ARCHIVED: A New Syrixian Protectorate!

It is inevitable, then. I should have known all along, since they sold out our country, that the death of Rhuvanland as we know it was imminent. Heidi Rhein pondered the choices they had. The Conservative Party was a party of patriots -- they wanted to keep the country together. But if one half of the country was maintained to subordinating themselves to foreign masters, what could they do about it? The alternative to this proposal would be a civil war. No, it was a choice between an immediate civil war and a civil war later. No doubt forces in both the Syrixian-backed East and the independent West would lead to a collision of some sort in the near future.

"Allow me to confer with my colleagues. We will discuss tomorrow."
"Thank you." said Liesel. "Hopefully with both sides having their own states, this conflict will lessen." After a brief minute of farewells, Liesel hung up. Now she was in a difficult situation. If the Conservatives were to accept West Rhuvish independence, there would be tensions in an ideologically separated Rhuvanland, but there would be no risk of a revolution and many deaths. However, if the Conservatives refused, there would certainly be some form of this aforementioned revolution. Now, all Rhuvanland could hope for would be that the conservatives decided on the former statement. Then, there would be hope for the avoidance of a fatal war. The fate of Rhuvanland was out of Liesel's hands now, and in the fate of Rhein.
A host of Conservative Party leaders, including Heidi Rhein sat around one wide half of the rectangular table. Though the sun was drooping on the horizon, a chandelier lit up the conference room. Warm Rhuvish colors and traditional patterns twisted in the chairs, table legs, and windows. On the white wall, over the cabinets, hung a painting of a scene from Rhuvish mythology. It was a half-naked warrior clutching a thunderbolt-shaped dagger, about to plunge it into the breast of open-jawed dragon. The warrior was bleeding and dying, but the fire in his eyes struck the viewer. It was a gaze of defiance as much as it was of hate or courage.

Across from the Conservative leaders sat the representatives of their opposition, foremost being Liesel. The meeting had been civilized so far; everybody had been given snacks and drinks of their choice. Small pleasantries of speech were exchanged and remarks were made on the stormy weather -- perhaps it was to rain today. But with the seating of all major participants, the talks began. Heidi Rhein invited Liesel to speak, to present fully the proposal. Dividing the country would not be easy -- it had been hard enough for Rhein to convince the other party members to agree to the talks in the first place. Now, matters to discuss included economics, military, peace, and the possibility of last-minute reconciliation.
"Agent Dolon, report."
"Many of the secret West Rhuvish leaders are far-right conservative, some bordering on fascist. I tried to get them to switch to communism, but I'm not sure if they'll seriously consider it. I personally doubt it."
"Did you get a recording?"
"Negative. They searched me."
"Oh, well. Did you pick up any useful information?"
"The conservatives want their own country. And most of them would appreciate our help, if it becomes necessary to fight for it."
"I'm going to classify all of this new information at Uber level as soon as this conversation is over. Just keep that in mind. Anyway, this isn't exactly new. Anything else?"
"I feel that a lot of the West Rhuvish leaders are public figures, not shadowy plotters. But they will do whatever they can to gain control of the country."
"Can't abide fascists. What else?"
"They don't have a huge military power. Sure, they have wealth, but they work in the dark. A frontal attack isn't their style. They'd never be able to openly stand up to a Syrixian attack."
Agent Dolon's superior was silent for a moment as he remembered the footage of the Syrixian civil war, in which a dozen Darkstraitese warships had been torn apart by Syrixian artillery. "You're probably right."
"They need our help if Syrixia gets violent. But they're conservatives. We're socialists."
"I'll give your data to High Command. Remember, as soon as this call ends, everything we've discussed goes Uber."
The encrypted phone line went dead.

An hour later, Dolon's superior finished his report, printed it, put it in an envelope, and stamped it with an Uber-level stamp before delivering it to General Alexandros, the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Agency. Alexandros took it without a word, closed his office door, and read it.
Not too long after, Alexandros was in a meeting with several other top Nebulan military leaders.
"No! The Rhuvish situation is too delicate!" Alexandros was shouting at another general when the Emperator walked in. The argument stalled immediately.
"What is the situation?" he said.
Alexandros drew breath. "Sir, we've a report from one of our agents in Rhuvanland. He managed to get into a secret meeting of far-right political activists."
The Emperator's lip curled. "And?"
"Long story short, they need help if they're going to gain independence from Syrixia."
The Emperator reached for the report. "May I?" he asked. Alexandros nodded. He opened it, read the report, and thought for a minute. Then he reached a decision.
"We shall send them aid in secret should a civil war break out," he declared. "But we will also infiltrate their organization and get our men to the top. Should they win the war, we'll do our best to eliminate their leaders and take over, setting up a Rhuvish puppet state. This will expand our influence immeasurably."
"Rhuvanland is our mutual home." said Liesel. "But while we are related in culture and nationality, the west simply cannot coexist with the east. The political divide is too vast and since all people have a right to believe whatever they desire, coercing both sides to unite would be nigh impossible and the political divide, if left untouched, could cause a civil war and total pandemonium on both sides. Therefore, it is in the interest of safety, both physical and political, that Rhuvanland splits into east and west."

