As much as I love poetry, I'd have to choose the novel. Acrobatics or magic tricks?
G Gilgethan Guest Feb 28, 2017 #2,601 As much as I love poetry, I'd have to choose the novel. Acrobatics or magic tricks?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Mar 1, 2017 #2,602 idk...magic tricks maybe? classic or fantasy novel?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Mar 3, 2017 #2,604 Stones Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Mar 3, 2017 #2,605 Led Zeppelin. Greenday or Oasis?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Mar 6, 2017 #2,606 Hmmm...Oasis! Green On Red or Gun Club?
Yrkidding TNPer - Mar 10, 2017 #2,607 I've not actually heard anything from either of them unfortunately I'm going to go with Green on Red because the name sounds vaguely familiar. The Ramones or The Clash?
I've not actually heard anything from either of them unfortunately I'm going to go with Green on Red because the name sounds vaguely familiar. The Ramones or The Clash?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Mar 10, 2017 #2,609 Morocco Vinyl or MP3?
Kaschovia Winter Phantom - - - - - - Pronouns He/Him TNP Nation Kaschovia Discord kaschovia Apr 5, 2017 #2,610 MP3, easier. Spam or spam?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Apr 5, 2017 #2,611 Hmmm...tricky...I'll choose Spam! Webcomic or Anime?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Apr 7, 2017 #2,615 Pencil Painting or poetry?
Rocketdog A rocket has landed. A dog is inside. - - - TNP Nation Xagill Discord Rocketdog Apr 18, 2017 #2,618 Insane PC or Console
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Apr 18, 2017 #2,620 Shower Sci-fi or fantasy?
Rocketdog A rocket has landed. A dog is inside. - - - TNP Nation Xagill Discord Rocketdog Apr 18, 2017 #2,621 Fantasy Fresh or Frozen?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Apr 20, 2017 #2,623 Fruit Apple or banana?
Rocketdog A rocket has landed. A dog is inside. - - - TNP Nation Xagill Discord Rocketdog Apr 21, 2017 #2,625 Chips KFC or McDonalds
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Apr 23, 2017 #2,626 Neither Souvlaki or burger?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Apr 24, 2017 #2,628 Both but since summer is near,let's say beer. Red wine or white wine?
artiza old but not obsolete TNP Nation Sunto Apr 25, 2017 #2,629 Always red wine Mozzarella or feta cheese?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Apr 26, 2017 #2,634 slippers Radio or TV?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Apr 27, 2017 #2,636 Brunette tall and fat or short and slim?
artiza old but not obsolete TNP Nation Sunto Apr 28, 2017 #2,637 it's a trap... it's a trap... Short and slim paperback or ebook?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 Apr 30, 2017 #2,638 paperback home cinema or theatre?
artiza old but not obsolete TNP Nation Sunto May 1, 2017 #2,639 Theatre Beach sunset or mountain dawn?
Darklord TNPer TNP Nation Notyoutopia Discord Darklord#8040 May 2, 2017 #2,640 Beach sunset...but also like mountain dawn Sandy beach or rocky beach?