
Live on the Moon, I want to see all of Earth.

Never post here again or be forced to post here every 10 minutes for the rest of your life?
Post here every 10 minutes for the rest of my life, I don't want to let down all of you

Live in North Korea, or live on a deserted island
Crash Bandicoot... crazy nostalgia for that game, used to play it for hours.

Only eat English food for the rest fo your life or only eat Spanish food for the rest of your life?
Read only books, I'd learn way more.

Have all of your teeth taken out or have all of your fingers taken off?
Teeth taken out I would look better with false golden teeth

Read my blog or kyoki chudoku's blog everyday for the rest of your life
Stephen King because I know less about it.

Being wrong all the time and everyone believes you or being right all the time and nobody believes you?