Repeal "Condemn Vandoosa"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: SC#188
Proposed by: Wallenburg
Description: WA Security Council Resolution #188: Condemn Vandoosa shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
Argument: Applauding international efforts to combat raiding;
Recognizing that condemnations do little to discourage raiding, and often serve as badges of honor to prominent raiders;
Alarmed at the assertions that Vandoosa participated in raiding Alternate World History and is its current delegate to the World Assembly, both of which are incorrect;
Dismissing the claim that the Glorious Nations of Iwaku have fallen apart due to Vandoosa's actions, considering that the region has not fallen at all, and is actually quite successful;
Questioning Vandoosa's true impact on the international community, and recognizing the lack of evidence for many of the claims in the condemnation of Vandoosa;
Noting the dissonance of condemning Vandoosa for supposedly injuring the Glorious Nations of Iwaku, yet explicitly stating the further injury of this region's activity as one of the condemnation's main goals;
Believing that nations should not be condemned on false pretenses;
Observing no benefit to any nation but Vandoosa itself in the continued existence of SC#188;
The World Assembly hereby repeals SC#188, "Condemn Vandoosa".
Please vote For, Against, Abstain (for the Delegate to Abtain), or Present (you Abstain).
This proposal is quorate and will be at vote at the upcoming minor update on Sunday.