ARCHIVED: A New Syrixian Protectorate!

Nebula will only send a representative if West Rhuvanland halts their assault on Brigade 2056 and releases the protesters.

The Subways
The situation was dire. No one wanted to remain in the tunnels, but no one wanted to risk surrendering to the West Rhuvish, who had shown their brutality against the protesters and rioters.
Then one man, who still retained some semblance of mental acuity in the oxygen-deprived state, spoke hoarsely:
"Why don't we... blow our way out?"
The response was almost nonexistent, but seemed in favor of such a move.
The man grabbed a few sticks of dynamite and lurched over to the collapsed tunnel. He lit a match. It sputtered. He tried again until getting the fuse to light.
The explosion did its job. Air began to slowly flow back into the chamber. The men slowly regained consciousness and began moving into the new tunnel, breathing deeply.
Their problem, however, was not solved just yet, as machine gun fire pinged into the subway and ricocheted off the concrete walls. Several men were wounded or killed.
Then the Rhuvish began to move in.

Outside Heidi Rhein's Office Building
The Okob Marah terrorist walked down the street slowly. It was utterly empty. Although the snipers had been killed, they had left their mark on those who had tried to exit the buildings.
In his pocket were three grenades: a fragmentation grenade, to shatter the window of Rhein's office; a concussion grenade to kill or wound Rhein; and an incendiary grenade to start the building on fire.
He grabbed the first grenade, double checked it to make sure that it was the fragmentation grenade, looked up the building to find Rhein's office, pulled out the pin, waited two seconds, and threw the grenade up the side of the building.

And what of West Rhuvanland? Do they have a response to our offer as well as the Nebulan statement?
The Free Republic of Rhuvanland will sent a representative if Nebula orders its forces currently violating Free Rhuvan sovereignty to surrender, and if the leader of Nebula will apologize for violating Rhuvish sovereignty by attempting a coup d'etat against the constitutional government of Free Rhuvanland, and if Nebula will agree to an indemnity and pledge to never lift a finger against Free Rhuvanland ever again.

The explosion rocked the underground system and pieces of rock fell on the Brigade, crushing the soldiers. Pressured in by the fallen tunnel, the explosion flared back at the Brigade, engulfing its troops in fire. A small hole was formed, yes, but hardly enough to crawl through. Elite Rhuvish troops stormed in the train station, ducking behind cover and advancing slowly to the soldiers stuck below on the train tracks.

A Rhuvish sniper manning the government building took note of the hostile agent and recognized the objects as grenades. He aimed at the man's head and fired.

Heidi Rhein had long been moved to a bunker on the outskirts of the city (OOC: As I've stated). The attack was a failure.
The Emperator slammed his hand down on the desk.
"The Rhuvish are tearing Brigade 2056 apart, they refuse to attend the conference unless we make unreasonable demands, they want us to swear never to attack them again!?"
The generals were visibly cowed.
"We shall not bow to their demands!" the Emperator continued. "What other options do we have?"
"Covert action has been a failure," noted one general, with a pointed look at the head of the AFI. "Either we withdraw our influence or we launch a full-out assault. The former would lead us to look weak, the latter as a vicious imperialist power."
"What if we refused the Rhuvish demands, but attended the conference anyway?" another mused. "They would refuse to come, and we would have the ear of the Syrixians and the East Rhuvish."
The Emperator thought for a moment.
"We'll do it."
"What about our men in the country?" asked the AFI head.
"The Brigade is doomed. Do your best to arrange for the escape of your men within the country. Keep some funds going to Okob Marah."

We refuse to meet West Rhuvish demands. However, we will attend the conference. Our earlier demands are to be disregarded at this time.
Of the eight hundred soldiers of Brigade 2056 trapped in the subway station, only five hundred survived. They were lined up, disarmed, and taken to prisoner camps. The Free Rhuvish forces were merciful in victory. Numerous bodies lay across the city center, both Rhuvish and foreign. Rubble piled where some buildings once stood. The burned-out skeletons of tanks and vehicles sat on the highway.

From the streets a cheer rose, at first quiet, then louder and louder. The chant spread, and quiet voices became hearty cries and yells that filled the air. Civilian militiamen, soldiers, and civilians danced and celebrated. The entire city had been cleared of the foreign invaders, and now the crowd shouted:


Now that Free Rhuvan had the victory, its government quietly communicated to that of East Rhuvanland: The West will attend the conference.
We have withdrawn our recognition of Heidi Rhein's government as the legitimate government of Rhuvanland. Our support has turned to the socialists of West Rhuvanland, many of whom are languishing in Rhuvish prisons or are lying dead in the streets for "rioting". We condemn the actions taken by Rhein's military organization.

