
Legs out is better (ahem). Without arms I couldn't hug you :P

Tiny apartment with views or large loft underground?
Typewriting. My handwriting is too small and scruffy.

Never use electronics again or never read a book (in any form) again.
mmm hard to choose

Never read a book again. I'm electronic-holic or ludolectronic or whatever.

Broadway musical or opera night?
Ice cream, any day of the year.

Lose all understanding of sound, or lose all understanding of smell?
Dickens. I don't have the slightest as to what Shakespeare is saying in his work. But that might have something to do with age, I am not sure.

5 forever or 90 forever?
Bouillabaisse. Spice.

Have to eat everything covered in salt or vinegar for the rest of your life?
Maybe I'll die by starving. Or I'll transform me in racoon, washing every meal.
I prefer salt

Depilator or shaver?