BREAKING- Recently, the nation of Rhuvanland fell into a drastic economic slump, with its streets dotted with rioters and trash, and its government collapsing from within. After various talks with the leaders of Rhuvanland, the Syrixian government and the Rhuvish government have agreed to make Rhuvanland a Syrixian protectorate. The nation is beginning to get back on its feet and is now trading heavily with Syrixia to re-expand its industries and improve its economy. The riots have mostly calmed down, and everything in Rhuvanland, with Syrixian assistance, seems to be getting back to normal. But just what is Rhuvanland?

Rhuvish leadership is unique in its own way. Its version of a parliament is called the Supreme Congress and it is made up of 16 Congressmen, (one for each Ward) 1 Speaker, and 1 Deputy Speaker. The Speaker is the leader and meeting-runner of the Congress, though the position of both Head of State and Head of Government is collectively held by the Supreme Congress, usually represented as Head of State by the Speaker of the Supreme Congress. New Congressmen are elected by the Rhuvish people every 4 years, however Rhuvish people can only elect the Congressman from the Ward their current residence is in at the time of election. New Deputy Speakers and Speakers are elected by the Supreme Congress every 6 years. They are Congressmen as well and become simple Congressmen once more if they are not re-elected as Speaker. If they are furtherly not re-elected as Congressmen, they are out of the Congress. Rhuvanland has a variety of political parties, such as the Rhuvish Workers' Party, the Rhuvish Liberal Party, and the Rhuvish Conservative Party.
Below is a declaration from the Supreme Congress of Rhuvanland announcing their new Syrixian Protectorate status. This declaration was well-met by most of, if not all the people of Rhuvanland, who generally have a favorable opinion on Syrixia, its people, and its government.
Declaration 2352 of the Rhuvish Supreme Congress: Syrixian Protectorate Status:![]()
Declaration of the Rhuvish Supreme Congress
Following the civil strife and economic supercrisis that has occurred within the last couple of years, we, your government, have been conducting negotiations with the government of the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia to become a Syrixian protectorate. This will strengthen ties with Syrixia, and allow Rhuvanland to benefit from Syrixia's global reach and diplomatic power. We firmly believe that this will not only benefit you as well as your country but it will also benefit Syrixia as well in terms of economy, diplomacy, and more.
Rhuvanland and Syrixia have shared cultural camaraderie for centuries and now more than ever Syrixia and Rhuvanland have much ethnic similarity. But most of all, we are happy to see such high approval for this motion. The Election Commission notes that around 92.56% of all Rhuvish people voted for protectorate status, and that we, the Supreme Congress, were unanimous in supporting the motion of becoming a Syrixian protectorate as well. We hope that this new Rhuvanland will be greater than ever before, and that together with Syrixia, the Rhuvish people and nation will be forever peaceful and forever glorious.
May both Rhuvanland and Syrixia live long.
-Helmuth Albrecht, Speaker of the Rhuvish Supreme Congress