Liesel paused. "That's my proposition; if it needs to be slightly changed or elaborated upon hopefully we can talk about it. What do you all think? Any questions?"
Heidi Rhein opened her mouth to speak, but her colleague cut her off, raising a hand. Rhein nodded reluctantly. The man was Jacob Katzenberg, the shadow minister of state in the Conservative opposition. He sat forward. "Let's not ignore the elephant in the room, shall we? The reason for this huge divide is, of course, the liberal government's decision to relabel our entire country -- our dear Rhuvanland -- as a protectorate of a foreign nation, instead of a sovereign state which it has been. Now, in taking up office the leading officials of the liberal government took the oath to protect and uphold the constitution of Rhuvanland. We respected that oath when we took the office, and we respected our opposition's swearing by the oath.

"But, meine Damen und Herren, selling our national sovereignty -- our right to be an independent people! -- is not upholding the constitution of our country. There are a million ways to fix the economy -- deregulation, or Keynesian welfare, whichever you like -- tariffs, accepting economic aid, entering into free trade associations, et cetera, et cetera. Anything but selling our independence!"
"True, there are other ways." Liesel replied. "But through Syrixia, the liberals of this country feel that we can be opened to many new opportunities in this region, along with economic assistance, as Syrixia is a major power in the region. Plus, for a protectorate, we're getting a pretty good deal; near-full autonomy and the ability to have observers in the Syrixian parliament, as well as military support and the aforementioned economic support as well! However, we obviously know that you do not share our opinions, and since the political divide is so sharp between east and west, it would be a wiser option to split."
"The negotiations are ongoing, sir."
"The liberals want to split."
A smile curled across the Emperator's face. "Excellent. Send an agent to the conservatives promising our financial aid should they split. We'll snap them up in our trap and make West Rhuvanland into a communist puppet."
Jacob Katzenberg sat back in his chair. The liberals were adamant about splitting, and so were, it seemed, certain foreign powers. The whole of the Conservative Party representatives in the room realized, almost at once, that reconciliation was a lost cause.

Heidi Rhein now spoke. "You speak of military aid from your Syrixian... friends. Now, given that we are to establish an independent West-Rhuvanland, what steps would you undertake to guarantee to our people that no aggressive actions will be taken against us? We cannot speak of a peaceful split if there is no guarantee of peace between us.

"Furthermore, the issue of free migration is crucial. We must allow a period of at least twelve months in which the residents of both West and East can freely migrate between the borders. We furthermore propose an Inter-Rhuvish Migration Agency to facilitate this process."
Liesel began to speak. "We will definitely suggest to the Supreme Congress the notion of an Inter-Rhuvish Migration Agency; and perhaps an Inter-Rhuvish Peace Council would also be in order, with representatives from the Western and Eastern governments. I think these two agencies would definitely benefit peace between the west and east."

Liesel sat down and breathed a sigh of relief. The bad air was dying down, and the conservatives were now proposing peace, and ways to go about that peace. Both the Supreme Congress and the people of both Rhuvanlands would probably be overjoyed. That said, both Rhein and Liesel had no idea that in the midst of this negotiation, there was (OOC: As stated by Nebula) a Nebulan informant watching the whole thing...
Heidi Rhein continued. "Now, for the sake of peace: all current Rhuvish military personnel must be allowed to partake in this migration. Current Rhuvish military formations in the West must stay in the West, but all Rhuvish military personnel will be allowed, if it is their wish, to be released from their oaths and transfer to either side." Rhein knew that military men, like wealthy industrialists, tend to lean right. "They will have twelve months to do this."

"All citizens, in addition, must have free rein to transfer their property to either side. They must not be hindered." As an afterthought, she added, "In that twelve-month migration period, all train routes and roads must remain open and flow of movement unhindered.

"For a period of ten years, no non-Rhuvish military personnel may be stationed in Rhuvanland."
At this point, a man excused himself to use the bathroom. Both sides thought he was with the other.

