Pet Peeves

PP: Clients swearing at you and throwing temper-tantrums. I don't tolerate this sort of behaviour from my children, why should I tolerate it from grown adults.

(Bad work experience, financial co-management can be a pain somedays. especially when you travel 6 hours through heavy snowfall, to be sworn at and bullied for the next 6 hours and then getting to travel home for 8 hours through a blizzard only to wake up after 4 hours sleep to go back into work so you can organize what you did the day before and maybe start setting things right rather than responding to crisis after crisis)

/rant - breathe
PP: a bus system that isn't even run right! (Had to run 10 blocks to a job interview yesterday...grrrr!)
PP1: The flu. I woke up this morning with a splitting headache which has persisted all day. Because of this, I can't go to a Battle of the Bands concert and take pictures this evening.
PP2: My tutor reminding my tutorial of an assignment due in tomorrow today. Couldn't he of reminded us last week? <_<
PP: That sore feeling one gets in their jaw after chewing gum for a long time.
PP: When people do silly things like complain about bold fonts about 2 centimetres above their own bold fonted signature.