Pet Peeves

PP: Empty packages in the pantry and empty containers in the fridge. If you take the last pack of cookies, throw away the box. If you finish the juice, throw away the carton. How hard can it be?
PP: Empty packages in the pantry and empty containers in the fridge. If you take the last pack of cookies, throw away the box. If you finish the juice, throw away the carton. How hard can it be?
Harder than having mum do it. :P

PP: Reaching for the cookies only to find the package is empty.
Oh, I'm just getting warmed up.

PP: The laundry! I don't know what's worse, finding clean clothes tossed in the hamper because they didnt feel like hanging them back up after they changed their minds about wearing them, OR hearing them complain they have nothing to wear because they didn't bother putting the dirty ones in the hamper in the first place.
PP: When your family doesn't buy you a birthday present because apparently if you buy your own they don't have to. And you think it's an April Fool's joke because sometimes you're stupid and trusting like that, and it winds up that they really didn't and then you have to spend your whole birthday doing yardwork and cleaning the house because your parents are anal-retentive and mom decides to start promoting healthy eating habits that same day and you don't even get cake on your own damn birthday, instead you get strawberries in danish dessert with some fat-free whipped cream so that your dad doesn't die of a heart attack and high cholesterol.

PP: The fact that any birthday after 18 pretty much sucks.
PP: ^ having her parents lie to her.

Other PP: ^'s crazy co-workers. I wanna slap them all, and torture one in particular...
PP: Not being able to do fire tomorrow because I provided an 'insufficient risk assessment' (I followed EXACTLY the instructions I was given), not contacting the fire brigade (we barely have enough flammable liquids to set fire to our fire equipment, let alone ourselves and other people) and, this is a doozy, not giving them sufficient time to consider our request, sufficient time being '4-8 weeks'.
:eyebrow: :blink: :mad: :mad:
PP: The school holding all these midnight things right around exam time. I want to be social but I also want sleep! But the ice cream was good, the karoke was mediocre. :D