Random thoughts go here

I am never eating authentic mexican food again. At least, not from places run only by illegal aliens. Because pretty much every time I do, I get sick. I think I have got me the salmonella.
oh noes!

and thats a pity bout the mexican food. maybe you should just wait until you get out here, since everyone is legal. or a REALLY good swimmer
I would totally be there if it wasnt for my years long self imposed exile.

and on that note i think i'll take my leave, before IG can come up with some witty comeback to crush me.
That is so not true. I just said twice because it was funny...once for the cheating and once for being Communist, because assuming Communists go to hell is funny.
Hey, my humour is complex, I tell you. Sometimes people don't understand. I make an exception for you, in that I'll take time to explain it. I never explain myself to people.
And now, for something completely different:

I am going to build a wigwam. This thought occurred to me when I read about american indians in this area using them as a principle form of shelter.

I have had the desire to "live simply" for a good while, I think it would be a good experience. In all honesty though it is mostly to perform the ideal Thoreau experiment of living simply, which he did not really do. Made him come off like a arrogant jerk, and made me associate him with 19th century transcendentalism, in effect making me hate it by extension.
So, i reached a new level of nerdiness this week. i was mesmerised by a documentary on the history of English. the language, not the people. it was awesome