Pet Peeves

PP: People who say socialized medicine would increase waiting times. I already have to wait 2 weeks just for a "getting to know you" meeting with my Primary Care Physician. :eyeroll:
PP: Some nurse telling me that codeine is as strong as hydrocodone, when the doctor who prescribed it to me specifically said she was putting me on something stronger than codeine.
PP: How incredibly rude and unconcerned with following social conventions people only a little younger than me are. I had to explain that when you don't reply to someone when you're having a conversation it makes it seem like you're not paying attention to the person you're talking with. I also explained that there is no such thing as good multi-tasking, cognitively speaking you cannot focus well on two tasks at once. Your attention oscillates between the two to the detriment of both.

I feel like the social circles I revolve in are utter shit. I don't have a clue where I could find friends who aren't totally self-centered and completely oblivious.
I was having a similar issue myself a few weeks ago Deeds. Thankfully i got in touch with an old workmate and can now hang out with their mates.

my current PP: that i have to decide between going to see the yeah yeah yeahs in sydney OR a 4 day houseboat party with a girl i fancy. I think im leaning towards YYYs. girls can wait.
The other thing is far more expensive. and i think i might have promised old mates that i would go with them to YYYs. maybe i'll try hitch up to the houseboat after the gig finishes
well it depends on how south you are talking. Tasmanians certainly cop a lot of flak, but in general northern australians are the backwards ones.