Random thoughts go here

I love that scene. really made me think that maybe Idi Amin wasnt so bad after all. Changed my mind again within the next hour.

Best line by a psychopathic mass murderer ever: "Except for the red hair, which I'm sure is attractive to your women, but which we Africans, we find is quite disgusting."
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I am sad.

But not as sad as the anonymous guy.
Being like what? Naked?


Switch the hair for short brown, of course.
yep. that about sums it up. i think my first thesis is going to be called "The single male and the female horde: A comparison of social behaviour and structure in captive Mandrill and Hamadryas Baboon troops."
If you ask nicely, I'll do so next winter for you! Hold on...no, not really...but I can send you loads of snow then, so you can do it on your own.... :duh:
Why would I have a dream about a microscopy lab in a cave 300 feet below my high school, accessible by an elevator that was more like a dumbwaiter and staffed by satyrs?!?
they tried to teach us ultimate frisbee at school once, it quickly turned into 'throw the frisbee to the kid you dont like and then get everyone to beat the crap out of them'.

next lesson it was back to athletics