At Vote:[GA] Law Enforcement Education [Complete]

Law Enforcement Education
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.
Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Happy People Land

Description: The purpose of this resolution is to increase the education of both the police and the public on how to maintain a trusting relationship to lower crime and increase safety.

RECOGNIZING The growing distrust of law enforcement by the general public

WORRIED That due to this distrust citizens are less likely to contact and cooperate with law enforcement hence increasing crime

UNDERSTANDING That by educating both the public and the police on how to maintain a healthy and mutual relationship we would resolve this issue

NOTING That the World Assembly supports global stability and the protection of citizens. By educating both the public and the police we will lower crime and increase safety.

ACKNOWLEDGING That this is a two way issue, the public needs to be educated on how to respect the police and in turn the police need to be educated on how to respect the rights of the public.

GRACIOUS For the hard working law enforcement agencies and responsible law abiding citizens

HEREBY Creates a program to lower crime and increase safety by educating law enforcement and the public

1) All law enforcement agencies in participation World Assembly Nations are required to hold public meetings to discuss issues with the public in order to increase understanding and cooperation.

2) Funds will be needed to create educational programs for law enforcement officers so that they will be trained to deal with the public in a responsible and respectful manner.

3) All law enforcement officers will be required to take the above stated educational program.

This Resolution will increase funding to law enforcement agencies to better educate both members of law enforcement and the public on how to maintain respectful relations. By educating the public and law enforcement agencies we will reduce crime and increase safety by encouraging citizens to cooperate with police and teaching law enforcement to be respectful of citizens rights.

Please vote For, Against, Abstain, or Present.
I'm against, personally - it seems an unnecessary piece of interference.
Already voted against. Police, whether we disagree with any ideologies of any nation or region, should be a sovereign responsibility and there are already World Assembly resolutions on how branches of government must treat citizens. There are also a lot of nations who don't have problems with their police at all.
I'm just curious: At what point do you guys begin to consider it "overreach" ?
The World Assembly exists to ensure basic human rights, to preserve common interests of the world community, and to contribute to the shared safety and security of its member nations. It provides a very basic "baseline" of common rules. However, many well-intentioned delegates promulgate proposals that would interfere with the domestic policies of the constituent nations of the World Assembly, a phenomenon we broadly label "overreach."

Our nation often agrees with the underlying policy concerns in such proposals: we support law enforcement education, reproductive health education, measures against cyberterrorists, among others. However, we do not support these resolutions, because we make a distinction between things that are good to do for our nation, and things that are good to do for ALL nations. We do not want the World Assembly homogenizing the laws of its member states. We favor a very restrictive view of the proper role of the World Assembly.

TL;DR: it's good idea, but the WA shouldn't be the one enacting it.
I'm just curious: At what point do you guys begin to consider it "overreach" ?
The World Assembly exists to ensure basic human rights, to preserve common interests of the world community, and to contribute to the shared safety and security of its member nations. It provides a very basic "baseline" of common rules. However, many well-intentioned delegates promulgate proposals that would interfere with the domestic policies of the constituent nations of the World Assembly, a phenomenon we broadly label "overreach."

Our nation often agrees with the underlying policy concerns in such proposals: we support law enforcement education, reproductive health education, measures against cyberterrorists, among others. However, we do not support these resolutions, because we make a distinction between things that are good to do for our nation, and things that are good to do for ALL nations. We do not want the World Assembly homogenizing the laws of its member states. We favor a very restrictive view of the proper role of the World Assembly.

TL;DR: it's good idea, but the WA shouldn't be the one enacting it.
Thank you.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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