Pet Peeves

PP: people who's trying to help but always end up getting in the way and you just can't be a dick and tell them "leave me alone" because that would be insensitive
PP: when random chicks add me on facebook....and I see she has 10 mutual friends but totally can't know any of us personally. And if she does, i'm worried about my circle of friends.
They must want you Punk D ;)

PP: When Telemarketers call me and I tell them I am not interested. So they call me again, and again, until I get mad.
^ that totally sucks! Been in that situation before. I don't envy you. :(

PP: when my iTunes shuffle seems to be prescient in relation to my moods, usually the crummy ones. Stop playing depressing songs already. THANKS A LOT STEVE JOBS.
pp: Small town syndrome. You know, where everyone knows who you are, everyone knows your family and everyone knows your parents well. They all have an opinion on which one of them you look like more, and it's hard to grieve and deal with other family things privately as everyone has an opinion or everyone wants a gossip. Everyone has expectations of you and what you should achieve, and how far you are going to go in life - and sometimes I feel like I just wish I'd grown up in a city as an anonymous person, where it wouldn't matter if I didn't live up to those expectations or if I had a bad haircut. That was more of a rant :p
^story of my teenage years (and early college)

pp: being told I'm not a Christian because I reject doctrines that aren't even in the Bible.
PP: When news organizations use (all the time it seems like) equivalents to the "little boy" device dropped on Hiroshima to provide a sense of scale of energy released. Is it really that useful, or effective, to compare a weather event to, say, a bomb that killed 60,000 people instantly and near leveled a modestly sized industrial city in 1940's Japan? Or the chelyabinsk meteorite? Utterly stupid and irrelevant to anyone but maybe a survivor of Hiroshima who could go "Oohhhhh, now I truly understand how energetic that earthquake really was". :eyeroll:
PP: Does Johnny Depp have a stipulation put into his contract that Helena Bonham Carter has to be in every movie he is in. God I am so tired of the both of them. TAKE A FEW YEARS OFF, I'm sick of the quirkiness!
PP: The selfish and unexamined mindset of kids raised in wealth. Wow, you're an obnoxious 22 year old republican! Tell me how exactly your parents providing for you doesn't count as "handouts"?
About that Helena & Johnny thing... I don't think Tim Burton even needs to pitch his film ideas anymore, he just gets Johnny and Helena in a room and goes "Right! Here's what we're doing next!..."

PP: So many crappy summer blockbusters.