He had already made two bathroom trips in the fairly short negotiation time.
Leah Charles, now sporting a blue dress and a matching beret, stepped onto her personal helicopter, which was a fast and sleek craft. She was quite concerned with the entire situation at the moment, and she wanted to help Rhuvanland as much as she could. "Ausziehen," she said to the pilot as a NPTO guard closed the door behind her and they took off. She turned on her GusNet tablet, and quickly called up Minister Vist of Syrixia. As soon as she saw his face, she yelled with excitement, "Herr!" She then realized he could not understand her native language, and corrected herself, "Sir. Madam Leah Miranda Charles, of the North Pacific Treaty Organization, I am very aware of the situation of Rhuvanland and of the eventual splitting of the nation, however, I believe this is cause-and-effect. Syrixia, in all due respect, did help a nation in need, however, I believe it is time the stability of the nation known as Rhuvanland be placed on the international stage. I believe, if Syrixia does stay in direct control over the nation, with it splitting could cause a war, both with the Redeemers and with the opposing side of the nation. We also hope to prevent the splitting and create the first-ever Official NPTO State. This, we hope, will keep peace to that sector of The North Pacific, and lower the concern of our prestigious organization. I have NPTO teams ready to deploy to Rhuvanland, but I would like to know that a war does not break out, rendering our values useless. Thank you," she said, as she smiled. "Dang Charles, you like to talk," said Scottsfield from the front passenger's seat as the helicopter flew out of the Augustus Town harbor.
"An NPTO state would be even worse for Rhuvanland." said Vist. "Instead of the deal we're giving them, they would be just like any average protectorate, and to make matters worse they would be governed by the NPTO. Did we do anything to their Supreme Congress? I do not believe we did, it is still functioning and is doing the job to which the Rhuvish people have elected them to do. I will say, however, concerning a civil war, we believe such a conflict would be highly unlikely. Both the liberals and conservatives of Rhuvanland seem open to a peaceful split rather than a violent one. I recommend we see what happens in Rhuvanland and only deploy peacekeepers if absolutely necessary, such as in the case of a Redeemer attack or failure of both parties to make peace."

(OOC: Nierr, if possible, I'd like to have the Redeemer attack part come in soon.)
The mystery man sat in the bathroom stall, speaking carefully into a headset. He was careful not to be heard by others who entered the bathroom. Indeed, every time the door swung open, he would switch topics to something that would seem fairly normal.

The Emperator knew everything happening in the meeting. Soon it would be time for his agent to begin the next phase.
Heidi Rhein continued. "Now, for the sake of peace: all current Rhuvish military personnel must be allowed to partake in this migration. Current Rhuvish military formations in the West must stay in the West, but all Rhuvish military personnel will be allowed, if it is their wish, to be released from their oaths and transfer to either side." Rhein knew that military men, like wealthy industrialists, tend to lean right. "They will have twelve months to do this."

"All citizens, in addition, must have free rein to transfer their property to either side. They must not be hindered." As an afterthought, she added, "In that twelve-month migration period, all train routes and roads must remain open and flow of movement unhindered.

"For a period of ten years, no non-Rhuvish military personnel may be stationed in Rhuvanland."
"In addition to the aforementioned, the Inter-Rhuvish Peace Council will be charged with maintaining harmonious relations between East and West, as well as trade and commerce between the two sides."
"Agreed." said Liesel. "This, I think, would benefit both East and West and ensure there are no conflicts in our future." Naturally, though, both Liesel and Rhein were oblivious to the growing Nebulan threat, and indeed, a conflict was stirring; not between the east and west, but between ALL Rhuvishmen and Nebula. Until just now, however, this was known only to the Nebulans. The Minister of Defense, Auel Vist, had been sending Syrixian coast guard ships to cooperate with Rhuvish coast guard ships in defending East Rhuvanland, which, like West Rhuvanland, was still in a transitional period with negotiations underway. One Syrixian ship, the SNV Rohensten, was guarding the area in which the Nebulan ship was. Its Captain, Karl Schädle, a Kannexan expatriate who moved to Syrixia at the request of his wife, became a citizen, and joined the Syrixian Navy after being laid off his old job, noticed something on the horizon. "Bring the ship closer!" he said. As the ship's sailors followed his orders and brought the Rohensten closer, they began to make out the object in the distance more clearly. It was another ship. Schädle was required, by way of the Syrixian Armed Forces Doctrine, to know the identity of the ship. Thus, Schädle motioned to a crew member to find the identity number of the ship and ask who they were. After connecting the ship's main phone to that of the other ship, Schädle remarked firmly, "Hello. This is Syrixian Naval Vessel 2942, Coast Guard Department, ship name Rohensten. What is your ship number? Friend or foe?"
The captain and lieutenant exchanged dark looks before turning back to the transmitter.
"This is the Nebulan Scout Vessel Halle. Our mission is to monitor the Rhuvish situation on behalf of the Nebulan government. We have no intention of attacking your ships in the foreseeable future."
Schädle was skeptical. These were Nebulans, after all. Regardless of whether it was a stereotype or not, most Syrixians were not that fond of Nebulans. They were not to be trusted. All over the region, in New Sekai, Syrixia itself and now here among other places, they were there, with their armed forces. "Alright," said Schädle, "But don't cause any trouble." The commlink was then detached and the Rohensten phoned Coast Guard Command in Stonessfurd. "This is Karl Schädle, of the SNV Rohensten. We have Nebulans. I repeat, we have Nebulans. I recommend we notify the East Rhuvish government immediately of Nebulan presence in case they attack." The clerk on the other end replied, "Ikkhlodi yha'qi (Roger that), Captain." and filed a report to send to the Dunorion. While the report was going to Speaker Albrecht, the Supreme Congress, and the other members of the East Rhuvish government, the Rohensten continued on past the Halle towards Dunorion. However, once both Dunorion AND the Halle were in sight, Schädle sent some of the Rohensten's crew on a small boat to Dunorion itself. The Rohensten, however, remained in between the city and the Nebulan ship.
"Admiral, we've been spotted by a Syrixian patrol ship," the captain said into the radio.
The admiral swore. "Whatever line you fed them, they won't believe it."
"I know."
"Withdraw temporarily. Our men have already infiltrated West Rhuvanland. You can loop back around and take another route."
"Yes, sir."

