Search results

  1. Grossmania

    [Complete]At Vote:[SC] Commend Vancouvia

    Against. The Isle of Grossmania defers to the judgment of our Delegate and the Ministry.
  2. Grossmania

    At Vote:[GA] Repeal "Stopping Suicide Seeds" [Complete]

    Aye. This repeals a resolution that should never have been passed. The World Assembly should have no role in agricultural matters.
  3. Grossmania

    [Complete]At Vote:[SC] Commend Dyr Nasad

    Aye, solely in deference to our Delegate's opinion above.
  4. Grossmania

    At Vote:[GA] Nuclear Security Protocol [Complete]

    Nay. This resolution is poorly-drafted and objectively toothless. Prohibiting legislation that "could be interpret as..." is a recipe for needless interference by the world body in national affairs. We recommend that the drafter of this resolution enroll in linguistics and legal drafting...
  5. Grossmania

    At Vote:[GA] Law Enforcement Education [Complete]

    The World Assembly exists to ensure basic human rights, to preserve common interests of the world community, and to contribute to the shared safety and security of its member nations. It provides a very basic "baseline" of common rules. However, many well-intentioned delegates promulgate...
  6. Grossmania

    At Vote:[GA] Law Enforcement Education [Complete]

    Nay, this represents significant WA overreach.
  7. Grossmania

    [Complete]At Vote:[SC] Condemn Caelapes

    Nay. This resolution, proferred just after the election, is the epitome of sour grapes. It is the natural outgrowth of a political system in which we are encouraged to dig in, to never compromise, and to obstruct at all costs. Our nation did not vote for Caelapes, and we do not support...
  8. Grossmania

    At Vote:[GA] Repeal "Rights and Duties of WA States" [Complete]

    Nay, in deference to the committee's recommendation. We would otherwise have voted in the affirmative.
  9. Grossmania

    At Vote:[GA] Preservation of Artefacts [Complete]

    Aye. How refreshing to see a resolution that is on-point, relevant, and useful to the world! We note the strange choice of the disfavored British spelling "artefact," but will overlook this stylistic choice.
  10. Grossmania

    Old Citizenship Applications

    I, the leader of The North Pacific nation of The Isle of Grossmania, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will...
  11. Grossmania

    [Complete]At Vote:[SC] Condemn Kknight

    Nay. Why must the World Assembly waste our time with commendations and condemnations? Is there nothing of substance to debate in this world of ours?
  12. Grossmania

    At Vote:[GA] Repeal "Sexual Health and Education Act" [Complete]

    Aye, for reason previously expressed when we opposed the initial resolution. We do regret the strange rationales articulated in this motion to repeal, particularly the reference to "a variety of species" that "do not have puberty." Our nation's WA advisory panel strongly suspects that the...
  13. Grossmania

    Role Call 2.0

    Reporting for duty!
  14. Grossmania

    [Complete][SC] Commend Separatist Peoples

    Fellow TNP nations, we propose that we vote down the resolution at bar to avoid a conflict between the "thread vote" and our delegate's actual vote. We request that any nation voting in the affirmative revise their vote to help us avoid an unseemly internal tempest over what appears to be a...
  15. Grossmania

    [Complete][SC] Commend Separatist Peoples

    Nay. It was our nation's understanding that the delegate would be voting based upon the input in this forum; indeed, it was that understanding that has led us to participate in this forum and attempt to use our opinions to sway the votes of other member nations. If that is not how this forum...
  16. Grossmania

    At Vote:[GA] Repeal "Nuclear Material Safeguards" [Complete]

    Aye. We find it amusing and disappointing that the resolution concludes with a "hope" that a better replacement will take the place of this admittedly flawed resolution. Would it have been too much trouble for the drafter to simply draft a better resolution, and put it forward to replace the...
  17. Grossmania

    Greetings from Sunny Kristalmaan!

    Kristalmaan is an ally and friend of The Isle of Grossmania, and enjoys our full support and protection. Though her majesty's Kingdom has been an active member of this Region for longer than our own fledgling nation, we extend our welcome to the TNP forums.
  18. Grossmania

    [Complete]At Vote:[SC] Condemn DEN

    Nay. We are not persuaded by this strangely-supported resolution. However, we do request that our nation's own security apparatus take note of any threat posed by DEN and its ilk, and request reassurance that DEN's allegedly rogue actions do not pose a threat to The North Pacific.
  19. Grossmania

    At Vote:[GA] Cyber Security Convention [Complete]

    I note that the resolution REQUIRES us to outlaw cyber-terrorism and prosecute its perpetrators, whether they have targeted international targets or not. To us, this is a clear breach of sovereignty.
  20. Grossmania

    At Vote:[GA] Cyber Security Convention [Complete]

    Nay. The Isle of Grossmania believes that this resolution contains one edict that is appropriate and laudable- prohibiting member nations from engaging in cyber warfare- and one that is inappropriate- requiring legislation to outlaw the practice of cyber-terrorism. Given the broad definition...
  21. Grossmania

    Bow to your Queen

    The Isle of Grossmania greets your majesty!
  22. Grossmania


    Members of the North Pacific, Greetings, The Isle of Grossmania thanks you all for the warm welcome you have given our young nation, and for the unmatched regional infrastructure and resources that so many of you have built together. It is clear that many hours of dedicated work has gone into...
  23. Grossmania

    [Complete][SC] Repeal "Condemn Vandoosa"

    Yea. The Isle of Grossmania did not understand this convoluted resolution at first, but following an investigation and report from our Minister of Petty Grievances by Other States That Don't Affect Us, we have concluded that the original condemnation was unwarranted. Consequently, we urge our...
  24. Grossmania

    At Vote:[AT VOTE] Sexual Health and Education Act [Complete]

    Nay. While The Isle of Grossmania supports sexual health education for our own citizens, we believe the World Assembly overreaches when it mandates programs of this type for its constituent nations. We prefer a more limited World Assembly, one focused on the preservation of peace and the...
  25. Grossmania

    Applications for the Executive Staff

    Nation in The North Pacific: The Isle of Grossmania Ministry you are interested in joining: Ministry of Communications (Optional) Previous experience in this area of government: Published author, practicing attorney