The North Pacific Kissing Booth

*IndieGirl dusts off her old corner of the booth, pulls up a stool, props open a book, and pops open a Dr. Pepper. Then smiles quietly to herself.
*IndieGirl blinks for a second and then grins. She leans over and pecks MP on the cheek before taking a long draw of the Dr. Pepper.

She then blinks again.

"Hold up. Pokemon!?"
"Is that a problem?" *Monumental Proportions asks. "A co-worker suddenly wants to battle and I need to keep up my undefeated streak."

He leans back in his chair and catches a Caterpie.
*IndieGirl chuckles as she turns a page.

"Nah. You wouldn't want to lose your dignity in a Pokemon battle."

Nonetheless, IG scoots over closer to watch MP's shoulder.
That was supposed to be "to watch over MP's shoulder."

*IndieGirl puts up a " No Gender Discrimination" sign and turns on some music. Woohoo! It's Magic[/] by The Cars!

*IndieGirl sits back down and laughs merrily.
*IndieGirl suggests MI bring the wifey back and set up his own booth.

*IndieGirl also sets up her xbox, and pulls out a stack of games, which she begins to rifle through.
*IndieGirl grabs Upper Kirby and snogs him to within an inch of his life for hanging around looking shifty.

*IndieGirl decides she's staying in this thread indefinitely until it livens up. Or is demolished by a meteor. Or exploding marshmallows, because she's going to make s'mores.
*IndieGirl puts the games on the counter, noting that the music has changed to Blind Melon. She scrambles around a nearby duffel bag, unveiling marshmallows, graham crackers, Ghirardelli chocolate squares, and some starburst. Then looks for the coat hangers and wire cutters.
*IndieGirl pops an unwrapped starburst in her mouth and snips the hangers while she unwraps it with her tongue. "Not My Slave" by Oingo Boingo comes on, and she sings along while she finishes making roasting forks with the hangers.
*IndieGirl returns with a huge armload of firewood and soon has a crisp, crackling fire going. She shivers and rubs her arms.

"I'll take some of whatever you've got that'll warm me up, Dal!

...Or you, MP," she winks with an impish grin.
"Oh, I got plans for this weekend, and dyin' ain't one of 'em."

*IndieGirl wraps up in MP's coat.

"Ooh, snuggly! But won't you get cold?"

*IndieGirl asks MP, grateful, but not wanting to impose. She fetches the marshmallows and starburst, returning to the fire.
Mental Imagination sneaks in for a moment to check on IG and smiles at the gentlemanly action of MP and bounces out as he has many threads in other places to appear in. But before leaving drops off some wood and a heavy warm jacket for MP to use. *needs to keep MP
*GI walks in with a T.v, PS-2, Socom U.S Navy Seals: Combined Assualt(New Socom ps2 game), extension cord, lumber, nail's, hammer, refrigerater, microwave, and forks and knives.*

*GI starts building a booth and walks to IG's booth*

"GI asks IG if she need's anything, I got almost everything and extra stuff?"
*IndieGirl thanks GI with a friendly kiss, although her kissing booth has been desecrated with the proximity of a playstation.

"We're all set here. But would you care to join MP and I for a Halo 2 deathmatch and s'mores?"
*IndieGirl pulls the screen down in front of her booth, and hooks the xbox up to the projector.

"Or we could play Battlefront II... Burnout 3... It's really your call."

*IndieGirl winks.

IGEdit: I forgot my "R" <-- :jack:
*GI walks over with a fully customized x-box controller*

"I'm in, put in some halo 2 :yes: "

*GI sits down*

"Let the death match begin"

*GI get's ready to shoot people in Halo 2*
*sits down, then fascinatingly watches people exchange gestures of romance*
Ah, what euphoria the wondrous realm named "internet" has bestowed upon the living souls of every mother's offspring.
*quickly finds her way out, then disappears*
*Namyeknom despairs...

You won't hear me saying this very often, but I might actually find more action in a gaming booth than this supposed kissing booth.
Unabashedly is an excellent word.

*Namyeknom orders some more unabashedly.

I also like the idea that ^ carries a stomach pump around, just in case.

*Namyeknom tries some giggling and leaving.
To go? You suggesting we skip this party and head somewhere more private?


Oh, you're suggesting I skip this party and head somewhere more lonely. I see. Just like all the others.

Ummm. Not that it happens a lot.


At least, not the unabashedly bits anyway...


edit - piss poor grammar...
GI just watches in amazment

"I wish I new everyone" :tb3:

GI turns back around and start's playing Halo 2 again

"yay, I won that match :winner: "

GI turn's around

"IG, are you still going to play, if not, I can make some dinner for everyone here, including Nam if they come back from being lonely they can have some."

GI starts cooking some food