The Great War: OOC

There needs to be a break in the middle of the whole arc. People need time to let it sink in first.
I need to gather information anyway. I haven't rp'd the north at all.
Agreed. Let's take a break and do other stuff. We can resume on...say, Wednesday or Thursday?
Agreed. Let's take a break and do other stuff. We can resume on...say, Wednesday or Thursday?
Wednesday is the day I go to school for half a day and never come back for ~6 weeks
So, not to be the one who only cares about their own wellbeing, but if nuclear missiles start flying, is Guslantis in the range of any projected targets?
So, not to be the one who only cares about their own wellbeing, but if nuclear missiles start flying, is Guslantis in the range of any projected targets?
The nuclear thing is done, but you probably would have been in the way if I had attacked Rhuvanland.
Thankfully, after a session of me frantically pleading to Kannex, I got him to prevent the death of all humans. XD
Like Nierr said, we could do an alternate history RP with the nuclear war and the post-apocalyptic TNP, however it would obviously be non-canon.
Like Nierr said, we could do an alternate history RP with the nuclear war and the post-apocalyptic TNP, however it would obviously be non-canon.
Um... Nierr?
I would have attacked Nebula, North Cronaal, Shei Ren, communist Rhuvanland, and maybe one or two other countries that Kannex views as enemies.

I need to take a break from the dramatic deus ex machina of the communist victory. God knows how the communists turned the tide even after the international coalition wore them down and denied them supplies from both air and sea. It's not as if Syrixia just decided to screw all and write in communist victory because he felt like it. /s
I would have attacked Nebula, North Cronaal, Shei Ren, communist Rhuvanland, and maybe one or two other countries that Kannex views as enemies.

I need to take a break from the dramatic deus ex machina of the communist victory. God knows how the communists turned the tide even after the international coalition wore them down and denied them supplies from both air and sea. It's not as if Syrixia just decided to screw all and write in communist victory because he felt like it. /s
Airlift from the north, bro.

Plus Syrixia may have felt that some of your actions were ...unreasonably favorable toward yourself.
Let's not go starting scandals here. XD.

Also, Darc, was it you? Sorry. I remember Nierr sayibg that. :P
Kannex has had aerial dominance over Rhuvanland that was unchallenged throughout the war. And from which airbases would Nebulan planes fly? All the way from Nebula? I have my fighters based in anticommunist Rhuvish airfields and my aircraft carrier, Lohenstadt.

This is war, mein Kumpel. All my actions were quite reasonably favorable towards myself. As were yours towards yourself.
And during the actual Great War, when you inexplicably shot down every missile I launched, but yours destroyed everything they touched?
Kannex has had aerial dominance over Rhuvanland that was unchallenged throughout the war. And from which airbases would Nebulan planes fly? All the way from Nebula? I have my fighters based in anticommunist Rhuvish airfields and my aircraft carrier, Lohenstadt.

This is war, mein Kumpel. All my actions were quite reasonably favorable towards myself. As were yours towards yourself.
I think the real Vietnam proved you can't win a war from the air alone.
There was no big red neighbor providing weapons from next door. Rhuvanland didn't have a China. There was no major insurgency movement that destabilized the anticommunist regime. One second, the coalition forces were on the ground beating back the reds, and the next, suddenly the reds had some sort of secret Gundam or some special weapon that just so turned the tide of the war. Air power alone doesn't win wars, but we all had troops down there who were winning the war. Hell, nobody even mentioned any insurgency or guerrilla warfare of any kind until I wrote about anticommunist guerrillas attacking rebel supply lines. This was a conventional war and the odds were stacked against us by the author, not the story.

@Nebula, examples? I never claimed invincibility. Yes, missiles got through Kannexan defenses -- that was implicit in the RPing. But don't even get me started -- somehow Nebulans drove through Rhuvish defenses to launch a ground invasion, even while the naval battle was still going on? The Allies still had the entire Rhuvish mainland, along with Rhuvish and Kannexan vessels, to act as missile beds. I simply was able to concentrate more forces in the region, because Kannex is physically nearby. The only reason I haven't invaded Nebula this far into tensions is because I know I wouldn't be able to hold numerical or logistical superiority in that region. Kannex was nearby; my forces were numerically superior and attacked you from both sides. It's simple.

