Pet Peeves

PP: The shitty online pre-registration form that wont work for me. What was wrong with me taking a form to a human being and letting them sign it off, huh??
Beauracratic bullshit in general pisses me off.
On eof my clients is being investigated for fraud

Pet Peeve: Panic when you really can't do anything about it
Close second pet peeve: dis-honest people who would rather take the community's money and line their pockets with it than feed the kids at school with a breakfast program.

Personal preference: I hope those involved get whats coming to them
PP: The administration aspect of schooling. Don't get me wrong, I love learning, and I'm all about getting an education, but the forum one has to operate in these days to be able to "successfully" claim having one is bollocks. Stupid effing &%)($&*^ (%@&$ university wankers.
It's funny when Rowan Atkinson does it.

PP: The shockingly great lack of hot British accents around here. (In Utah.) I've been faking one for a week, and it's just not the same.
It's funny when Rowan Atkinson does it.

PP: The shockingly great lack of hot British accents around here. (In Utah.) I've been faking one for a week, and it's just not the same.
Ship me over then; I think I've found my niche.

PP: Lack of tea.
PP: Spilling cumin seeds and having to pick them up.
PP2: IG not having a decent internet connection so we cant have a British voice chat with YIM or the like. We could phone, but I am a tight git poor student.
PP: People who think they can get away with double dipping or false statements just because of who they are or their sorry circumstances.