Pet Peeves

My washing machine broke, flooded the laundry room, dripped down through the kitchen ceiling, and inexplicably spewed water all over the basement through a mysterious drain pipe I never knew existed. I am peeved.
that this:

could be extinct within 5 years because there is no one qualified and willing to manage its last breeding site. and because chinese 'medicine' claims that its an incredible aphrodisiac.
People who won't leave the pub at closing time.
I know a great way to remove those types - it involves a couple of drops of Visine Eydrops in their drink. They will be gone in about a minute, that is if they make it to the bathroom before their colon evacuates down their pant-leg. Oh, and they will never come back. :lol:

Pet Peeve - practical jokers at bars who drop a fresh 9v transistor battery in the urinal.
People who constantly text message me on my cell phone...

And people who call me on my cell phone when I am on the crapper.
People who constantly text message me on my cell phone...

And people who call me on my cell phone when I am on the crapper.
I've taken to carrying it in there with me. If it's not important, I'll just excuse myself. If it's someone really annoying and persistent, I will begin making bowel noises until they hang up.

People who dont understand military jargon.

J/K...a muster is basically calling roll. like they used to do in gradeschool, to make sure everyone is present. its usually done at the end of liberty, and during battlestations.