Nice post, Ceretis.
Ladies, ladies, settle down. Would anyone like a tea during the intermission?
Ladies, ladies, settle down. Would anyone like a tea during the intermission?
Some of us may need a little more than tea...the saga wasn't really at all peaceful.

There was no big red neighbor providing weapons from next door. Rhuvanland didn't have a China. There was no major insurgency movement that destabilized the anticommunist regime. One second, the coalition forces were on the ground beating back the reds, and the next, suddenly the reds had some sort of secret Gundam or some special weapon that just so turned the tide of the war. Air power alone doesn't win wars, but we all had troops down there who were winning the war. Hell, nobody even mentioned any insurgency or guerrilla warfare of any kind until I wrote about anticommunist guerrillas attacking rebel supply lines. This was a conventional war and the odds were stacked against us by the author, not the story.

@Nebula, examples? I never claimed invincibility. Yes, missiles got through Kannexan defenses -- that was implicit in the RPing. But don't even get me started -- somehow Nebulans drove through Rhuvish defenses to launch a ground invasion, even while the naval battle was still going on? The Allies still had the entire Rhuvish mainland, along with Rhuvish and Kannexan vessels, to act as missile beds. I simply was able to concentrate more forces in the region, because Kannex is physically nearby. The only reason I haven't invaded Nebula this far into tensions is because I know I wouldn't be able to hold numerical or logistical superiority in that region. Kannex was nearby; my forces were numerically superior and attacked you from both sides. It's simple.

Nice post, Ceretis.
1. There was a Nebula.
2. Guerrilla attacks early on were implied. It's the only logical way they could have had a chance; we assumed it, and it's not my problem that you didn't come to that highly reasonable conclusion.
3. Our invasion was fast, before your defenses were in place.
4. No, it's because you know we would have nuked your ass into the Stone Age.
Nebula and Kannex, I suggest you either settle this through PMs or ask an RP moderator to intervene.
Nebula and Kannex, I suggest you either settle this through PMs or ask an RP moderator to intervene.
Or you two could accept my offer and we could sit down at the Bar and Grille and drink a :tnprum: .
1. Not next door. Supplies were denied both sea and air. Kannexans held aerial dominance.

2. No, you didn't. None of you wrote about guerrilla activity so it didn't happen; implication only went so far. For all of the war the communists fought conventionally. If you wanted guerrilla, you would have written it.

3. That's just stupid. You're far from Rhuvanland and Kannex is right there. What you did was plain godmodding.

4. Yeah, sure, and face retaliation. The same goes for Shei Ren, which would be wiped clean. I actually bombed you during the Great War and your response was lackluster.
Agreed. Let's take a break and do other stuff. We can resume on...say, Wednesday or Thursday?
Sooooo....yeah. Should we give it one more day and do it tomorrow, or should we do it today? Or should we do it after tomorrow?
Agreed. Let's take a break and do other stuff. We can resume on...say, Wednesday or Thursday?
Sooooo....yeah. Should we give it one more day and do it tomorrow, or should we do it today? Or should we do it after tomorrow?
Do it whenever. Now's fine.
Agreed. Let's take a break and do other stuff. We can resume on...say, Wednesday or Thursday?
Sooooo....yeah. Should we give it one more day and do it tomorrow, or should we do it today? Or should we do it after tomorrow?
Do it whenever. Now's fine.
Well, we're gonna need Cronaal to start it. The Revolutions don't start in Rhuvanland, they come from North Cronaal.
Protests occur, demanding democratic reforms. After a few violent incidents, the government, at Nebula's behest, begins political reform. The citizens slowly begin a transition back to a social democracy.