The North Pacific Kissing Booth

"Well, for camper's I'm fixing some Brat's, Hotdogs, Hamburger's, veggie burgers(for the vegitarian's) Smoking honey Ham, and mixing mashed potatoes and gravy :yes: "

*GI starts stirring the Gravy after checking all the food making sure it doesn't burn, then goes back to playing Halo 2 with the other's*
*GI turns from playing Halo 2 to MP*

"Yes, the food is done, also, I'd like to play with you and your Wii. What game's do you have, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess?"

*GI walks away from the TV and goe's to MP's booth*
[me]wanders in, looking around.

"Oh my god, this place is a deserted, abandoned mess! Looks like a friggin' ghost town...
and this kissing booth is pretty empty, too."

[me]dusts it off and sits down on the counter, leaning back gingerly maintaining her balance, she pulls a surely out-of-date Dr. Pepper from the mini fridge and pops it open. She takes a sip.

And promptly spits it out.

"BLECH. Warm! Ugh. Man, this place needs a makeover."

[me]waves a magic wand.

"Ah, there we go. A pool AND a bar. Just what this place needed."

[me]treads water for a moment, then sticks her tongue out at Unibot and laughs.

"Can't we just say it's the deluxe edition kissing booth with pool and swim-up bar? We can say the bar is obviously the booth."

[me]slides from the pool gingerly over the countertop and then, after carefully drying it off, she pulls out a shaker and upon a careful inspection of the shelves, adds a generous splash of Pyrat reserve, a splash of Cruzan banana, and a splash of strawberry coulis.

With the help of a basket of citrus at the end of the bar, she slices a lime in half and squeezes one of the halves into the shaker. Back to the shelf and with a small thrill of acquisition, IG brandishes a Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin and adds a rather generous amount of it to top off the shaker's contents. With a few good shakes and a flourish she pours two flutes and adds a light sprinkle of fresh nutmeg to each.

[me]sets one glass at the place of an empty stool in front of her, and smirks to herself, taking a long slow sip from the other glass.

"Mmmmm.... champagne tiki. It seemed fitting. Cheers to friends, old and new."

[me]raises her glass with a nod to Blackshear and then laughs softly, taking another sip.
OPArsenal walks in wearing his finest pair of Bermuda shorts, looks around bewildered

"I smell booze. And someone did some serious cleaning in here."

OPArsenal heads to the bar, a mojito-seeking missile

"Hope nobody minds if I help myself."

OPArsenal makes his mojito, takes a sip, squeezes a little more lime into it, then gets into the pool and heads straight for the nearest floating chair

"Sweet. I haven't been here in a coon's age."
"I know, right? No one has. I had to do something! I figured a change was long overdue."

[me]knocks back the rest of her drink and dives off the bar into the pool.
[me] nods back to IG and watches the whirlwind that is OPArsenal for a while.

[me] alternately checks his watch and the door.
Nice digs! Quite the upgrade since the last time I was here.

::Fibonacci floats up to the bar, pours Pyrat on the rocks, and takes a sip.::

So. Good!

::Splashes IndieGirl::

Hiya. :)
[me]glomps Fibs into the pool with a giant tackle-hug and then realizes he probably needs to breathe, so lets him back up and gets him a new drink.


"Oh hi!"
:o "Whatever! That was OPA, I swear."

[me]discreetly passes something to Blackshear behind her back whilst distracting Fibs with another peck on the cheek and an impish grin.
::Fib decides, to hell with it, and hops out of the pool in the nude, wandering over to the trunk shack to buy new shorts. He looks back over his shoulder.::

OPA, it's rude to stare.
::IG, being a little too literal, makes the sound of a cat being dunked in water::

Fib pulls on his new trunks and CANNONBAAAAALLLLL!!!
[me]sputters for a moment and then slips from the pool back over the bar counter to get herself the rest of that bottle of Pyrat, a few orange slices, and a tall glass of ice.

"If we're going skinny dipping around here, I need to be more drunk."
Pyrat is a very good way to do that. Nom noms.

Fave rum, f'sho.

[me]steals the bottle away from Poe, takes a long pull. Gimme the ice and oranges. I'll make you a drink.