Random thoughts go here


^ is witty, oh so witty. ^ is pretty, and witty and gay.

And I don't give a flying fuck that this isn't the Describe the Person Above You thread, so can it, fingerpointers.
(Don't invoke his rage!)

Am I the only one who one day imagines DD going on a Hulk-esque destructo-rampage?

Oh, them boys.

I'll imagine their response for you, since neither are here to defend themselves from your Brokeback Mountain type insinuations.

DD: Screw off.
Fed: Cork Soaker.
I think DD's comedy has broken.

Ever played Metal Gear Solid 2, the end bit where it turns out all the characters are AI and they malfunction and start going mad? That's the forum right now.
I'm watching Wimbledon this year, which is surprising because I hate all sports. A friend of mine got me into it, due to a certain match on today, V. Williams vs. Sharapova. He has a thing for Williams (don't ask) and I quite fancy Sharapova, so will be an interesting match! Should have put some money on it really.
My friend Seth never came over, so I never actually got to see the movie. Sucks for both of us!

I should go make dinner. At a quarter to eleven. Yes.