The North Pacific Kissing Booth

[me] walks in for a second, and thinks aloud, "As long as they don't get out of control and annoy the neighbors, they can have all the fun they want."
[me]tells Fibs if he wants the ice and oranges, he's gonna have to come take them from her. After she tackle-hugs Honeysheep, of course and gives her a giant kiss on the cheek.

"I MISSED YOU, LADYFACE! I'm so glad you're back!"
[me]watches Poe jump HS, and grabs the ice and oranges she forgot to take with her. Begins to muddle oranges with ice.
[me]chuckles at Poe's tisk.

A modification of an Old Fashioned recipe. Delish.

[me]Finishes the drink, slides to Poe.

Now be nice and share.
"Share? This puppy's mine. ALL MIIIIINE! BWAHAHAHA ha... ha... cough, sputter, ahem. I mean, ok."

[me]takes a delicate sip and passes the glass back with a sly smile.
Thatta girl.

[me]slowly sips the delicious cocktail while smirking over the rim of the glass. The amber liquid inside slowly but surely lowering, lowering, lowering...
[me]stands up. The swim up bar is only five feet deep. Laughs at Poe, falls into the water, taking both of them with him.
ambles up and snaffles a drink.
'hiiiii poe. You are still looking as gorgeous as ever! Fancy a kiss?'

When did we get a pool in here, guys? x
[me]grins at Honey and gives her a big hug.

"Course I do! I'll kiss anything! :lol: "

[me]smooches Honeysheep. :D

We got a pool in here when I upgraded it the other day...


A pool with a swim-up bar! :w00t:
[me]wanders lazily barside and dives in the pool, popping up right next to a smooching Poe and HoneySheep

That's a good way to start the day.

[me]wanders to the bar for some coffee.
[me] whispers in Poe's ear 'Shall we give him a show, lovely?'

[me] watches Fib specuatively

I love the pool, guys. How does a girl get a drink around here?
[me]is oblivious, laser-focused on getting his morning caffeine. The sound of a coffee grinder whirs through the still air.
[me] thinks that they are being snubbed. This will not make Poe happy..

[me] goes off to find her bikini, before slinking into the pool

'Come on it Poe, the water is lovely...'
[me]giggles and whispers in Honeysheep's ear and gives her a small peck on the cheek.

[me]asks Fib for some of that with Kahlua when it's ready.

"I'll make you a drink, Hon! What would you like?"
ooo, I like Kahlua! Lots. [me] giggles

[me] wraps herself behind Poe as she sets to makin a drink, winking at fib over her shoulder
[me]passes the Kaluha.

I'll take my coffee black, at the moment.

[me]smells the coffee in his mug, and takes a small sip. He winks back at HS.
[me]gives Fibs a peck on the cheek as well.

"Thanks, Fibs! You're a dear. Oooh... sheepy snuggles!"

[me]mixes up a couple drinks for her and Honey. Coffee, cream, Kahlua, a splash of Pyrat for good measure, and a big ol' scoop of vanilla ice cream. Best Coffee Ever! :lol:
[me]returns with this, laughing:


It's my favorite toy! A sofa! :lol:

[me]tosses it into the pool, walks back from the edge and takes a running leap onto the inflatable sofa, hits it, bounces straight off it and lands at the bottom of the deep end on the other side of said inflatable.
[me]and HS swim underneath the near side of IG's floaty couch and explode upwards, sending her flipping back into the water.
[me]shrieks loudly for the 2.4 seconds it takes before her cry of surprised is drowned in 4 feet of water.

It's all fun and games until she doesn't resurface. :ph34r:
[me]sees P-diggle swimming towards him with a shark-like disposition. He laughs and braces for impact, holding up his shorts for good measure.