Meanwhile, another ship moved toward the coast. Under cover of night, it carried eleven hundred Rhuvish conservatives who had fled the country after Syrixia had announced its annexation. Those that had come to Nebula had been contacted by the Agency of Foreign Intelligence (AFI), often referred to by its critics as the Agency of Foreign Interference due to its tendency to be involved in covert action. The AFI had built up a small force of Rhuvish exiles and refugees, armed them, and trained them. The ship also carried small tanks, built for street fighting.
The plan was for the AFI recruits, formally known as Brigade 2056, to be deployed in a rural area. AFI agents had scouted it and deemed it perfect for their efforts. The brigade would split up and head into the countryside with the intention of reaching the West Rhuvish capital. The tanks would be hidden inside semi trucks and driven to the rendezvous point, a quiet back street not far from many government buildings. At this point, Brigade 2056 would begin a coup d'etat, with the intention of installing a conservative politician who could be relied upon to support the Nebulan cause.
Meanwhile, most of West Rhuvanland was crawling with AFI agents, bribing policemen, purchasing land for safe houses, and spreading secret propaganda among poor farmers and workers, telling them to support the coup d'etat when it came.
West Rhuvanland had been set up with much violence. Riots and demonstrations from both sides of the political spectrum rocked the streets when word reached the cities of Rhuvish unity's imminent demise. Terrorist attacks by ultra-conservative groups struck East Rhuvanland, whereas riots and liberal elements agitated in the West. The population flight yielded West Rhuvanland a sizable military and several corporations.

Ms. Heidi Rhein became Provisional President, while a National Assembly of representatives was hastily set up. It consisted primarily of conservatives, of both westerners and eastern emigrés, but also contained liberals who decided to stay in the West, as well as communists and other folk that the centrist parties shied away from. Immediately after the split, reports came in of chaos everywhere. Rhuvans everywhere were dissatisfied with the split. Riots hampered attempts to set up elections.

While sipping her morning coffee -- a rare moment's repose -- she received word that the Easterners were receiving Syrixian naval assistance. The Syrixian ships docked and refueled in Rhuvish ports. Rhein decided she would bring the matter to the Inter-Rhuvish Peace Council and the National Assembly. The Westerners did not want any foreigners making trouble in Rhuvish land, air, or water.

More pressing than Syrixian naval involvement were rumors of a revolution. Government agents heard word of foreign elements seeking to invade the young nation-state and set up its own government.

A gunfight in a tavern alleyway in the suburbs of the Western capital was reportedly the work of foreign agents. President Rhein directed her agency to move about the West in the ways they knew and round up all suspected foreign provocateurs and such troublemakers. The recent riots gave her a perfect excuse to do so. They would have the newly-formed National Police's help in this matter.
Meanwhile in the East, while there were occasional riots in the northwest the nation was much more peaceful than the West. While many West Rhuvish were outraged at the split, the East Rhuvish were generally more moderate, seeing both sides of the argument and choosing to continue with their lives. Syrixian ships were sending supplies to East Rhuvanland to build new infrastructure, and East Rhuvanland's representative in Parliament had recently attended his first session.

