Random thoughts go here

I think arguing fell out of style with the onslaught of promoting "self-esteem." People have been conditioned to approach every sit uation selfishly. For one thing, too many people feel good about being ignorant. And another thing, any argument directed toward someone is then taken as an attack against their person, and since it's taboo to feel bad about oneself, most people walk away from an argument with their fingers in their ears, going "la la la! Not listening! You jerk!"
*Strikes heroic pose*
Guess its up to us to make them realise they really have no reason to be proud of themselves. I can live with that.
I pitched a sequel to Shawshank Redemption today to my friends. They didn't outright disagree, so I think I may be on to something here....
I dunno man. Shawshank is pretty unsequelable to me. and i think a lot of people would resent anyone making a sequel, might represent the film industry's desire to make any successful movie into a series and all that.
I think it should involve him with that boat he was working on at the end of the movie out in the open ocean and getting shanghaied by a bunch of undead pirates. With robot monkeys. And Eddie Izzard.

I'd watch it.
I pitched a sequel to Shawshank Redemption today to my friends. They didn't outright disagree, so I think I may be on to something here....
*Ronin Warriors is intrigued....

I loved the story, and the film.
Why put cherry flavoring in the chocolate on chocolate-covered dried cherries? The conflicting cherry flavors then ruin the whole choc-covered-cherry experience.
En fait, je pensais toujours qu'il n'y avait pas de membres francophones dans le Pacifique du Nord. Il me semble que je me suis trompé. Quelle joie!! :yes:
"You are British."

*many many safety catches are released*

"No, I'm Scottish!"

*rips away his shirt, so that his undershirt with a massive Scottish flag can be seen*



"Why didn't you say so?"