We will still attend the conference, however we will not see West Rhuvish demands as equal to those of the other parties. The Emperator himself will attend, along with a significant bodyguard.

Meanwhile, the Emperator had given permission for the videos and images to be released to the newspapers of Nebula, who chewed them up hungrily. Within an hour, papers went to press and the first posts were being made online. The front page of Nebula's primary newspaper, the Harbringer, had many articles on it. Among them were articles about Brigade 2056 (including a piece that confirmed the AFI's role in it), the terrorist movements throughout West Rhuvanland, and the battle itself.

But front and center was a picture of one of the NO MORE POLICE BRUTALITY signs, abandoned on the ground at the park. Injured protesters, soldiers, and revolutionaries had been brought through after the police had forced the protesters out. The sign had a boot print on it. But more significantly, one of the wounded members of Brigade 2056 had dripped a bit of blood on it.
Naturally, many Nebulans assumed that the blood had come from the protesters. This assumption was false, but the newspapers hadn't bothered to point this out. The image quickly became one of the most potent symbols of the anti-Rhuvish movement.
Meanwhile, in the East, things were MUCH less grim. Agnes Liesel was overjoyed, and so were her people. The streets of Dunorion and all East Rhuvanland rang like bells in praise of the war's end. People ran through the streets, ecstatic that, at last, their Rhuvanland would be the home of the conference that would not only end the war, but also possibly end tensions between Nebula and Syrixia. As representatives from Nebula and West Rhuvanland made their way into the East and the city of Dunorion, Syrixian representatives did too, even Alfred Nursson himself. Once the conference began, Nursson began with an introductory statement. "I am pleased with peace in Rhuvanland being real at last." he said. "I have great respect for the people of Rhuvanland, in both east and west. I am also pleased to announce that if this conference goes smoothly, Syrixia shall rerecognize Nebula as a state and possibly request exchange of embassies or consulates. However, this conference is not mostly about Syrixia. It is about a people whom have seen economic chaos, anarchy, political chaos, and, penultimately, a war. It is about Rhuvanland, the land of the Rhuvishmen and women. With that, I believe we should begin." The diplomats clapped, and then Liesel stood. The conference had begun, and Liesel was open to others' suggestions before making her own.
(OOC: Sorry we're late.)

Five blue Guslant helicopters flew over Rhuvanland as the action was happening below. In the sleekest one, Duchess Charles felt the weight of this encounter on her shoulders. While weapons have not been used in Guslant combat in years, usually on diplomatic missions the guards would carry weapons in self-defense. However, the only thing the NPTO troops carried were shields, keeping violence from them. Ironically enough, the only armed person on any of the helicopters was Charles herself, carrying twin pistols in the secret pockets of her dress in case she was attacked. "Contact the Rhuvish officials and tell them that Duchess Charles of Guslantis is requesting to land five helicopters near the conference area," she said to the pilot as they began to descend. "What if they don't clear us?" the pilot asked curiously. "Forward them to Associate Minister Ayuda at the Thomas Building," she replied. "Can you clarify why we are here again, Leah?" asked Scottsfield from the front of the craft. "To make Rhuvanland a sovereign nation," she said with pride, preparing for the landing.
Amidst the talking, Liesel heard a notification on her small microphone. Guslantis was landing, with NPTO troops. She immediately went down to where Nursson was sitting and began to whisper. "The Guslants are here, with NPTO troops as well as their own Guslant helicopters." she said. "It's almost like NPTO troops are being incorporated into the Guslant army."

Nursson seemed concerned. "I agree. This seems to be some sort of abuse of power. Syrixia has been watching Guslantis for a while. We've been suspicious of their AI systems, their use of NPTO troops, their inactivity within the organization. No doubt will I be running for Chairman; Minister Atlas has decided to give me his positions in NPTO after his term ends and elections begin so he can focus more on foreign relations solely on the behalf of Syrixia, and not in any international organizations such as the DU or NPTO."

