying that they would mobilize if the blockade was not removed and Nebula worked towards peace. Nebula did not want to work towards peace and did not remove the blockade, and after the murdering by blockade ships of the crew of an innocent Rhuvish trading boat that did not care for the blockade, Rhuvanland mobilized. Nebula, soon after, declared war. As Rhuvanland was a member of the Helmebaine Alliance, fellow members Trinster and Kannex declared war. Syrixia also entered the war, but indirectly, only supplying arms and vehicles among other things, as it was the occupier of NPTO's Deputy Chair, and did not want to set the image of a warring nation in a peace organization.

Meanwhile, in Cronaal, uprisings killed many as people were discontent with the murder of Eden Hall by the Order in Syrixian territory, and that Syrixia should have responded quicker. Syrixia apologized and eventually passed an act upping the ante on Syrixian security, but it wasn't enough. While the Cronaal government first sided with Syrixia, it eventually turned on Syrixia, albeit indirectly. The Queen of Cronaal, Diana II, grew insane and even tortured the Syrixian ambassador to Cronaal. She then declared war on both Nebula and Rhuvanland, and sent a fleet to Rhuvanland to wreak havoc and kill, with no other aims than that.

Kannexan and Rhuvish forces forced the Nebulans out of Rhuvanland and they moved to the Kannexan protectorate of Pelhafor, which was already mired in civil unrest and was on the brink of revolution. Fighting is currently ongoing there, however Syrixia's Parliament recently authorized direct action against the Cronaal fleet sent to Rhuvanland, as they and their allies believe it is a rogue fleet due to Cronaal's membership in the Helmebaine Alliance. As it stands, Cronaal is about to unveil its true colors, however Cronaal has writers' block and will do that later, perhaps tomorrow.
And now, Cronaal's Queen is cucko for Cocoa Puffs and has declared war on a bunch of random nations, some of which are neutral (Guslantis).
And now, Cronaal's Queen is cucko for Cocoa Puffs and has declared war on a bunch of random nations, some of which are neutral (Guslantis).
She basically hates you all, not just the nations she declared stuff on.

And now, Cronaal's Queen is cucko for Cocoa Puffs and has declared war on a bunch of random nations, some of which are neutral (Guslantis).
She basically hates you all, not just the nations she declared stuff on.

Well, if you read Leah's transmission, she ain't too chill either. And please note: Leah is the most chill of the Guslants (along with her story arc of Scottsfield and Burns).
And now, Cronaal's Queen is cucko for Cocoa Puffs and has declared war on a bunch of random nations, some of which are neutral (Guslantis).
She basically hates you all, not just the nations she declared stuff on.

Well, if you read Leah's transmission, she ain't too chill either. And please note: Leah is the most chill of the Guslants (along with her story arc of Scottsfield and Burns).
Ugh. Stupid computer won't let me add a link. Right above the last post in TGW thread.
If you want to play it that way, Sadakoyama's strike teams are ready to Osama bin Laden the Queen.

We don't have aircraft carriers, we don't have a large standing army, but what we do have are 2-meter tall genetically engineered clones raised from birth to be a combination of Bladerunner's replicants, Serenity's Operative, and Mass Effect's Salarian Special Tasks Group. They make Seal Team Six look like girl scouts selling cookies.
If you want to play it that way, Sadakoyama's strike teams are ready to Osama bin Laden the Queen.

We don't have aircraft carriers, we don't have a large standing army, but what we do have are 2-meter tall genetically engineered clones raised from birth to be a combination of Bladerunner's replicants, Serenity's Operative, and Mass Effect's Salarian Special Tasks Group. They make Seal Team Six look like girl scouts selling cookies.
bruh wtf
Well the Wolvesh Legions have been Genomed out the butthole, plus they're pretty much raised from birth to be soldiers so they're hard to take down, i mean they're not bulletproof but they're just as likely to pick up their own severed limbs to use them as weapons if pushed... they're frankly a little disturbing that way.
Can we declare a temporary truce while we all beat up on Cronaal?

Maybe we can even achieve a peace treaty after that...?
Sorry, Cro, but 13 million is not at all a realistic army. Even CHINA has 2.7 million, and the USA has 1.4 million. While this isn't real life, RL does provide some examples that the RP mods seem to endorse:
There's a reason 30 million men is not a reasonable size, and it all has to do with economy. Look around the world. The largest military is the PRC with just over 2 million active duty personnel. That's a country with a 1 billion population. What's really worth looking at is the fact that no nation's military exceeds 5% of the nation's population. Nations in good economic standing don't even exceed 2%. Why? Because a military is expensive, and produces absolutely no revenue. It's expensive. There are mouths to feed. A healthy nation cannot support more than 2% of their population in the military. The United States has less than 1%, with about 1.5 million people on active duty (that's about .5% of the nation's population).
Since Cro's army is not realistic I'm going to pretend it was around 600,000 soldiers before and around 1 million now, same size as mine. I suggest everyone else do the same.

Also, Nebula, no. That'd make things less fun, and make the Peace Treaty ending it all more momentous of an occasion :D
I like the idea of dividing Cronaal between four occupying powers (Syrixia, Guslantis, Rhuvanland, and Nebula, maybe), and then I can annex some of the outer islands, claiming that I need to avoid another attack, and then we can enter an extended state of nuclear paranoia! How's that sound? :)
A Cold War situation would be kind of interesting. We can poke fun at real life by doing TNP versions of important Cold War events such as the Cuban Missile Crisis. I made some maps for you.

A Cold War situation would be kind of interesting. We can poke fun at real life by doing TNP versions of important Cold War events such as the Cuban Missile Crisis. I made some maps for you.


It's just so great that there's the whole thing about "those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it". Or, on NS, those who learn history endlessly RP it over and over again.

Anyway, we need a place that we can have be Cuba...
Since Nebula will be the Soviets in this case, I would say the Cuba would have to be somewhere near Rhuvanland or Syrixia, on an island off the coast.

Also, we should make sure that the Cronaal capital is in North Cronaal, so we can RP the Berlin situation and have the whole East/West thing creating constant tension.

Last thing--- would it be all right if I could annex one or two of the distant islands in Cronaal? Because that was what happened at the end of WWII with the Soviets.

Also, we should make sure that the Cronaal capital is in North Cronaal, so we can RP the Berlin situation and have the whole East/West thing creating constant tension.

Last thing--- would it be all right if I could annex one or two of the distant islands in Cronaal? Because that was what happened at the end of WWII with the Soviets.
Look at the map on my embassy page