Friends. Pancakes or pizza?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 9, 2017 #2,721 Friends. Pancakes or pizza?
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Jul 10, 2017 #2,722 Definitely Pizza every time! Toothache or Earache?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 10, 2017 #2,723 earache I can cut off my ears Batman or superman
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Jul 10, 2017 #2,724 Superman... Batman's lack of any special powers is a huge drawback! Sardines or Kippers?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 10, 2017 #2,725 Kippers. Not have a name or not have an age?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 10, 2017 #2,726 not have a age, I can get into events for free if they have like under 12's are free. Not have a face or not have a head
not have a age, I can get into events for free if they have like under 12's are free. Not have a face or not have a head
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Jul 11, 2017 #2,727 Not have a face... Though either would be highly inconvenient! Windows or Doors?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 11, 2017 #2,728 Doors. You can only look through windows unless you climb through them, but doors are more convenient. Floor or ceiling?
Doors. You can only look through windows unless you climb through them, but doors are more convenient. Floor or ceiling?
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Jul 11, 2017 #2,729 Floor... Very good for standing on! Laurel or Hardy?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 11, 2017 #2,730 Hardy? I don't really know. Toothpaste or mouthwash first?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 13, 2017 #2,731 Toothpaste pigs or horses
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Jul 13, 2017 #2,732 Horses... Have never won any money betting on a pig! Stars or Planets?
Ornge Registered TNP Nation Religioncord Discord Ornge #9476 Jul 13, 2017 #2,733 Stars, gas and fusion is more interesting that big rocks Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner/Supper?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 13, 2017 #2,734 Dinner/supper/tea don't have breakfast and sometimes I forget to have lunch second lunch or second breakfast
Dinner/supper/tea don't have breakfast and sometimes I forget to have lunch second lunch or second breakfast
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Jul 14, 2017 #2,735 Second breakfasts would be amazing! Turkey or Chicken?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 14, 2017 #2,737 Death by burning that way I get used to the heat when I'm in hell Purple or Pink?
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Jul 14, 2017 #2,738 Pink is a less aggressive colour! Run a marathon or climb a mountain?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 14, 2017 #2,739 climb a mountain there be less people Man of steel or the original superman movie
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 15, 2017 #2,740 Man of Steel. Spiderman or Batman?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 15, 2017 #2,741 Spider man be called amazing or awesome
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 16, 2017 #2,742 neither exist 100 years ago or not exist at all
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 16, 2017 #2,743 exist 100 years ago it would be a nice time to be alive have pizza or soup for the rest of your live
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 17, 2017 #2,744 Soup. I'd live a lot longer. Never have chicken again or always have to have chicken with every meal?
Soup. I'd live a lot longer. Never have chicken again or always have to have chicken with every meal?
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Jul 17, 2017 #2,745 Chicken with every meal... I can never have too much chicken! Stuck in a lift or lost in the desert?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 17, 2017 #2,746 Stuck in a lift I hate the heat die in front of heaps of people or die in front of no one and no one will ever find your body.
Stuck in a lift I hate the heat die in front of heaps of people or die in front of no one and no one will ever find your body.
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 18, 2017 #2,747 Nobody. Know what happens after death or know everything about the living world?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 18, 2017 #2,748 Know what happens after death Own the death note or have your name written down in it.
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 19, 2017 #2,749 Own the death note. Have legs for eyes or elbows for ankles?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 19, 2017 #2,750 elbows for ankles have a car made from pillows or have a car made from chocolate
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 22, 2017 #2,751 pillows be dead and aware of it or alive and unaware of it
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 22, 2017 #2,752 be dead and aware of it not sure how that will work. never be able to choose again or have to make choices every minute.
be dead and aware of it not sure how that will work. never be able to choose again or have to make choices every minute.
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Jul 22, 2017 #2,753 Make choices every minute would be stressful but interesting! Visit 100 years ago or 100 years in the future?
Make choices every minute would be stressful but interesting! Visit 100 years ago or 100 years in the future?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 22, 2017 #2,754 Visit 100 years ago it will be interesting live in the past or the future?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 23, 2017 #2,755 future. have no ears or have no hands.
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 23, 2017 #2,756 no ears have no feet or no hands?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Jul 24, 2017 #2,757 No feet. Have no eyes or no ears?
Aerilia "Always be Evil" - TNP Nation Aerilia Discord Aerilia#8878 Jul 24, 2017 #2,758 no ears have no shirts or no pants
Ornge Registered TNP Nation Religioncord Discord Ornge #9476 Jul 24, 2017 #2,759 No shirt Have no sense of touch or no sense of depth?
Wilkshire Wise Elder Statesman - TNP Nation Wilkshire Jul 27, 2017 #2,760 No sense of depth... Be horrible to lose the sense of touch! Be an Elephant for a week or a Monkey for a week?
No sense of depth... Be horrible to lose the sense of touch! Be an Elephant for a week or a Monkey for a week?