However, the overwhelming Eastern liberalism and moderatism were not enough to stop change. Two days after the official split, Helmuth Albrecht's term as Speaker of the Rhuvish Supreme Congress ran out. The country switched from single-member plurality voting to a single-transferable-vote system similar to what Syrixia had. While voting was a bit more complex now, it did yield more accurate results. After the first East Rhuvish election, Agnes Liesel was elected Speaker.

Naturally, the first thing she did in office was contact her western counterpart, Heidi Rhein, offering assistance. East Rhuvanland, with Syrixian help, had built up a decent military as well as a few peacekeeping forces. However, there was more. East Rhuvish intelligence had found something interesting. During the meeting between the Citizens' Committee and the Conservatives, bugs and small security cameras were placed in every room of the building where the meeting was in.

This was known by both the Conservatives and the Committee, but they refused to speak of it so it would work to optimum potential. And it did. One of the Conservatives kept going to the bathroom every time there was an intermission or a break in the meeting. While nobody who was also in the bathroom reported anything suspicious, the bugs certainly did. Naturally, that poor, negligent spy had fallen for the classic trap, and soon Liesel knew, and was ready to tell Rhein, what Eastern intelligence had revealed about that man and who he was spying for:

The operation had not gone as planned.

The landing went off without a hitch. But several of the squads had gotten lost in the countryside. They had retained contact, but simply weren't able to catch up with the main party. And a delay would be inexcusable.

In addition, one of the semis carrying tanks had suffered an engine problem, leaving the driver and the Brigade 2056 men in a quandary: how were they supposed to fix it without alerting the government to the fact that they were attacking? In the end, the men decided to just leave it as it was and hitchhike to the capital.

Once there, their problems did not end. AFI agents had failed to consider the possibility of help from liberal and socialist elements within the city, and these, although marginally more useful to the Nebulans, had not been contacted. Brigade 2056 was unable to get help from the rioters, and would probably be seen as just another conservative group to the liberals.

But, finally, with some conflict along the way, they had made it to the rendezvous point. The alley was empty; the perfect place to begin unloading tanks and launch their first attack. The tanks were being unloaded when a police officer walked by.
"Hey!" he shouted, then realized the implications of what he found. Before he could reach for his walkie-talkie, five Brigade 2056 men shot him.

The sounds attracted more policemen. Within half an hour, the conflict had spilled out into the surrounding area and was getting quite violent. Brigade 2056 tanks had formed a defensive area covering several streets.

Then the mass police movement called in by Heidi Rhein began to strike at the rebels. This attack, however, was going badly, as the police were not equipped with tanks. In addition, many liberal and socialist rioters, hoping for change, began assisting Brigade 2056.

Meanwhile, AFI agents within the capital were on the move...
Speaker Agnes Liesel dialed the area code of the new Western capital, Lugeburg, put in the number of the West Rhuvish National Assembly, and hit "Talk." The phone rang for a moment. "Hello? Anyone there in the West? My name is Agnes Liesel, Speaker of East Rhuvanland, and I have an urgent message to pass." Naturally, as Rhein was out, there was no response. Liesel was obviously concerned. She couldn't contact the West as they were busy dealing with the Nebulans, although she did not know this. However soon that was all about to change, when a governor from the northwest of East Rhuvanland came to Dunorion.

His name was Otto Gustaf, and the Ward the people elected him to govern was not in good shape. Pro-Nebulan riots dotted the Ward, and in the north of this Ward they had formed a terrorist organization known as "Okob Marah", which is traditional Rhuvish for "Nebula is Good". These, in conjunction with the Nebulan attacks on the West, were a threat to all Rhuvanland. Governor Gustaf suggested that Liesel send military units to help the West immediately but Liesel refused; she wanted the Westerners to know the information about Nebula first. The East tried calling the West repeatedly, but to no avail...yet, hopefully.
The AFI had received significant funds from the Nebulan Intelligence Committee. These had been put to good use by the agents in West Rhuvanland, and many West Rhuvish had been recruited to Brigade 2056 and Okob Marah. Most of the city was by this point affected by the protests, riots, terrorist attacks, and full-out rebellions taking place at this point.
Brigade 2056 had taken fifteen city blocks or so. Along with the aid that the AFI had been getting them, they had so far managed to hold their part of the city. However, it was becoming clear to the commanders that this situation was not likely to last, and after deploying a few snipers to take out Rhuvish government officials, they began to retreat back to more strategic defensive locations.
"Ich befehle:

"First Division, north of the capital, to immediately restore order to the capital. Second and Third Divisions to the south and west will rendezvous at the Hauptstadt International Airport and relieve our police forces besieged there. All naval forces and aerial forces are placed on immediate alert; hunt down the foreign Nebulan dogs all along the coast. Sink their ships and destroy their lines.

