Random thoughts go here

i had a stalker once. her english wasnt so good, so every time she tried to compliment me is was incredibly backhanded. my favourite was 'even though all my friends think i am insane for liking you i still do. no idea why, but i do.'

Wow, thanks. <_<
Was she good looking? I mean errrr, I feel like that type of honesty would be refreshing. :D

I had a stalker once and I treated her poorly. I kinda regret that now.
if she was hot then she wouldnt have been my stalker would she? i felt a little guilty about not being nicer to this girl, but turns out she got with one of her friends in the end anyways.

that dude hated me so much for the last two years of high school
I hate guys who are angry at the guys who have preceeded them. Or flirted with their ex-girlfriends. I had a really upsetting experience about 2 months ago, when I took a girl to her home and then her ex showed up and was being a total dick and then spread rumors I was being creepy towards her, I still need to talk to her about it and apologize if I was, though I know I wasn't, might get a sympathy beer. It was upsetting up until recently when someone explained that he used to go out with her and was spreading the rumors because of it and the fact he is a douchebag. She was such a cool girl too, a senior.
that wangs DD. i'd like to say that i've never been the jerk ex, but that would be a blatant lie. hopefully i've gotten more mature than that by now though. realised how much is sucks for everyone else when someone is like that.
Yarrr, it does indeed wang, because when we were at the bar that night we talked about the geology course we are going on this summer and staying out there after it was over and bumming around while visiting relatives we had out west. She was obviously into me. :(
Would you? I think that having a stranger call her up to explain things would definitely eliminate any notion of me being creepy, that would be a great help.

That kinda reminded me of a line from the play I am in. "That was before I understood the situation, now that I understand the situation, are you nuts? Call her?! I wouldn't piss on her if the flames were about to engulf her, you know, central nervous system!"
sounds like a rad play. what is it called?

and a random aussie stranger calling up to say how rad you are isnt weird at all. have you forgotten the power of my deep aussie accent. american girls do whatever i want when i use it.

well, it works on the one american girl i've tried it on. ;)
It is called HurlyBurly and is rife with cool quotes that I say because I am the lead and I think my lines are the coolest, naturally, you know, put your best foot forward.

"Nobody is willing to take substantial losses for what are totally peripheral, totally transient elements. We're all just background in one another's life, cardboard cutouts bumping around in this vague, you know, hurlyburly, this spin-off of what was once prime-time life".

As for the girl, I will have a heart to heart and apologize and hopefully she will be understanding/a tad guilty so we can be on talking terms at least. I'll keep you in mind though.
those are some rad quotes. i'll have to keep an eye out for it.

and give me a heads up if you need help with the hottie. i'll be happy to help, although im sure you'll do good on your own
I didn't say she was hot, though she is. Thanks for the faith man, i'll have to let you know how it goes and just how far the resultant restraining order stipulates I have to stay away from her. I'll even convert it to metres for you. :rofl:
Now, if we were to set Planck's Constant to the value of the diameter of macaroni as expressed in nanometers... then we could have all the butter we wanted.
Do I know enough about Ancient Greek philosophy to pull off appearing to have done a lot of reading for an advanced seminar that I have today? We'll certainly find out. Final Formal Material efficient! Substance and accidents! Eidos! Wooo!