Random thoughts go here

I was reading the most recent issue of Scientific American, and was reading my favorite part that shows articles from older issues. I thought this month was particularly funny because it had two articles from 1860. One was on the evil absinthe that was becoming popular in France at the time, and right below it was an article extolling the wonders of the leaves of the coca plant. What made it particularly funny to me is that the last line of the absinthe article stated " Science in its very highest sense teaches us that cravings of the appetite for stimulants in human beings should, in general, be resisted." And then bam, next article is about how great coca leaves are. :lol:
I watched a national geographic documentary last night after I couldn't fall asleep about "the moment of death." It was a fairly glossed-over summation of research with too much breadth and not enough depth, especially for a nat geo production. I was saddened.
Nat Geo docos have disappointed me more and more over the years. I think I'm going to revert back to just watching things the BBC release on bluray from now on
I watched a Frontline special about the shootings that went on in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Today I felt happy because the police involved in one case were found guilty, as they should have been. It was a seriously disturbing event for me to watch that special and have it, once again, be hammered home that the police are not somehow good people just because of a badge, and often abuse their power more than the standard citizen.

I am anxious to see the results of the Danziger bridge shooting, but that trial doesn't start until 2011.

I am oftentimes disgusted to live in such a racist country where everyone somehow magically believes there is no racism.
Don't worry Deeds! you aren't in the only country that thinks they arent being racist. Certain 'non-racist' countries have mandatory detention for certain groups of potential refugees.