"All police forces are to come under the control of the Hauptstadt Military Command, effective immediately. They are to be integrated as military forces and provided weaponry. All rioters are to be shot on sight. Foreign forces are to be located and destroyed.

"Ninth Division in the east is to send half its troops to join under the command of the First Division in the defense of the capital. Ensure that Syrixian forces do not take advantage of the situation."
The great majority of officials had been taken to secure bunkers across the city. In the confusion most peaceful leftist politicians had been arrested and placed under arrest. Heidi Rhein sat in a bunker outside the city, pouring over maps and papers. As Rhuvish forces had managed to secure their radio and TV stations, as well as other communications centers across the city, Rhein had all military districts in contact by the afternoon. Rhein and her officials rushing about the bunker trained their eyes on no less than 15 computer screens, monitoring the battle. A sizable force of Rhuvish soldiers, about eight hundred, held positions in the government district. Rockets and sniper fire rained down on the enemy brigade as they attempted to advance. In the other corners of the city, steel monster tanks rumbled down streets and armored personnel carriers sprayed fire at Molotov-cocktail-throwing rioters. The charge was on as the element of surprise had broken for the enemy.
"Sir, the Rhuvish situation is deteriorating."
"What's been happening?"
"West Rhuvanland is exercising dictatorial powers. And they've ordered our ships to be fired upon."
The Emperator scowled. "Have our ships withdraw. And condemn the West Rhuvish actions. The situation is probably not salvageable, but this will incite hatred of the current regime. Even if we fail now, we'll be in a good position again soon."

Rhuvish police and soldiers swarmed and charged at the positions held by the Brigade and the rioters. Brigade 2056 had retreated across an overpass, setting traps and explosives along its length while firing at police passing underneath. As they reached the end of the overpass, they blew it up, making any attack on their position from the other side of the highway more difficult. The current defensive position was excellent, but the Brigade's commander knew that if the air force were scrambled, their only hope would be to retreat into the subways. Such an effort would be a last stand.

Meanwhile, the snipers had dispersed throughout the capital, setting up outside police stations, army posts, and government buildings. In total, they had killed a dozen police and military personnel.
Karl peeked through one of the many bullet holes that riddled the wooden door. Splinters stuck out like needles, but Karl was careful to avoid those as he peered through the door and saw what he was looking for. A dark, silent figure lying on the ground. Still as a tree, but in his hand he tenderly caressed a sniper rifle. The muzzle of which poked a centimeter or two out the window, aimed at the streets below.

Karl glanced at his comrade, a fully uniformed member of the new West Rhuvish military. Karl himself happened to be a restaurant manager, but the fact that he had a gun now, and that he knew where the sniper was, made him more than just another chef. He beckoned to the soldier. Eins... zwei... drei!

In unison the men pulled back and then dug their heels into the weak door. The frame gave and the door collapsed inward, a cloud of dust and splinters on the floor. The sniper was caught unaware; as he rolled over and reached for his pistol, a dozen bullet holes ripped through his chest. One pierced his lung, the other his aorta. Arteries, veins, nerves, ripped. The man fell and died. The pair turned and found no one else. After some more searching, the area was pronounced clear and the body of the foreigner displayed in the streets.

Armed Rhuvish civilians worked in tandem with soldiers, hunting down sniper in their dens.

The outer rings of the city regained some degree of order as a military curfew was instituted and rioters dispersed. Troops, many of whom had served the united Rhuvanland, flooded the streets, securing communications buildings, armories, subway stations, airfields, and other key locations. Often they relieved local police detachments. The bodies of communist agitators and foreign soldiers were recovered. Some were badly mangled, others resembled sleeping boys. But all soon reeked of death. And many were found with foreign materials. Books and pamphlets and even watches from a certain country to the far north. Such findings were sent to high command.

Within hours the ground-attack helicopters of the Free Republic of Rhuvanland bustled over the Capital. Their wings seemed to flutter like those of giant raptors. Swinging in, they located the coordinates of the main body of enemy troops. Small units of enemies were scattered across the city and were being dealt with, but the helicopters had their sights set on the grand prize.

High above the enemy, the helicopters hovered like valkyries. Machine eyes pointed machine guns. Machine voices shouted over the flutter of metallic wings.

"Do we have clearance to fire? Over."

"This is Alpha Command to Adler Edison. Feuer frei!"

