The Great War: OOC

So Bootsie, I'm curious of your motives here. Are you trying to get Syrixia to stamd down so it can lose the war, which is the planned outcome, or is it something else?

Either way I'd prefer if you back off on the condemnation for now so we can get to the actual fighting part. Eventually after maybe 1 to 2 pages, idk (I'll give a signal) you can condemn me, and Syrixia will stand down and withdraw troops. Then you can lift the condemnation and we sit there helpless to watch as Rhuvanland is overwhelmed and turned into the Socialist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland.

That a good idea? Thoughts?
No. I'm literally tired of all the fighting and wars. All you do is get your nation to involve itself in wars, and it's at this point just you defending yourself (as Rhuvanland is your puppet.)
Also, funny enough, the Pelhaforan pro-independence side lost the referendum. This, in addition to Nebula's absence, makes it hard for me to advance the Pelhafor plot. You'll see the Pelhafor story go on, but sometime in the future. I'm perfectly fine with Pelhafor laying dormant for a while.
After the Great War Saga ends, can someone remind me to PM Nierr about the "South Point Colony"?
You know, Hisk, you may wanna actually declare war on the Rhuvish Socialist Front first. XD
If we're gonna make this accurate, then Rhuvanland is gonna stay red throughout the revolution in Cronaal. :)
The Vietnam War was long so this one will be too. There will be a couple "cycles" of combat. First, the rebels will nearly win, but then be pushed back, and then nearly win again, and then start to get pushed back once more. This second pushback will not be fully finished, as the rebels will launch a swift attack on Alzenstadt, ending the war and proclaiming the Socialist Federal Republic of Rhuvanland.

Also, there will be anarchists too, around the second rebel offensive.

Tbh, it's more like the Russian Civil War. XD
Guslantis is officially in. First true war overseas since the Schnellerkrieg. How many prongs will Akerman use this time?
Go for a one-pronged, straight-shot-with-all-the-force-you-can kind of offensive. We're gonna try and reconnect with Alzenstadt.
Since more and more players are stacking up against Nebula, how about this: Rhuvanland and her allies win the war, causing a chain reaction which puts down Malachit's approval ratings even further, causing the Revolutions? That would definitely be a glorious and unforgettable end to the Cold War, etched in the North Pacific's greatest moments in its roleplay history for some time to come.
I've been telling you since this started: don't plan out RPs! RPs are like the hard-working, tax-paying citizens of a country -- best left alone.
I'm sick of trying to be USSR here and getting my butt kicked around. That's not how it was, and I don't think that's how it should be. I haven't got a single victory here. You owe me one.
I've been telling you since this started: don't plan out RPs! RPs are like the hard-working, tax-paying citizens of a country -- best left alone.
Then why does The Lounge subforum exist? An RP is a story, from beginning to end. There's a fixed beginning and a fixed end, and one need not worry about that. One should not be focused on the ending/outcome of the story. It's the JOURNEY that counts, and it's the techniques you use to tie it all together from the beginning to the end that make one a good RPer.

Also, Nebula, I actually want you to win this one for that reason, but if you wanna do that you have to:

1. Train the rebels in naval skills and land tactics

2. Make longer posts

3. Figure out a way for a rebel group to win against the armed forces of, like, I think, at least 4 nations.
Yes, considering I have full intent to unleash the wrath of Helmebaine on the Merconian aggressors. (But I'm waiting for now.)
Ugh, helmebaine is literally your personal fight squad.

EDIT: NPTO Proposal time.
Sorry for the late responses on this... just getting caught up on the thread here.

I'd say many of the alliance actions have been to push for a democratic leadership of nations, keep outside nations from forcing political ideology on unsuspecting populations, and defense/support of alliance members. As far as I recall the alliance actions have been the result of outside military or political forces. To many in the alliance regarding the Cronaal situation, we weren't sure if you were being oppressed or wanting the situation to take place. It was left rather vague for a while, and in reality if a member state is savagely attacked and occupied, and no information seemingly in favor from the ally on the occupation IC, it leaves people to believe hostile actions.

You're fighting/observing Pelhafor on the other side of the region whilst Cronaal and Merconia are on other sides of the region with large landmasses between you and us. The threat was also imminent, the alliance would've been no help.
How far are you from the Ceretian and Kalti homelands? You sit midway between the two member nations with strong military forces. Our 3rd fleet operates somewhat north of you... so not far.
I'm sick of trying to be USSR here and getting my butt kicked around. That's not how it was, and I don't think that's how it should be. I haven't got a single victory here. You owe me one.
It is kind of rough, I'd have to agree.

I've been telling you since this started: don't plan out RPs! RPs are like the hard-working, tax-paying citizens of a country -- best left alone.
Wait, so you agree with planning Nebula to win but also agree with not planning at all? :blink:
I'm saying that it does seem nebula got a bit of a raw deal in the planning department. I'm also saying that RPs need to be free to develop.

Plus had we gone with real Vietnam, the situation would have ended in a decisive and thorough allied stomping of communist forces with seeming victory. Shit, it looked like a curb stomping if you look at the details. Look at the history, the USA brutally won almost every engagement with staggering losses on the communist side. The N Vietnamese admitted this publicly.

When the US/allied forces left under the cease fire and promised to aid the S Vietnamese forces the communist north publicly admitted (later) that their return to hostility was to gauge if the US would return OR support the south.

When they were allowed to take one victory after another they grew bolder. Maybe something larger will draw the US support? Nope. Larger? Nope. They admitted that they took the south when they realized the US no longer backed the south.

The US / South Vietnam won the first part of the war. The second part was South Vietnam alone, about a year after US withdraw. S Vietnam lost handily.
In a nut shell, the US won the war but failed to maintain their victory. The north lost the war, but in the end won the victory.
So how about we win, and then we leave Rhuvanland alone, and then the rebels sneak attack Alzenstadt and take over the country? That would seem sort of similar.
The 'journey' of the RP shouldn't be planned. Planning it means you're setting a clear-cut destination and a route. I do agree the journey is more important than the destination, so we need to back off. RPing is storytelling in a sense but it is not like most narrative fiction. We don't plan here -- that's the whole point of RPing, no planning.
Okay. We have two scenarios depending on who wins-

Nebulan victory: Rhuvanland becomes a Nebulan puppet state, people within Nebulan puppet states get angry and grow tired of oppression, revolutions.

Rhuvish victory: Malachit's approval rating goes down, revolutions.

I think we're good. May the best man win eh?
The government scouts advance cautiously through the forest, assault rifles at the ready. The forest is dark and silent. The scouts wear night-vision goggles, but this doesn't help their racing heartbeats.
An owl hoots nearby. At least, that's what the scouts think. The next second, rebels weilding Nebulan-made pans leap out of the tree, falling on the squad of scouts. There are a few clangs of metal on metal, several nasty crunches, and a single scream, cut short with a gurgle.
Several rebels begin gathering guns and ammo. The rest disappear back into the trees, waiting for the next ambush.