Pet Peeves

PP: stupid inflated academia. Let me tell you in highfalutin terms and in great length what could be summed up in one sentence..."We sat around and watched people while taking tallies.". But no, it has to be a paragraph long.
Having to repeat a whole bit of Force Unleashed because of a mistimed jump. It ain't the mid-90s!

Oh wait, you can save! This'll save some time.
People who assume that there must be an assumption about their plans just because I ask about them and then state I got the answer I wanted.
officers that think they know everything. I am going to become an officer because of douches like the one i am referring to.
PP: Poor controls governing AI behavior in Empire Earth! If I wanted to be successful i'd need to pause the game multiple times during battle to micromanage every single soldier. It's a real time strategy game, not a real time tactical game.
News services that horrendously abbreviate everything. I don't even recognize it as anything but gibberish at first.

Examples: ATTNY GEN for Attorney General. Or SECY for Secretary.