Machine gun fire raked the overpass, cutting a line through the body of bodies. Dirt and blood and flesh sprayed up in the air as screams and yells cut through the battlefield. Below, units of soldiers held positions on either side of the highway. From rooftops they engaged the enemy troops. The Rhuvish troops knew the city. They were well-prepared to defend it.
(OOC: I used google translate for the Congress meeting. Don't kill me if it's inaccurate, XD)

Liesel had cameras from the eastern mountains and the eastern side of the border watching the carnage across the West. Heidi Rhein would not respond and the Western government was now exercising powers similar to some sort of junta. However, Liesel would not stand by any longer, not while other Rhuvishmen and women were being attacked, even if there was a split. However, not wanting to cause an international incident, Liesel met with the now-expanded-quadruplefold East Rhuvish Supreme Congress to discuss an alternate course of action. "Ich glaube, wir alle wissen, warum wir heute hier sind, bin ich richtig?" she said once the Congressmen and women were settled. There were many responses of "Ja, gnädige Frau." Liesel continued, "Wir können nicht einfach Soldaten schicken über unsere Grenze mit dem Westen; dies würde einen großen Zwischenfall verursachen. Stattdessen schlage ich diese Idee. Wir werden eine Nachricht, eine figürlich Hilfsangebot zu senden, in den Westen, indem Okob Marah."

One of the Congressmen then chimed in, "Dies scheint eine gute Idee. Ihren Sitz gerade in unserem Gebiet zu sein. Wenn wir sie angegriffen hier im Osten und dann angegriffen ihren Basen im Westen, könnten wir sie herunterzunehmen. Wir könnten dann abtreten Westen Rhuvanland die Teile des ehemaligen Okob Marah Gebiet hinter ihre Grenzen, und verwenden Sie die Zerstörung der Okob Marah als Warnung an Nebel und einem Angebot von Unterstützung nach West Rhuvanland zugleich. Was denken Sie, gnädige Frau?" Liesel seemed impressed and convinced by the plan. It would be safer to hit them where it hurts and take back their own land BEFORE liberating the parts of the West under the control of Okob Marah; providing for maximum efficiency and sending the message Liesel desired to send.

"Ja, ich stimme mit diesem." Liesel said. "Lassen Sie uns zu stimmen. Für- neunundzwanzig. Gegen- sechzehn. Enthaltungen - Fünf. Schon. Schreiben die Gesetzgeber und informieren die Menschen. Lassen Sie uns hoffen, dass die Meldung Plan funktioniert und wir können unsere Angehörigen zu unterstützen." A few hours later, East Rhuvish soldiers began marching into Okob Marah territory. Another few hours later, Okob Marah HQ was surrounded and the terrorists were in deep trouble. They continued to fight, though, with unpredictable suicide bombings every now and then, and guerrilla tactics to boot. However, it was not enough to break the East Rhuvish formation, and Okob Marah HQ remained surrounded. An ultimatum was delivered to Okob Marah command: Surrender and disband peacefully or be forced to surrender and disband.
"They want us to surrender?" the commander shouted. "They're mad! Even if we die, our deaths will show the world the atrocities committed by West Rhuvanland."
He turned to the leader of a crowd of resolute protesters, who had been waiting nearby. "How quickly can you get some new signs made?"
"Probably about ten minutes. What should they say?"
The commander told him. The protester grinned. "Where should I protest?"
"There's a park on the eastern side that would be optimal for this."

Fifteen minutes later, the protesters were in the park. When the first cops and soldiers arrived, they stopped dead. They had been told to shoot rioters, but this crowd wasn't rioting.

And the signs gave them pause as well, emblazoned with slogans like KEEP THE ARMY WHERE IT BELONGS and NO MORE POLICE BRUTALITY. Cameramen lurked in nearby buildings, sending live video feed back to Nebula, just waiting for the soldiers to massacre the protesters and make the Emperator's day.
But the soldiers of East Rhuvanland were smarter than that, and more kind. Speaker Liesel knew this and was proud of this. She had an idea. "Congressman Steinbach. Have the soldiers stand down." she said. "However, keep them a reasonable distance away from Marah Okob HQ and do not let any military personnel in the park. Keep the park staff there, and have the park rangers watch from a safe distance to ensure nothing gets out of hand." Congressman Steinbach nodded. "Ja, gnädige Frau." he replied. Then, Liesel turned to another congressman, Roald Donlich. "Congressman Doanlich," she said less loudly but firmly, "Get me Nebula."

"And its Imperator."
(OOC: The brigade's on the overpass and Rhuvish helicopters are strafing them up like sausages... I'm not sure he has time to tell a group of Nebulan agents what to do.)


