The North Pacific Kissing Booth

Yay! Happy Valentine's Day!

Run away! Creepy heart man will kiss you!


Or stay, and I'll save you from creepy heart man! *IndieGirl strikes a superhero pose.

just coz its valentines day, flem gets a *kiss*

and big *kisses* to nekront :)
and just coz im feeling happy, *cuddles and kisses* to ig as well!
*kisses to IG* Thanks for being such a sweeetheart! No matter how down I may get, your posts always seem to cheer me a weird yet twisted sorta way
*kisses to IG* Thanks for being such a sweeetheart! No matter how down I may get, your posts always seem to cheer me a weird yet twisted sorta way
:kiss: I'm taking that as a compliment. And I'm glad that I can cheer you up, after all the times you guys have cheered me up when I was down.

:hug: to Puckster :hug: & :kiss: to Honey :D
Who knows what may happen. Just have fun!

*Dalimbar goes sits down by the girls and gives them all the cute grin thing he does oh so well*
*throws creepy heart man into the jukebox. Throws the ujkebox at Sajlamot. Throws Sajlamot at nothing in particular. Runs around in circles like a maniac.* LET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE! I'D RATHER BE IN CZARIST RUSSIA THAN HERE!!!!! AHH!!! MAMA!!! I'M SEEING THE LIGHTING OF THE MENORAH ALL OVER AGAIN (though I'm not really Jewish)!!! AHH!!!
Now, now AI. Enough of that. This room is for loving, not fighting...

I remember when this room was all about the kissing, not the screaming or the locking up... :mad:

*looks across at NH*

*huddles up with Sajlamot* Now, there is only one way out and we have to do it in a very calm manner. Ahem. *tears down the wall with a cave club* AYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Just to keep on topic, AI kisses his club* You have done me well.
*reads the above*


*giggles like a school girl*

Tut tut IG, I wouldn't have expected you to go for an easy innuendo... :shifty:
I take innuendo in any way, shape, or form. Clubs are always welcome.

By the way, y'all, Opa says "Hi, and that there's free love on the free love freeway. The love is free. And the freeway is long."

Apparently the heat is getting to him.
(steps in, puts out his pipe and gets a Menthos)

Thinks: "Romance and flirtation seem to be out of fashion"

(looks around the booth, empty of people but a lot of dust, candy wrappers and soda cans on the floor)

Mutters: "This makes me sad."

(Steps out, squinting at the sunshine, listening to birds singing)
(sits on a bench outside the booth)

Mumbles: "Flaming Booth indeed, I have seen that idea somewhere, it keeps people from biting their fingers off..."

(takes a relaxed posture on the bench, staying on watch for occasional mini-skirts)

Says to himself: "This looks like a perfcect spot to recruit new TNP'ers. " :hello:
(Moves few feet right on the bench, because some nude dude wearing just a bowler hat is standing between him and sun, preventing him getting a good tan.)
*looks down*


Ahh, yeah. Forgot about that...

(This thread is rapidly becoming the Whats happening outside of the North Pacific Kissing Booth...)