
  1. The Yeti

    [RP] — News of Kyowara in Mercanti

    Welcome to Bulletn. Welcome to Bulletn, your premier destination for curated news and insights. At Bulletn, we simplify your daily information intake by bringing together the latest headlines, in-depth articles, and trending stories from trusted sources around the globe and Kyowara to ensure all...
  2. Antonius Kaizuniviel

    The Eiyglish Newsroom

    OOC - 26 December 2024 This is the thread that will display all news stories pertaining to Eiygland and any events portrayed from an Eiyglish perspective. Please refrain from posting in this thread and feel free to contact me either on the forums or on Discord for any questions or concerns...
  3. Krehamn

    Kuitentsyol News

    OOC: This will be a list of all the news from Kuitentsyol that will be under a number of different publications. Hope you enjoy reading! Plans to expand KUTZS released Zhunbäzar, Nissel-Uul, Kuitentsyol l The Government of the Khanate has formally released their plans to expand the...
  4. Longboard

    Radio Free Anmativeda

    Radio Free Anmativeda is a private, non profit corporation that operates a news service that broadcasts radio programs and publishes online, news, information, and and commentary to its audience in Anmativeda. The service, which is editorially independent, has the mission of providing...
  5. The Republic Of Ukelect

    Gallery Of Your Country!

    Post an image about anything (e.g Landscapes, City views, etc) that is happening on your country! (NOT IRL COUNTRY). You can add some information and details of the image if you want. No need to have a big event captured in an image. Just any photos about anything in your fantasy country! (...
  6. Cretox

    Greitbart | Breaking: NPA Soldier Bitten by Bug, Becomes Threat to Region

    Breaking: NPA Soldier Bitten by Bug, Becomes Threat to Region MAGICALITY CITY - While scrubbing toilets in the Ministry of Defense's private officers' bathroom, an unassuming NPA soldier was bitten by a radioactive dung beetle that somehow got out of the Ministry's bioweapon test lab. In a...
  7. Cretox

    Greitbart News Megathread

    Greitbart: News You Can Use! If you choose not to use this news you will be banned. For thousands, perhaps millions of years, GREITBART has stood for truth, justice, and the Northern way. For the longest time, this grand and incorrigibly benevolent effort has been largely decentralized, no...
  8. Vivanco

    Vivanco's Gambit!

    Greetings! Do you like chess and like to hear about chess? You've come to the right place!
  9. R

    EPNS and I got promoted!

    Hi everyone, welcome to the 19th Edition of the Eastern Pacific News Service! Read within for interview coverage on N-Day 2021, the candidate profiles from the past TEP election, and happenings and opinions on TEP law. Dispatch: TEP Forums...
  10. Dinoium

    The North Pacifican Tropical ─ September 2021 Election Coverage

    Magicality City, TNP ─ Welcome to The North Pacifican Tropical! I have decided for this one election, I will do private media coverage of the September election. As I am busy IRL, I'm unsure if this will be done again for the January election (maybe if there's demand for it and I'm available)...
  11. Yves

    Bryse News :: Bryske Nyheter

    Train Derailment Kills 2 In Størmo A train carrying approximately 340 passengers from the Råndemme to the Lange Street in Størmo, derailed on it's way, while trying to stop at the Helgen Johann station which stood in between of Råndemme , Ambassade and Lange Street. The derailment occurred...
  12. Mazdia

    The Indigo Leaf: Mazdia's National Newspaper.

  13. TerraMine

    The Kannio Times

    Hello dear reader! Do you want to have unbiased news from a non-governmental source? Then The Kannio Times is the news source for you! We post new articles every day, and breaking news will be given directly to you as soon as possible, free of charge!
  14. SCP Foundation

    The Arisomian Tribune - (Solo)

    Thursday, 10 December 2020 | Issue #001 Annual House of Delegates elections to be hosted next week. Recently, the Arisomian Electoral Commission has announced that the next House of Delegates elections will be happening, which means a new Prime Minister! According to the latest poll, it will be...
  15. Andrenne

    [Inaius] Galactic News Thread V2

    OOC Note: Hello! This is a remake of an older thread that has been lost in time. I figured it's best to start fresh with this, since Inaius and the nations in it have changed so much since the original 2018 thread. This is pretty simple. It's for news posts in Inaius nations be they just for...
  16. ParallelFederation

    Greetings from the Federation of Sovereign Parallel States!

    Nation: The Federation of Sovereign Parallel States (SPS for short, I guess) RL Country?: Australia, the land down under! Favourite Colour(s): Green and purple, although not together. Do you use Discord?: Ye, username is HotCha#7259 Political Ideology? Liberal, Conservative, Anarchist, do you...
  17. Icekrieg

    Cardinelean News Thread

    Poison in the Water! Defoliates, pesticides, and fertilizer from cotton productions have found their way into rivers, streams, lakes and groundwater. Industrial pollution and mining waste have also found its way into water supplies. The Azenica river of the East is an important source of...
  18. ACR of Deerfenland

    ENN Thread

    OCLUSIA PASSES NEW LAWS; NATION UNDER FIRE Opinion by Ivan Okeke Updated 6:52 PM MTZ, Wed September 29, 2019 Editor's Note: Ivan Okeke is a Political Science Director at the University of Astratov School of Eras. The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official...
  19. That1Guy

    Breaking News! Insurance and Basket Weaving becomes major industry in Yugobatania!

    In recent news, the country of Yugobatania has recently become one of the leading nations in the world in terms of insurance, reaching the top 4% worldwide, and the top 3% within the North Pacific. Basket weaving comes in second, with Yugobatania reaching the top 7% worldwide and withing the...
  20. Lynxi

    The Osiris Oracle Issue Eleven- Back n Tings

  21. Eireistan

    Eireianian President Resigns

    Official Letter from the Ambassador of the Federation of Eireistan Wednesday 19/12/2018 Today, Former President Algi Montelle resigned the presidency. He was replaced by Vice President Tamala Kerry. Algi was prosecuted after a nationwide investigation by the E.F.I.S., that spanned many...