Random thoughts go here

One of my professors once casually mentioned the fact that The Stranger by Camus would be easily adaptable to the stage. I don't know if it has already been done, though it is probable, and frankly I don't care. I think i'll do it, a creative project. I didn't actually think that playwriting course I took would come in handy ever. I feel like a good place to start, besides reading the stranger again, is reading Beckett.
Serves you right for getting munted last night! Oh, btw, you missed a load of well interesting political happenings.
One of my professors once casually mentioned the fact that The Stranger by Camus would be easily adaptable to the stage. I don't know if it has already been done, though it is probable, and frankly I don't care. I think i'll do it, a creative project. I didn't actually think that playwriting course I took would come in handy ever. I feel like a good place to start, besides reading the stranger again, is reading Beckett.
It has been. The Finale. But good luck with that.
Oooh! Dare me! Dare me! I've already got all my clothes off. Sake makes me hot. That or no a/c. Probably a combo of both.
Sake? You are to your very core, a nerd.

Edit: *Sips his mojito* Apparently it was forced on you, therefore the nerdiness is transferred to your friend due to the associative property of drinking.
Now what I understand to be random has been incorherently sputtered out by the muttering fool. I G naked and hot now that is a thoughtful pic that could get me slapped.
It's bizarrely fun to mark yourself with Sharpie and then pour 99% ethanol on yourself, watching the Sharpie marks come off and stream down your arm.
I hate football. Bonzo once said "Football is a load of bollocks!", and I agree wholeheartedly. I'd rather watch paint dry than watch a group of overpaid morons bouncing a ball around for 90 sodding minutes. National game? Bah!
I was referring to the football that you play with your...foot, "soccer" as I believe you'd call it, as opposed to the bizarre nonsense comparable to futuristic Rugby you enjoy over the big pond they call they the Atlantic ocean.
I think Simon & Garfunkel clearly missed out on the potential of adding a line to "Mrs. Robinson":

"Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson. Jesus loves you more than you can see. Tee hee hee."