The Great War: OOC

Social democracy ? democratic socialism. One is a welfare state, the other is a democracy implementing socialism.
Social democracy = a socialist system of government achieved by democratic means, according to Google.

So you are right, but you're also not.
' "Social democracy" has also come to be defined as a political ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a capitalist economy, and a policy regime involving welfare state provisions, collective bargaining arrangements, regulation of the economy in the general interest, interventions to promote greater equality in the distribution of income and wealth, and a commitment to representative democracy. '

From Wikipedia, the higher power here.
Whatever the case, what exactly is the catalyst for the North Cronaal revolt? You need something specific, like an economic crisis, or the firing of a popular minister, or something to enrage the people. Perhaps gov troops fired on some Monday marchers.
Also, I would like Rhuvanland to be OOC-ly democratized as well. See my Kannexan elections and the Pelhaforan independence referendum threads for what I mean by that.
We could do some Monday Demonstrations in North Cronaal, yes. Then the North Cronaal government could fire on them and a revolution would erupt. And the revolutions in North Cronaal could set an example for the Rhuvish and they could revolt too.
We could do some Monday Demonstrations in North Cronaal, yes. Then the North Cronaal government could fire on them and a revolution would erupt. And the revolutions in North Cronaal could set an example for the Rhuvish and they could revolt too.

Cronaal and I have discussed this. We have a plan.
We could do some Monday Demonstrations in North Cronaal, yes. Then the North Cronaal government could fire on them and a revolution would erupt. And the revolutions in North Cronaal could set an example for the Rhuvish and they could revolt too.

Cronaal and I have discussed this. We have a plan.
What's the plan?
We could do some Monday Demonstrations in North Cronaal, yes. Then the North Cronaal government could fire on them and a revolution would erupt. And the revolutions in North Cronaal could set an example for the Rhuvish and they could revolt too.

Cronaal and I have discussed this. We have a plan.
What's the plan?
Me in a PM to Cronaal:
A vocal pro-rights activist was killed in a suspicious industrial accident. Accusations fly wildly in all directions until the intelligentsia begin to come to the conclusion that it was the government, especially when the police claim to have found evidence pointing toward a secret political fringe group (i.e., everyone knows about this group, but no one knows all that much) that most people believe ceased to be active some time ago. Many blame the government, and the government cracks down. One thing leads to another..
Agreed. Let's take a break and do other stuff. We can resume on...say, Wednesday or Thursday?
Sooooo....yeah. Should we give it one more day and do it tomorrow, or should we do it today? Or should we do it after tomorrow?
Do it whenever. Now's fine.
Well, we're gonna need Cronaal to start it. The Revolutions don't start in Rhuvanland, they come from North Cronaal.
~Writing Burning Mountains~
Scrap that.
I tried and failed, someone else do this for me. This is the whole reason I left the Future RP.
Don't give up; it's just roleplay, it doesn't have to be perfect. And you'll never get better without practice. Either PM me what you've got or put it in an OOC thread (because other people will help too) and let's look at it and see where you are at. :yes:
~Writing Burning Mountains~
Scrap that.
I tried and failed, someone else do this for me. This is the whole reason I left the Future RP.
Don't give up; it's just roleplay, it doesn't have to be perfect. And you'll never get better without practice. Either PM me what you've got or put it in an OOC thread (because other people will help too) and let's look at it and see where you are at. :yes:
I told, I've scrapped what I did. I don't copy/paste my give-ups.
I told, I've scrapped what I did. I don't copy/paste my give-ups.
Too bad. I do everything in Word first and save almost everything.

But like I said, you've got people ready and willing to help. You can do this, have confidence.
I told, I've scrapped what I did. I don't copy/paste my give-ups.
Too bad. I do everything in Word first and save almost everything.

But like I said, you've got people ready and willing to help. You can do this, have confidence.
Believe in yourself, Cronaal!
I told, I've scrapped what I did. I don't copy/paste my give-ups.
Too bad. I do everything in Word first and save almost everything.

But like I said, you've got people ready and willing to help. You can do this, have confidence.
I'd do it in word but I entrust the forum previews to show me that my posts aren't 1 liners.
I told, I've scrapped what I did. I don't copy/paste my give-ups.
Too bad. I do everything in Word first and save almost everything.

But like I said, you've got people ready and willing to help. You can do this, have confidence.
Believe in yourself, Cronaal!
I never will.
Why not?!
If I may ask, how did this happen in the first place? Up until recently you were an exceptional poster! Did something happen? And what does "I don't have enough in other places" mean?
If I may ask, how did this happen in the first place? Up until recently you were an exceptional poster! Did something happen? And what does "I don't have enough in other places" mean?
I believe that means he's having some confidence issues IRL. Let's not badger him, some people have tougher rows to hoe.

Cronaal, buddy, hang in there.
If I may ask, how did this happen in the first place? Up until recently you were an exceptional poster! Did something happen? And what does "I don't have enough in other places" mean?
I don't know.
I'm just struggling to think of what to do, you'd think the lessons on Creative Writing at school would help more than my use of punctuation.
How about this: what if we helped you write the post, one step at a time? I'll provide the article template, and we can fiddle with it together.
How about this: what if we helped you write the post, one step at a time? I'll provide the article template, and we can fiddle with it together.
Backs away into a dark corner with a small box called confidence
How about this: what if we helped you write the post, one step at a time? I'll provide the article template, and we can fiddle with it together.
Backs away into a dark corner with a small box called confidence
I'm not going to pressure you, so this is the last time I'll offer; I am willing to help you in private via PM.

Put something down, anything, without worrying if it is good, and we'll work with it. (To give you some perspective, in the side story I'm doing, my first draft of one chapter had the main character--a girl from a supposed country of highly educated geniuses, mind--be confused about the nature and function of a flush toilet. :) )
How about this: what if we helped you write the post, one step at a time? I'll provide the article template, and we can fiddle with it together.
Backs away into a dark corner with a small box called confidence
I'm not going to pressure you, so this is the last time I'll offer; I am willing to help you in private via PM.

Put something down, anything, without worrying if it is good, and we'll work with it. (To give you some perspective, in the side story I'm doing, my first draft of one chapter had the main character--a girl from a supposed country of highly educated geniuses, mind--be confused about the nature and function of a flush toilet. :) )
Thank you for the idea.
I would've asked you and Syrixia but I'd feel I'm bothering you both, I was scared to show Syrixia the small creative writing piece I did at school before I PMd it to him which is how much I'd rather not.
How about this: what if we helped you write the post, one step at a time? I'll provide the article template, and we can fiddle with it together.
Backs away into a dark corner with a small box called confidence
I'm not going to pressure you, so this is the last time I'll offer; I am willing to help you in private via PM.

Put something down, anything, without worrying if it is good, and we'll work with it. (To give you some perspective, in the side story I'm doing, my first draft of one chapter had the main character--a girl from a supposed country of highly educated geniuses, mind--be confused about the nature and function of a flush toilet. :) )
Thank you for the idea.
I would've asked you and Syrixia but I'd feel I'm bothering you both, I was scared to show Syrixia the small creative writing piece I did at school before I PMd it to him which is how much I'd rather not.
You're not bothering me at all! Why would you ever think that?