To the tune of Wagner's glorious Ride the valkyries struck from afar. Bullets and rockets fell like rain of steel and fire. Utter chaos reigned. Caught in the heart of their beloved capital city, the enemy brigade found themselves confronted with a vast array of hostile elements -- elements of death. Bullets struck down men, and rockets turned tanks and vehicles into smoldering corpses. The Nebulan ships had retreated -- before they disappeared into international waters, missiles and rockets flew at the ships. Like men of all invaded countries, the West Rhuvishmen fought with a vengeance. Now, the meager ground forces of the enemy were scattered and isolated. Rhuvish forces, having been supplied German-labeled firearms, rockets, grenades, and vehicles by a certain foreign country, swept through the countryside and the city, mopping up remnants of the enemy. Order was gradually being restored. The attack, however, continued until every enemy would die in their own blood, or surrender to the forces of the Free Republic of Rhuvanland (West).

They call it atrocity. We call it defense.
"This is Agnes Liesel, Speaker of the Supreme Congress of the Republic of Rhuvanland, known informally as East Rhuvanland." Liesel said. "I am concerned by the actions of my fellow Rhuvishmen, but also at the same time by the actions of your forces. I would thusly like to hold a peace conference in Dunorion, the East Rhuvish capital. What do you think of this proposition? Do you have any questions?"
"We're being overrun everywhere, sir!"
"Have they gone for the protesters yet?"
"Not that I know of."
"Let's get to the subways!"

The Brigade's lines had been overrun. Every tank had been destroyed. The snipers had all been killed. The Brigade broke ranks under the air attack and fled into the subway tunnels. There, they began setting up barbed wire and mines near the entrances to the subways. Barricades made from whatever came to hand were made, with machine guns set up on each one.
Brigade 2056 had originally numbered at about 1,500 men. The ranks had been swelled by Okob Marah recruits and rioters to 2,500. However, over 1,200 had died or were dragged off by the army or the police (indistinguishable at this point) to some horrible fate, and many of the Okob Marah terrorists had dispersed into the city on various missions of their own. This left just a thousand men to fight off the Rhuvish assault.
But the Brigade was not ready to give up yet. At the edges of the subway that they controlled, explosives were set, blasting the roofs of the tunnels down and rendering the tunnels impassable. It would be very difficult, and very noticeable, to get into the Brigade's portion of the subway without going in the main entrance--- an activity that would leave anyone who tried it little more than a rather messy and disorganized heap of flesh and blood.

Meanwhile, the protesters continued to silently wait in the park for whatever fate the Rhuvish had in mind for them. The cameramen continued to broadcast, although some had dispersed into the city to send back video of the destruction the Rhuvish had wreaked on their own city, and the brutality they had heaped onto their own people.
(OOC: Oh, I thought the protesters were in East Rhuvan.)

The orders were clear: enforce the curfew. Free Rhuvish cops flooded into the park and hustled the protesters out, demanding they leave. Those who resisted were arrested and dragged away into police vans. "Dies ist kein Spiel! Wir sind in einem Krieg!" Soldiers in uniform watched.

Where Brigade 2056 lay in their den, they were not ready to pounce. Trapped and ragged like a beggar's shirt, the enemy was near dead. Forces of Free Rhuvanland now surrounded the positions, waiting outside of the train station. Orders were to surround and suffocate.

Cough gas flooded into the cramped space of the train station, filling every stairway and platform, every train compartment and car. It was slow, yes, but soon the enemy would have no air to breathe. They would be forced to attack. Huge fumes erupted out of vents and the entrance on the street. The suffocation was near complete.


Sowohl Congress und das Parlament sind entsetzt und über die jüngsten Verhaltensweisen des Westens Rhuvish Regierung und der Regierung des betroffenen Zusehen Nebula. Deshalb werden wir Gastgeber einer Friedenskonferenz in Dunorion im Interesse des Friedens und der Sicherheit. Auch auf bis wird die Hilfe für den Wiederaufbau West- Rhuvanland, sowie verschiedene andere Themen sein gebracht werden. Die Konferenz findet morgen um 15.00 Uhr sein. Wir wollen Antworten von den beiden Regierungen darüber, ob sie in der Lage, es zu machen hören.

Vielen Dank im Voraus,

Alfred Nursson

Agnes Liesel
Osten Rhuvanland
Both Congress and Parliament are appalled and concerned at the recent behaviors of the West Rhuvish government and the government of The Watching Nebula. Therefore, we will be hosting a peace conference in Dunorion in the interest of peace and safety. Also to be brought up will be assistance in rebuilding West Rhuvanland, as well as various other subjects. The conference will be tomorrow at 3:00 PM. (OOC: Not IRL, we can do it whenever) We wish to hear responses from both governments concerning whether they will be able to make it.

Thank you in advance,

Alfred Nursson

Agnes Liesel
East Rhuvanland