[me]tells Fibs if he wants the ice and oranges, he's gonna have to come take them from her. After she tackle-hugs Honeysheep, of course and gives her a giant kiss on the cheek.
"I MISSED YOU, LADYFACE! I'm so glad you're back!"
[me]slowly sips the delicious cocktail while smirking over the rim of the glass. The amber liquid inside slowly but surely lowering, lowering, lowering...
"Thanks, Fibs! You're a dear. Oooh... sheepy snuggles!"
[me]mixes up a couple drinks for her and Honey. Coffee, cream, Kahlua, a splash of Pyrat for good measure, and a big ol' scoop of vanilla ice cream. Best Coffee Ever!
[me]tosses it into the pool, walks back from the edge and takes a running leap onto the inflatable sofa, hits it, bounces straight off it and lands at the bottom of the deep end on the other side of said inflatable.