Pet Peeves

the lack of resolution in lost. it was rad for the first series, but i expected some sort of answer in the second. instead it just got even more smacked out
people that are jerks to retail assistants. chances are they are a whole lot smarter than the people they are serving, so stop behaving like you are superior.
the ones that really bug me are the other retail workers who are jerks. although i do love going into their work and being a jerk to them afterwards. ah petty revenge.
PP: that the unadulterated beauty of Kate Beaton's comics will probably be mauled after a hattip from Wired magazine. Stupid bastards. I found her first! I refuse!
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Oh, amen to that one too.

Also: Tuesday's server updates on WoW. If I'm paying to play, I better be able to play whenever I damn well feel like it, you jerks.
The stupid little "stop pouring brewed coffee" button preventing me from putting the pot back on the burner. Crummy coffee maker.