Liesel seemed worried, and at this point it seemed the Western and Nebulan diplomats had taken notice of the situation, too. The Guslants were friends to the East, but they and their "NPTO soldiers" could twist, tie or even cut the delicate fabric that made up the quilt of this conference, and the worst part was, they were using NPTO and their authority in it as a scapegoat. Liesel turned on her microphone and began to speak. "Guslantis was not invited to this conference." she said. "Politefully deny them entrance."
As soon as Charles heard the recording from whatever Rhuvish official sent her the denial message, she was distraught. "National sovereignty of Rhuvanland is not being respected! The Syrixians will and are going to force the Rhuvish people into an economic depression! What have they already done?! Split the nation in two and started a war?! Quite a resolution to the issue isn't it?! Hell, don't listen to Charles, she just is fighting for the sovereignty of a nation!," she began bantering as Scottsfield watched. The poor General had never seen Charles this angry, and she planned to help calm her down. "Leah, there are many other ways to get through to a country than through diplomatic measures," she said, trying her hardest not to sound like she was pro-war. "What I mean is that Minister Tucker may decide it is time for the Congress to get involved and show that Guslantis is not a nation that will stand here and let an imperialistic nation control and destroy the sovereignty of a nation, especially one of Syrixia's status," she continued. "Fine, pilot, head to Pigletville, get Ayuda to schedule a meeting with Tucker, Akerman, and Hall immediately," Charles ordered as the helicopters flew back toward Guslantis.
Liesel was appalled at what she had heard in that microphone. The Guslants clearly did not understand the specifics of the situation. Indeed, East Rhuvanland was in anything but an economic depression. The East was getting a sweet deal; near-full autonomy, representation in Parliament, and support whenever requested. On the other hand, the West was mired in chaos and ruins. Nevertheless, Syrixia and the East understood, out of kindness, that the Westerners were their kin and peace between them and Nebula, as well as between them and the East itself, was paramount. Thus, the conversation continued as planned. Liesel was looking for suggestions, to bring it along.

(OOC: You guys can contribute to the conference too.)
The Emperator turned to the table. "Let's get down to business, ladies and gentlemen. The Nebulan government has several demands that we would like to bring to the table. First and foremost, we would like to restore diplomatic relations with Syrixia. Second, we would like to see Syrixia withdraw their condemnation of our annexation of Galacta. Finally, we would like to see West Rhuvanland's current right-wing government replaced with a more moderate one."
A hubbub began to rise at this last statement.
Nursson tilted his head slightly and put on a serious look, then turned to look at the Emperator. "Perhaps restoration of diplomatic relations is possible," Nursson said, "But we will not withdraw our condemnation unless we receive a formal and public apology for the Nebulan attack on Balamb a few months ago." Liesel then added, "Concerning the demands about the West, perhaps they should decide."
As repairs continued through the capital city of West Rhuvanland, the dead were mourned. All who gave their lives and limbs to defend Rhuvish freedom were celebrated. Crowds gathered in the streets; a procession of Rhuvishmen stretched for miles in the city to pray, hope, mourn, and celebrate. Gott erhalte freies Rhuvanland; such was the reverent whisper of the crowd.

In the days after the end of the battle, the role of Nebula in the raid was fully revealed and Nebulan stores were ransacked. West Rhuvish and even Kannexan newspapers -- a bond had been made between the two German-speaking worlds since the split -- decried the imperialism of Nebula and celebrated the small nation's defeat of the evil Nebulan empire.

All of the Socialist legislators, as it were, turned up innocent. The government apologized for their internment. Peaceful protesters that had been arrested were also released; rioters, meanwhile, were tried. Although liberal critics wrote against what appeared to be the excesses of martial law during those harrowing three days, the West Rhuvish populace by far and large, approved. For the successful defense, Heidi Rhein's approval ratings soared off the charts. The Conservative Party received a boost in support; all through West Rhuvanland the militaristic and patriotic "OOH-RAH"s sounded in streets. Fireworks flared and exploded in the night and people danced in city plazas.

Most Socialists had remained patriotic, fighting against the invasion. A few Nebulan spies had infiltrated the organization, but these were identified and purged. Yet the Socialists nonetheless suffered in their ratings -- for being so ideologically close to the attackers, they were denigrated. In their place, a more moderate and mildly nationalistic Sozialdemokratische Partei rose to prominence. It was expected that the Social Democrats would took over all of the Socialists' seats.

Overseas, the people of the Empire of Kannex rejoiced. Kannexan media, such as the Weiterburg Times, played up the David-and-Goliath aspect of the Nebulan invasion. The righteous David, a small nation which with the Kannexan people felt some affinity, slew the wicked giant. HM the Kaiser personally wrote a congratulations to President Heidi Rhein and her government. The West Rhuvo-Kannexan friendship -- heretofore discreet and limited to a few arms deals and intelligence connections -- became open. A Kannexan pledge of several million in military and financial aid to West Rhuvanland followed.
To meet with this grand ruler, the West Rhuvanland had not sent its top officials, but instead an Aussenministerium official by the name of Johann Klinger, to lead the West Rhuvish delegation to this "peace" conference. Klinger sat in the middle of his comrades. His hair, neatly parted into two, was the color of maple syrup on toasted bread. Klinger's eyes seemed hung open from his face behind round-rimmed glasses; a teethy smile greeted the other delegates. His whole face said Guten Tag. He dressed in a bland gray suit and tie, and his hands were neatly folded together on the table.

