At Vote:[GA] Repeal "Sexual Health and Education Act" [Complete]

Repeal "Sexual Health and Education Act"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.
Category: Repeal
Resolution: GA#359
Proposed by: Vancouvia

Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #359: Sexual Health and Education Act (Category: Education and Creativity; Area of Effect: Educational) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The World Assembly,

Recognizing the aim of Resolution #359 to attempt to give students a sexual education;

Yet concerned about the many flaws of Resolution #359, including that it:

I. Ignores that this World Assembly is made up of a variety of species, including ones that do not have puberty, ones that do not have any form of sex or gender, and ones that would have no use learning "human anatomy" instead of their own species' anatomy;

II. Arbitrarily sets age brackets for various topics of sexual education to be taught, without reference to the fact that even human children enter puberty at a wide range of ages;

III. Allows students to be exempt from the entire course and have to take a "standard health course" instead, but fails to mention any difference between the two courses, or even what in vague terms a standard health course would cover;

IV. Permits only parents to exempt students from the sexual curriculum, ignoring the plethora of children in our member states who have a guardian instead of a parent;

V. Exempts private schools entirely, allowing nations which do not make use of public schooling to fail to educate students on sexual health at all;

Declaring that these numerous flaws yield to a superfluous, vague, disagreeable, and narrow resolution;

Hereby repeals "General Assembly Resolution #359, Sexual Health and Education Act"

Please vote: For, Against, Abstain, or Present.

As a reminder, a vote in favor means that you want to remove the existing legislation from the books.
Ministry of WA Affairs Recommendation
When the target resolution was originally at vote, The North Pacific was against it's implementation. As a result, we recommend a vote in favor to remove this legislation from effect.
Aye, for reason previously expressed when we opposed the initial resolution. We do regret the strange rationales articulated in this motion to repeal, particularly the reference to "a variety of species" that "do not have puberty." Our nation's WA advisory panel strongly suspects that the leaders of the nation promulgating this resolution have not, in fact, undergone puberty themselves.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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