The Great War: OOC

If Kannex tries anything nuclear, I'm having Rhuvanland surrender and will be petitioning to the Helmebaine Alliance to eject Kannex.

Keep the world safe!
That won't matter anymore if this goes through. A theoretically Pakistani-Indian nuclear war can already send the entire RL world into a nuclear winter. A war between Nebula and Kannex would be worse. And it's not like Syrixia won't be on the list of targets. Not Kannex, but other nations'.
Just stop! You're taking this way too far! Let political evolution do its thing, as you said. This was made to be like Vietnam, so let's end it like Vietnam and leave Rhuvanland to its own devices so we don't kill ourselves!
Sorry m8. I don't like having to threaten nuclear violence, but what Kannex did has both angered and alarmed a lot of people high up on the food chain.
To certain very religious Kannexans in top positions, this looks a lot like the final chapter of a certain book they love.
Seriously guys, if you start some kind of nuclear war, I've got a nation in tatters controlled largely by religious extremists who would be very glad to add to the inevitable destruction of the planet you're going to unleash.

It will not be fun.
Seriously guys, if you start some kind of nuclear war, I've got a nation in tatters controlled largely by religious extremists who would be very glad to add to the inevitable destruction of the planet you're going to unleash.

It will not be fun.
It would actually be interesting to see a non-canon post-apocalyptic RP after Nierr, Kannex, and Nebula brought about the end of the world.

Especially since my dragons would likely have an advantage, since their natural weapons and armor (claws, scales) wouldn't be lost or destroyed for the survivors, while humanity's weapons (tanks, jets, etc.) would be lost if the end of the world was bad enough.

'Course, it would be preferred for that to be non-canon. *cough*
Seriously guys, if you start some kind of nuclear war, I've got a nation in tatters controlled largely by religious extremists who would be very glad to add to the inevitable destruction of the planet you're going to unleash.

It will not be fun.
It would actually be interesting to see a non-canon post-apocalyptic RP after Nierr, Kannex, and Nebula brought about the end of the world.

Especially since my dragons would likely have an advantage, since their natural weapons and armor (claws, scales) wouldn't be lost or destroyed for the survivors, while humanity's weapons (tanks, jets, etc.) would be lost if the end of the world was bad enough.

'Course, it would be preferred for that to be non-canon. *cough*
We could do that, but let's finish the saga first.

Also, the Rhuvish War RP isn't over yet; we still have to do the closing stuff, such as the transition to the revolutions.
I really need to write up Sadakoyama history. The original plan of the Sadakhan, once they realized religion was just as prevalent here as where they came from, was to engineer bioweapons to which they would be thoroughly inoculated, which they would unleash at the proper time. In this way they would deprive what they considered and infectious disease (religion) of hosts in which to propagate.

Then someone had the idea to save a few of the really intelligent and irreligious of the outsiders. In doing so, the increase in different points of view started a culture shift. But there are still a few older Sadakhan that think the old ways had the right of it.
So basically the older Sadakhans were radical extremist atheists?
Yeah. I said they didn't play well with others . . . :P

To be fair, they escaped from a land where religious extremists were Inquisition-ing them into extinction.
Now North Cronaal has a revolution, militarization advocates criticize Malachit's failure to end it, they try and fail a coup, then Malachit steps down and leaves Nebula in more moderate hands.
And in a few months the Putin shows up...
Do we have to have a Putin? We've had enough war; peace is what we need and we're almost there.
I'm reading all of these peace posts and thinking "War! War! War!"

Edit: Ignore this edit, just testing... ñ
Well as soon as the news of what occurred between Nebula and Kannex becomes public, HRH will be making a statement on it. Probably will stay a barely neutral party in this, but we'll see.
New Aquilia:
Well as soon as the news of what occurred between Nebula and Kannex becomes public, HRH will be making a statement on it. Probably will stay a barely neutral party in this, but we'll see.
...who said it's going public?
@Nebula- Once I finish the maps for Delia Point, yes.

@New Aquilia- Good point.
No, the nuclear confrontation was definitely public, but the correspondence between the two world leaders was private.
In public, I think the Nebulans decided to stand down the nuclear threat after the communists won in Rhuvanland.
In public, I think the Nebulans decided to stand down the nuclear threat after the communists won in Rhuvanland.
Well, we had already achieved victory. There wasn't much point in continuing to hold it over your head. We wanted an apology (not really important except symbolically) and full withdrawal of Kannexan troops from Rhuvanland (which happened anyway with a socialist victory). So it all worked out.
In public, I think the Nebulans decided to stand down the nuclear threat after the communists won in Rhuvanland.
Well, we had already achieved victory. There wasn't much point in continuing to hold it over your head. We wanted an apology (not really important except symbolically) and full withdrawal of Kannexan troops from Rhuvanland (which happened anyway with a socialist victory). So it all worked out.
In the short term sure....fallout from that (pun not intended) should play into this war.
I wouldn't be worried. The next part is the final one, and it doesn't really involve our nations so much as it involves North Cronaal and Rhuvanland.
Don't RP the next episode of the saga so soon... I need a sabbath period from this ridiculousness.
Syrixia's already bothering me about North Cronaal Revolutions.

like bruh
im busy writing about Añola
Don't RP the next episode of the saga so soon... I need a sabbath period from this ridiculousness.
Syrixia's already bothering me about North Cronaal Revolutions.

like bruh
im busy writing about Añola
What's Añola? :w00t:
There needs to be a break in the middle of the whole arc. People need time to let it sink in first.