Klinger's grin widened as he was called upon to speak. "We would like to see peace, but there is no peace without security." He stared at the Nebulan. "Emperator, we demand a formal and public apology for the violation of West Rhuvish sovereignty and that you admit and apologize for the attack of Brigade 2056 on our capital city. We demand a pledge from the leadership of Nebula that nothing of this sort will ever be repeated -- that no attack will ever again be made on West Rhuvish sovereignty. Finally, we demand that you resign immediately as the leader of your nation and be replaced by a less imperialistic despot."
"Accept this statement of goodwill as an apology for the attack on Balamb, then," said the Emperator, pushing a frail sheet of paper across the table. It read:
The purpose of this document is to apologize for the actions taken by the armed forces of the Watching Nebula during the Syrixian Civil War. We are truly sorry for our interference in the internal affairs of your country.
Nebulan Foreign Affairs
Johann Klinger tapped his pen. "And where, Emperator, is your apology for your actions in our country?"
"In your country? I fail to see how it is your country. It is no more your country than Liesel's or Nursson's."
"It is no more yours as well. The Free Republic of Rhuvanland demands an apology from Nebula. Surrender yourself to the authority of Free Rhuvanland like the criminal you are, and we will try you."
"I did not intend to suggest that West Rhuvanland belongs to Nebula. However, we do not recognize the 'Free Rhuvish' government as the official government of West Rhuvanland. We recognize 'Free Rhuvanland' as little more than a militant group that has a tenuous grip on West Rhuvanland."
Johann Klinger chuckled. "And let me guess, those men now held in our prisons, and those bullet-filled corpses we have in our custody -- those are your 'legitimate' government of West Rhuvanland? Don't kid me, Emperator. We fleeced your forces clean. Free Rhuvanland still stands."
The Emperator smiled unnervingly. "Ah, Herr Klinger. The men that your soldiers fought were West Rhuvish exiles. Fifteen hundred of them. The Nebulan force in New Sekai alone is over a dozen times larger than that. You think that you have scored a mighty victory over the brutal Nebulan socialists. But, in fact, you did nothing but destroy a small, and, dare I say it, expendable force of your own countrymen. You had difficulty crushing the Brigade? Fifteen hundred rookies with limited arms and funds? Do not make your victory out to be more than it was, Herr Klinger, unless you are prepared for the full displeasure and power of the real Nebulan Army."

He leaned back in his chair, exuding an air of utter confidence and contempt.
Klinger thought perhaps the Emperator perhaps unnerved himself, for what he said seemed to demonstrate a loss of touch with reality. "You're a fool, Emperator," spat Johann Klinger. "They were no longer our countrymen the moment they entered into cahoots with you. If Nebulan forces invade Rhuvanland, you will see a storm rising like the world has never seen. The iron trap of Rhuvanland will ensure that no matter how many thousands of your petty troops you send, there will be just as many Nebulan widows and childless mothers."
"You fail to take into account the fact that there are other ways to fight a war than to march a million men in," replied the Emperator calmly. "Naval blockades, drone strikes, assassinations... the list goes on and on. The only way that West Rhuvanland would come out of the war anything more than a steaming crater would be with international support. And you cannot strike back; we are too far north, and we have allies in between."
"What, are you going to try something foolish and totally beyond the resources of your fledgling autocracy?"
"Barbarianism? On the contrary, everyone knows that the greatest ancient empires and civilizations were based on conquest."
"Gentlemen, gentlemen." said Liesel. "Is your current conversation not completely contradictory to the reason this conference was called? A war would not benefit any of us, not after the first one."
"This is a conference built on the hope of reaching peace. Thus, that is what we should discuss. This bickering is getting us nowhere."
Klinger readjusted his glasses. "We demand a formal and public apology for the violation of West Rhuvish sovereignty and that you admit and apologize for the attack of Brigade 2056 on our capital city. We demand a pledge from Nebula that she will forever respect Rhuvish sovereignty."
"We refuse to agree to your terms on the grounds that we are in no way sorry for the attack and would like nothing better than the overthrow of the current Rhuvish government in favor of a socialist, pro-Nebulan state. We do acknowledge the fact that Brigade 2056 had Nebulan aid, but we refuse to apologize for their actions."
Gasps suddenly abounded throughout the room.

"Excuse me?" Liesel remarked, in a surprised manner. "We invited you here for peace, not for blatant confessions of imperialist aims! This is most insulting, and alarming!"